Transformation thread.
Transformation thread
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it piss
Fuck. Jason has the same midsection as me now.
The left is his current physique, not the right. :^)
totally worth the time and effort
Janoy looking pretty good for literally the first time ever.
Anyway, here's me after two and four years.
>Dem quads
Holy fuck
How you deal with lose skin?
I'm currently losing weight and worried about 1,87 122kg..
legs look totally fucked up after 2 years and then become greek god statue level after 4 years. Mirin hard over here!
>tfw you want to compete in physique but your legs are your best muscle group
Just fuck my shit up
That's the difference between SS and Madcow (routines between pic 1 and 2), and PHAT and PPL (routines between 2 and 3). I'm glad I built the base first though, otherwise they might have just been average.
Fuck, your skin genetics are great considering youve lost so much weight. You look amazing dude, such a great job.
I went from 355 to 235, and i have alot more muscle mass then you, but my fat stores and super loose skin around my tits and midsection make me look so much worse.
I am this dude
my legs are currently very pronounced so I just want to overly develop them any further. In two weeks I will have my upper body lift and it is going to make my upper body look even more disproportional than it already is. Do you have any recommendation? Maybe a PPLPP routine lean bulk?
the difference between the picture in the middle and the one on the right is some lifting and a €22k lower body lift operation. I'd say my wallet compensates for my shitty skin genetics in that regard.
These pictures are 3 years difference. Although I lost a lot of motivation from stalled lifts in 2016.
This should be posted every time someone asks about wide hips and lifting as "there is always hope" motivation. Great work
Hey man, sorry but im not entirely sure what you're asking - are you saying your legs are already developed and you want to let your upperbody catch up?
If so, run coolcicada's PPL (google it, it's on but substitute one of the leg days for an arm and shoulder day. Cheers!
I never get tired of seeing your retarded t rex legs
Fuark, that's a hell of a transformation.
How long was the recovery on the skin surgery, are you going to do upper skin surgery?
yeah, sorry. I meant I DON'T want to overly develop the legs any further. I basically just want to maintain the legs and let the upper body catch up to make me look proportional. I will look up coolcicadas PPL. Thanks
Left is from end of Feb, started doing SS + dumbbell accessories at end of March, right is from end of June.
Went from 60/105/105/165 to 100/195/245/295. Will post current pic in just a minute.
And I never get tired of posting them!
It's been 4 months since the operation and I am quite fine. I've been lifting for 2 months with no problems. The first 2-3 weeks after the operation are really tough, from then on out it gets way better.
The upper body lift is scheduled in two weeks, I will have a chest + thorax lift. I am looking forward to wearing a well fitting tshirt without being scared of bitch tits for the first time in my life. I want to actually bring my shoulders bag and stick my chest out instead of always hunching ever so slightly in the hopes of hiding my man tits.
I know it might sounds pathetic but you have no idea how much I am looking forward to that moment.
Currently doing 105/195/315/305. Trying not to force too much out of diddlies since my dad hurt his back real bad and I don't wanna end up like him. My plan is to switch to coolcicada's PPL at the end of September since it has strength focused compounds plus hypertrophy minded accessories. I'll be starting a cut in January. And I have to block off my face because there's a website I go on where people would recognize me if I post here.
I'm with you man, recovered fatty here.
Took forever to lose my love handles.
Wearing a tight fitting shirt, or tucking in a business shirt feels incredible.
Really nice my dude.
Honestly you don't really look different.
What the hell do you do for legs? Looking like Tom Platz. Mirin.
>And I have to block off my face because there's a website I go on where people would recognize me if I post here.
And they'll see you with your shirt off? Big deal.
Well, I ran SS and then Madcows for two years - that brought them up to the ridiculousness of the second pic.
Then I got a hernia and actually stopped squatting, just hammered out 8-10 sets of leg press in the 8-20 rep range as my primary mass builder. Now I'm working squats back into my routine, slowly.
congrats on upgrading your phone i guess?
what kind of savage charges their phone while taking a naked booty picture?
>got a tattoo
>lost glasses
god I hate vapid sluts
Am i a good boy?
Well, thanks anyways I guess.
It's kind of complicated but I don't want to contribute to any more of the rampant shitposting on there than I already have.
Went from a step above skinnyfat to redneck size to pretty damn decent. How tall are you?
6'4 392lbs to 198lbs
how is that belly skin lookin? mad respect btw
You look even fatter
Yeah, like I said, not doing a cut right now. Trying to just focus on building strength and muscle.
Nice gyno fag
have you had surgery? if so i'd fuck you until you can't walk
postops are disgusting preops are hot
i'm not trusting anyone after this
That's not a watch, it's a bulk-meter. When it fits it's time to cut.
>le SS meme
Dude, cut the lower body work to once a week and slam your upper body.
But otherwise, absolutely making it.
How are your facial gains?
no bully pls
How long did it take to go from left to right?
How long did it take you to get from middle to right? On a cut right now and I keep thinking to myself "just a little more".
About a year.
How long did it take you look amazing....
It took about 1,5 years from left to middle. The middle picture is pre lifting. After about 4 months of lifting I had the lower body lift. The right picture is 4 months after the operation (some light lifting for about 2 months).
All in all I have very little lifting experience and my upper body lacks horribly. I have a slight V taper in the right picture but that is basically just my rib-cage. Without the excess skin hanging off of me you would directly see my ribs.
is that you lazy masquerade?
Well, as I've said in that post you're quoting, I'm switching to a PPL with much more upper body work once I hit the 6 month mark.
>be me
>77kg in february - march
>weigh myself this week
>can't tell any difference
>some of my shirts have too short sleeves now
WHERE did this weight go
MFP says i was 296 (6'1)
190 now
lost about 200 lbs in total
>296 to 190
i don't know why i thought my hair was nice
wow who hurt you?
i used to weigh 400 pounds, i started losing weight almost 2 years ago
you look like billy the fridge
hahahaha my friend in high school used to say i looked like the dude from balls of fury
amen especially if they have a feminine cock
Math isn't your strong suit, is it?
wow you look way worse now
logic isn't your strong suit, is it?
if you read the fucking name of the picture you'll see it's a year old, i didn't claim to lose 200 pounds in that time frame, did i, fucktard?
mirin facial gains breh
>loses 106 pounds
Yeah, we can round that to 200. Who cares we're freaks.
>fatass with loose skin gets incredibly mad that his shit math skills are called out
Wew lad. Cut down on the sugar, fatty. It'll help.
ignore them
good progress bud :)
whatever man. this is supposed to be a fucking motivational thread. you think i'm proud i used to be a deathfat? post your fucking progress if you're going to be a dick for no reason, anons
yo miring the shoulders
Your face gains are extremely impressive.
Please don't hold the phone like that, it seriously bothers me
took me about two years
I'd go on a bit of a diet and train harder...not bad overall.
most impressive one I've seen yet. keep up the good work.
Germananon, did you get laid yet? Upper bodylift soon?
I came for advice.
Im more mentally screwed up than I realized. I have some sort of mental block about looking better. Its taken me ages to realize I do actually care what I look like and others perception of me.
The thing is that I have aspects that cant be 'fixed' so it getting fit wont make me attractive in the sexual sense.
What is puzzling me is that for there to be a block, it has to be blocking a wish that I cant for the life of me understand.
Its not a wish for longevity, health, or sexual appeal. It has, I think, something to do with self validation, and I know I have a very poor self image.
Something is nagging me to try to look better. But I have no idea why or what it is. With or without choice, I have no social contact. I have no peer group or social circle.
All there is is me. I dont know what my mind is trying to tell me. I am almost certain it has to do with self respect somehow, perhaps trying to convey it, or simply manifest it.
I have no concept of a future, so 'progress' isnt the goal. Its the act itself somehow. Its something about *being* someone who maintains themselves. If it has no impact on my social life, and health, gains and sex isnt the motivation, I cant figure out what the nagging in my head is coming from.
Sorry for rambling.
5'7 160 lbs right picture (from 190) 155lbs left picture
I can do 3x5 pullups with 50lbs added but struggling to progress on bench and ohp because of a fucked up shoulder injury. What can I do so that my chest doesn't lag further behind i'm scared of getting ninja turtle mode
mirin quadzilla
Sorry, the whole left/right thing was bugging me for some reason.
Thats pretty awesome. I wouldn't have even known it was possible in 8 months. You inspire.
Please dont indulge negativity. You clearly deserve better than mind toxins.
And you can be proud. You know what it was like and will have knowledge others could only speculate, and may sadly someday learn. It happens. Your former composition may perturb you, but it was good enough to drive you to where you are now. And thats pretty darn awesome. You won!
Hair frames the face and is all about proportions. I went through ridiculous styles that for some reason, I thought fit and didnt.
Im sure it would look better now. Either is fine.
I too am curious, as I will deal with it also. I imagine it has to subside somewhat over time. Even if it doesn't, it still beats the crap out of the alternative.
Relapsed a bit for reasons. Gotta get back into things.
>admitting you're 5'11
No one here is qualified to provide you with anything really beneficial. Even if we were, you aren't likely to internalize it because we are strangers on the internet and you have no stock in what we say. If you believe you have a real problem, you should speak with a licensed therapist. A problem like yours will not be uncommon to them.
well done!
Thanks, Im shy of that field though.
This thread has helped me already though. Seeing will become reality is very moving for me. I am presently hashing it out in a journal, taking inventory of the past and such. Its focusing me, which is very difficult for me to do. I just thought maybe others had experienced such a block and might know something. I've gotten a lot from some Tony Robbins, if that gives any context, specifically the first two days of his Get the Edge piece and the first six days of Personal Power II.
A sample for those who arent familiar:
You guys have been better company than you may realize, and I am grateful.
bro I wish tax payer money went to people like you who turned it all around to fix that fucking skin, instead of harboring illegals and paying for tranny hormones.
What a sick world we live in
Pretty gud work