When did you realize that you were better off not coming to Veeky Forums for advice on anything?

When did you realize that you were better off not coming to Veeky Forums for advice on anything?

When did you realize that all you need are youtube channels, reddit, and a few websites about fitness/nutrition to learn everything?

When did you realize that at best, most people go to other places to learn and simply talk about those articles or videos on here so you might as well get it from the primary source?

That's so true. Once you learn basic form and nutrition everything else from that point on should just be you listening to your body and learning what works best for it. It's still fun to come here though.

who comes to Veeky Forums for actual advice? literal down syndrome detected

When did you realize that the skill of sifting through Veeky Forums to find actual advice is the most valuable thing to have?

The way Veeky Forums operates, the 'authority factor' doesnt exist. This factor is seen in reddit's karma system, and in real life can range from status to good looks. Majority of people cannot think for themselves, so they need this authority factor as a crutch to make decisions in their life. These people are so easily manipulated, because they appeal to hivemind activity, and more importantly they are blind to their own conscience.

When you can effectively differ good advice from bad, jew slayer from goy, millionaire from pajeet purely on text alone, you can apply this skill to every aspect of life, and ultimately you realize how important listening to your own conscience really is.

>tfw grew by crypto portfolio from 300$ to several thousand in 1 month
>tfw I realized college was not the path for me and dropped out
>tfw /pol/ redpilled me on a daily basis, introduced me to WikiLeaks
>tfw hit 1/2/3/4 while looking /aesthetic/ thanks to fit
>stopped reading YA trash and hopped on some actual Veeky Forumserasure
>tfw my aquarium is looking great thanks to /an/ aquarium generals
>tfw I can finally see my own path, and can impose my will onto reality

delet this

OP is a frogposting redditor from /r/Veeky Forums

Don't bother trying to talk to him

>When did you realize that the skill of sifting through Veeky Forums to find actual advice is the most valuable thing to have?

I never realized that because it's not a skill, also it's retarded. This place is a massive waste of time. You'd get likely BETTER information much faster by using other dedicated websites.

>>tfw grew by crypto portfolio from 300$ to several thousand in 1 month
You got lucky in a crypto bull market. Good work but there was no skill involved.
>>tfw I realized college was not the path for me and dropped out
The people who say this end up being losers
>>tfw /pol/ redpilled me on a daily basis, introduced me to WikiLeaks
Redpilled you on what? How the Jews and blacks are the reason you're unsuccessful and how all women are whores? Lmao
>>tfw hit 1/2/3/4 while looking /aesthetic/ thanks to fit
How did Veeky Forums help you besides telling you a beginner routine you could have found on your own?

I try to get Veeky Forums to talk about lifestyle improvement but it's a struggle.

The /sig/ threads end up being sadcunts that want to talk more about "muh accepting yourself, you don't need validation from sluts". Fuck off my dudes, I love sluts and want more of them.

Hard to find a like minded community of guys trying to max thier Chadâ„¢ level that also isn't a cringy humblebrag karma/rep fest or "muh manosphere".

Veeky Forums, due to its anonymous nature, is really the only shot, but alas. It's evident people here are content with staying the same.
Old 2011 /sp/ would even be a better chance at that than here.

I am Jewish

Enjoy going into student loan debt when I'm going to be doubling your McJob salary with a trade school degree.

Please go back to /r/Veeky Forums if you're just here for the leg day memes.

Okay lol enjoy crawling around on your hands and knees while I make more than you in a comfy air-conditioned office.

>I am jewish
So what exactly did /pol/ redpill you on then?