> He doesn't get mental gains and contradict the dumb gym bro contradiction. Which makes girls extremely wet.
I hope you're either going for a professional certificate or reading a good book in your leisure.
> He doesn't get mental gains and contradict the dumb gym bro contradiction. Which makes girls extremely wet.
I hope you're either going for a professional certificate or reading a good book in your leisure.
>atlas shrugged
>mental gains
Atlas Shrugged is /pol/babby's first political philosophy. The Fountainhead is an objectively superior novel, and still relatively pleb as far as mental gains go.
>I am 19 and this is deep
Even /pol/ outgrew this meme, tf are you doing bro you absolute mad man
>muh Gulag Archipelago
>gettin shredded
>pissing off their social science friends with firsthand accounts of the dangers of socialism
>Ayn Rand
>mental gains
>implying OP didn't post that picture to bait replies
He's right though. If you're not making mental gains then how can you say you're self-improving?
>read, read, then read more
>learn another language
>learn an instrument
If you're not doing at least one of these alongside lifting and whatever your full time responsibility (job, uni etc) is, you're doing it wrong.
Feel free to add to my list
Also while i'm at it, if you're just lifting and not also doing cardio and working on mobility you're also doing it wrong. Big muscles do not equal a healthy and athletic body
I'd add laughing at user missing quadruples by 1
>Ayn "Died on welfare" Rand
Objectivism only works when you have a constant stream of plebs to abuse.
>tfw feel like getting dumber
I think I might have early symptoms of alzheimer's and I'm only 20
if you want truly based political and cultural satire while also reading something incredibly creative, deep and hilarious get on the discworld series. the best ones about culture, politics and race are the ones based in ankh-morpork (city watch series, moist von lipwig series, the truth etc) but they're all fucking brilliant
rip based wordman
>incredibly creative and deep
yeeeeah, totally
She also thought a Female president was never possible because Women weren't strong enough of character.
I really like objectivisim, but I think Ayn Rand had some serious shortcomings, not the least of which being that she was a very poor fiction writer who happened to fluke and write "The Fountainhead".
If objectivism is so great, why is Africa a shithole?
>ayn rand
>mental gains
>Not reading Solzhenitsyn
>Not reading Dostoevsky
>Life is shit and then you die
Wow, I am much smarter now for reading 10,000 pages of it
> What is challenging the perspectives of dealing with said "life is shit" for $200?
>challenging the perspectives of dealing with said "life is shit"
Nice attempt at sounding smart.
Are you saying that Dostoevsky's characters are actually cheerfully optimistic?
Because that would be "challenging" the perspective of "dealing with life is shit"
No. His characters portray a small spectrum of processes that appear intentionally as hopeless, down trodden, etc. Then overtones are depressing, but you're tale away from the questions invoked are what matters. As is with any author who has attempted to "paint a mental menagerie."
It is just complicated questioning for the individual. Makes it more personal and meaningful.
Rand gets a ton of shit, but I actually kind of liked the fountainhead. I picked it up because of a girl but ended up enjoying it.
Love Dosto. Have read notes from underground and C&P, going to read the brothers karamazov next which as I understand is his magnum opus.
Just finished blood meridian which was fantastic, and began infinite jest because I like DFW a lot and thoguht I'd give it a chance despite the shit I see it's given on here.
>Infinite Jest
Let me save you the trouble
The book is intentionally bad because that's how crazy people experience the world.
But you can't say it's a bad book because it's ironically bad! It's ironically bad for 1,079 pages.
>hearsay from a tsarist reactionary is somehow any more credible than infowars because the CIA said so
The vast majority of his claims have not been confirmed with either documentary or material evidence.
:( This makes me sad. I bought the book because I knew it would take me longer to get through (busy times ahead for me) than the duration I can borrow it from the library. Now I have to read it.
Its my understanding that it's structured the way it is with the endnotes very deliberately (obviously) because DFW wanted to produce something that wasnt mindless, easy to digest entertainment like so much of whats out there. Which he is opposed to I think.
Fuck off Peterson
>Its my understanding that it's structured the way it is with the endnotes very deliberately (obviously) because DFW wanted to produce something that wasnt mindless, easy to digest entertainment like so much of whats out there. Which he is opposed to I think.
That's admirable stance to take
But he takes that idea and beats you over the head over and over and over again with it.
Like yes, I get it, you wrote an intentionally obfuscated story in order to make some kind of point about clarity and perception. I got that 100 pages in, well done.
It's like someone doing an impression of a retard where they slur their words and use bad grammar. But they keep doing it for a whole day. It's no longer clever. Just annoying.
>reading subversive shit from a jewess
fuuuuck. Are there any other well developed/explored themes within its ~1000 pages that you found worthwhile to read through?
>Like yes, I get it, you wrote an intentionally obfuscated story in order to make some kind of point about clarity and perception. I got that 100 pages in, well done.
I felt that way about the Sound and the Fury.
>tfw decided to stop being neet and get fit
>focused all time and energy on new found job, lifting, and bettering nutrition
>can feel my mental gains leaving me
I'm getting slower at math, getting less witty, don't have time to read like I used to, and my vocabulary is going to shit. I used to be in the gifted programs at school. Been thinking of doing khan academy and going through some of my old AP textbooks front to back for some brain exercises. Anyone have suggestions for good books to read?
>professional certificate
These are memes offered by for-profit companies
They get you nowhere
But reading Ayn Rand will literally make you retarded and lose all your mental gains.
>equating Ayn Rand with /pol/
You're a retard too. Rand was a Jew lolbertardian, about the complete opposite of anyone on /pol/.
>not reading Adolf Hitler
>not reading Evola
>not reading Mircea Eliade
You are never going to make mental gains without these.
>tfw too intelligence to get into discussion about books
>haha nobody died in the Soviet Union bro, Bernie 2020!
I'm reading this right now. It's pretty basic, really.
>implying capitalist worship isn't equivalent to /pol/
For some reason I've gotten extremely interest into the occult and other esoteric religious stuffs recently. Really weird.
It literally isn't? Vast majority of /pol/acks are National Socialists, which is anti-capitalist as much as it is anti-communist.
>unironically reading rand
You know that she's fucking retarded and an absolutely god awful writer right? At least rec them the Greeks or murakami or something
>ayn rand
Don't listen to this fag right here . IJ is good.
So anti-capitalist that they crushed those troublesome labor unions, engaged in massive privatization, and quietly forgot about most of the economic reforms proposed in the 25 points of 1920.
I'm /fitlit/ and this thread should be deleted NOW because it shows how dumb fitlit famlams are.
>not even libertarians will defend this
When did Rand say "workers should obey their boss no matter what"?
She comes close by saying that your action should be guided only by self interest but that you have to comply with others claims to property, which seems a bit arbitrary to me.
Post favorite books.
I don't mean /fitlit/ I mean your personal favorite. I want to see how shit /fit's/ taste really is.
i read 6 books in the last 7weeks
Ayn Rand was a great philosopher. Her philosophy is the most useful thing I've found if you want to be successful in life.
That's a lie. She died rich (sold a lot of books).
>contradict the dumb gym bro contradiction
>professional certificate
jesus christ op you're really setting the bar low here
Because niggers aren't human thus your argument is null
Fountainhead was definitely better, as it was a story with an attached philosophy, rather than Atlas Shrugged, which was just a philosophy flavored with an attached story.
I actually read Atlas Shrugged just because it gets cited so much and is considered a pillar stone in the libertarian movement, but holy shit is that book garbage. That book is a shit and will not grant you any mental gains, and I am quite sympathetic towards the political view.
If you think trying to get a CFA is setting the bar low than you don't know wtf you're talking about. There are easy certifications and then there are some that are downright brutal.
CFA, Series 7, CPA, CISA, Actuary exams. All are hard as fuck.
It's called bait, sport, and all of you were hook line an' sinker.
Currently reading meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Get /fitlit/ or die trying
>triggered commie faggot detected