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what exercises focusing on what muscles would help me hold firearms at arms length for longer before becoming fatigued?

Other urls found in this thread:

lats, shoulders, back, neck, core, legs, forearms

Holding increasingly heavier weight like it was a gun?

Focus on triceps, primarily. Overhead dumbbell press or bench dip would be my suggestions.

dead hangs 3xF

point, post, sprawl 3x10

>forward flexion at the shoulder

Standing push press, probably using a plate or something.
Like the first half of the exercise in this video

tight pants tight groupings

Having a strong grip is very useful for recoil management. Cardio is also extremely underrated...unless you plan on sitting on your ass the entire duration of the gun fight...

If you still aren't sure which muscles you need to work just hold your rifle in the ready position and see which part of your body fatigues first.

This one

>body fatigues first.
yeah, it's my fucking arms that turn to spaghetti. I'm already a 6'0 150 lb skeletor that runs a lot.

your gunna wanna do a lot of forearm endurance shit, farmers carries, dead hangs, etc


well you should have a routine that revolves around horizontal push/pull vertical push/pull hip hinge and knee extension movement with various types of carries but your best bet would be a crucifix hold for time or literally just holding your rifle for time.

sorry knee flexion

biceps the plate carrier hides everything else.

My delta always get tired first if it's a heavy rifle. Then my forearms. I would say OHPs and curls. Pull ups wouldn't hurt either.

This was a nice little thread. I more enjoy these ones that discuss training for practical work application of strength outside of trying to catch mires in the club.

You could start by not being a tactifaggot using a thumb over bore grip. Fuck these fads

Tell us about your rifle OP. What's the weight with a loaded mag?

Training to hold a rifle aimed at a target for an extended period of time is only useful for competition shooting and make-believe anyway.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but TOB vs. a regular under-the-handguard grip with a bend in the elbow can be explained in a very simple way for Veeky Forumsizens. Hold out a weight with your elbow fully locked out and then hold out the weight with a bend in your elbow. See which one you get tired with first

Has Haley ever posted about his workout routine? Good to see a gun guy in shape.

too lazy to try, which is it?

Can you read between the lines?

I can't read


You're worried about that when you should be worried about actually handling the stress of a gun fight.

Just don't hold your gun up for that long. Any sort of fatigue is going to throw your shots. You're better holding at a ready position and having the strength to hold a steady shot when you need to, than being fatigued when you need to start throwing accurate shots.