Mental Gains

Is there a proven diet or exercise program that will increase IQ? I know Dave Asprey makes a lot of wild claims but I'm wondering if anyone out there has anything backed by actual academic research.

Other urls found in this thread:


IQ can only decrease overtime. Cardio and resistance training can slow cognitive as you age, but you're not going to get smarter with exercise.

So what is it you want to gain exactly?

Better reading comprehension, faster math skills, better reasoning? Just general intelligence? How do you personally define that?

I mean, IQ is kind of bullshit in that it only shows how skilled you are relative to the objectives of an IQ test.

What is it you want?

Oh look, another thinly veiled /pol/ thread.

This board has really gone down the shitter ever since 2014.

Suggestion noted.

I basically suspected as much but it's nice to get a second opinion.

>So what is it you want to gain exactly?
>Better reading comprehension, faster math skills, better reasoning?
All of the above, more or less.

>ever since 2012

You can't increase your IQ.

>IQ is bullshit

Then practice each of those things individually. Theres no supplement that will increase your vocabulary or teach you calculus in your sleep. If you want better reasoning and deduction skills, find a hobby or job thats completely foreign to you and do it until you figure it out. Then do it again and again. Challenge yourself.

If it leads to the creation of nothing and is little more then eggheads sitting in a sewing circle jacking off...then yeah. It is bullshit.

>IQ can only decrease overtime.
>implying our IQ is the highest right as we are born

Cardio intensive exercises will increase blood flow to the brain. im not sure they will raise your IQ, but when I am serious about my cardio, I definitely notice that I am overall sharper, and think more clearly.

I have literally no idea if there is physical exercise that can help increase your mental performance, not going to say IQ, just your general mental functions throughout the day.

Here is my advice though to help your logical and analytical skills increase:
>Play Chess a lot and with skilled players, join a chess society in your local area
>Play Go (same instructions as chess)
>Do origami and other puzzled to increase your spatial reasoning skills
>If you are still in Uni take pure mathematics courses, these will be hard but they will change your the way you think and/or the way your thought processes work

This all worked for me, especially the pure mathematics and chess.

IQ is HIGHLY correlated with :


IQ is the most researched topic in all of psychology. This is because intelligence is the defining characteristic of the human species, and therefore the most important to study.

Homeless people have an average IQ of 70.

Billionaires have an average IQ of 140.

If you had to pick one factor to give your children, it would be a genius level IQ. A high IQ makes you wealthier, and by extension healthier, and happier. You look at the world and understand the systems at play, able to manipulate them to serve you.

Humans are the apex predator, able to DESTROY earth and every other species on it. Not because we are faster, stronger or taller than other animals, but because we are SMARTER.

Intelligence is all that truly matters. It could not be further from bullshit.

Yikes, I guess for your family genes... Cuz you're a FUCKING moron

My time to shine, I work as an education sector consultant and have a degree in education and social policy from Northwestern University.

Increasing IQ isn't really that important all things considered. You can still pursue a well rounded education through keenly developing autodidactic skills through practicing motivation and effort.

A good way of maximizing your brain is to be well rounded. Here's a list

>Learn how to read critically, listen carefully, evaluate competing claims, weigh evidence, and come to thoughtful judgments to be an active and informed citizen.

>Study American and world history to understand measures that have helped or harmed the economy, how conflicts start and die, etc. Study important issues like Jim Crow, the progressive movement, the Cold War, the Great Depression, prohibition, etc.

To know the evil and goodness of which men are capable, further study history, and study the constitution to know the mechanisms that have been created to protect our rights and freedoms.

>Study fiction to gain insights of character to learn about motivation, kindness, greatness of spirit, imagination, and the depths of evil and other negative facets of human nature.

And so on and so forth. Study mathematics principles to learn how numbers are used and misused in the media. Study economics. Etc.

You should also study how cultures interact with each other. Study another language to learn how other people think and see the world differently. Learn how to appreciate other world views to combat provincialism.

I can go on but hopefully you get an idea. Read longform journalism, read classics, read textbooks, read NY times best sellers. Take notes in the books you read. Ask questions. Email the authors. Write a blog trying to make sense of everything you read and form your own opinions.

Are you fucking retarded?

The unibomber was a legit comicbook mad scientist level goddamned genius and Donald Trump can barely tie his fucking shoes.

None of that shit correlates to fucking anything. The true movers and shakers of the world were men and women who were more then likely only slightly above intelligence at best but had a passion and drive and ability to attract and interact with others that gathered like minded individuals and thus power to themselves.

PS. High IQ has almost always equaled unhappy.

>two examples trump scientific evidence
Found the homeless person

Where did you read about billionaires all having 140 IQs again?
I'm curious.

Fuck you're dumb.

>Study important issues like Jim Crow, the progressive movement, the Cold War, the Great Depression, prohibition, etc.
>Study fiction to gain insights of character to learn about motivation, kindness, greatness of spirit, imagination, and the depths of evil and other negative facets of human nature.
Holy LEL, you'll tell him to study all this nonsense, but won't tell him to study things like formal logic? You should be fired from your position.
>Study mathematics principles to learn how numbers are used and misused in the media.
Yeah, no, you're not going to finish an entire calculus track, differential equations track, linear algebra, and discrete mathematics and have a better understanding of how "numbers" are misused in media. If you want to learn how DATA is misused you need to take a statistics/data science class.
Again, you should be terminated from your position.

Are you actually implying the Don isn't at least above average intelligence?

Dude you're missing the forest for the trees

Formal logic is important and statistics too (whatever, Im not getting into a pedantic argument about which few subjects you want to advocate as being of paramount importance) to but no single subject is THE most important. What's important is getting a well rounded education.

How are your wife's kids?

You're talking to a /pol/ transplant, it's no use. If you're a high school teacher, imagine trying to get through to the edgy kid who "ironically" makes jew jokes and thinks he's "smart but disengaged" when he gets shit grades.

>muh passion and drive

lmao enjoy poverty

Would you rather

>learn something
>increase your iq

You don't need to increase your IQ to learn shit, its basically meaningless.

He's going by self reported scores.
There is no way in fuck that a billionaire is going to report themselves as being average intelligence.
Come back when you have hard evidence.

PS. Relative wealth, healthy foods and lifestyle choices, good upbringing, and a tight nit safe community has always equaled intelligent well rounded children.
Unless there is some kind of environmental or chemical fuck up going on.

Probably not.
The dude's a fucking failure when it comes to business.

>LE POL LE POL everytime someone disagrees, even with non political comments

Low IQ detected

>thinks he's "smart but disengaged" when he gets shit grades

Projection detcted

Lmao, if Donald is what liberals refer to as a business failure, then I want to fucking fail as hard as he did too

>ugh it's a conspiracy man, they're all lying about their IQs

Damn son, I guess you didn't grow up in a tight 'nit' community

>IQ is HIGHLY correlated with :
lel then everyone on /r9k/ should be happy right?


>Lmao, if Donald is what liberals refer to as a business failure, then I want to fucking fail as hard as he did too
>>ugh it's a conspiracy man, they're all lying about their IQs
>Damn son, I guess you didn't grow up in a tight 'nit' community

Are you fucking retarded?
Or are you a shill
>you liberals
Ah, I see.
You're one of those people.

No, you are entirely wrong. Some things are not worth learning. Getting a well rounded education will get you social points as you can hold more conversations and may perform marginally better in your area, but should not be placed above becoming a master in certain areas.

For example, it is financially advantageous to master mathematics and/or hard science and not know a single thing about literature and/or the arts as you are more employable.

Simply put, in a capitalistic economy such as America, quantitative skills are much more valuable than anything else and you are far better served to spend your time improving these than becoming a well rounded academic. Again, some things ARE NOT worth learning.

didn't see this until i already posted
>/pol/ transplant
lol, you wish.

Nope, IQ is inherited by and large through genetics. Not developed in tight nit communities.

>thinks he's "smart but disengaged" when he gets shit grades
that user is right though, if someone is "smart but disengaged" then they aren't smart, they're a fucking idiot

Fuck that textbook.

> here it is a pseudo code of bubble sort.
> now, please implement a linear algorithm for the TSP.

Donald Trump is way smarter than you'll ever be

>IQ is HIGHLY correlated with :
No, there is a correlation but it isn't high

Are you fucking retarded? That is not a valid point or a counter claim to anything anyone has said in this thread. I don't know what kind of upvote based community you crawled out of you fucking idiot, but over here you're going to have to back up your claims with evidence. You can't just spout some neckbeards tier 'ah ur one of the unenlightened XD' and then watch as your opponent gets buried in a hail of downvotes from your fellow armchair psychologists and psuedointellectuals. No, either develop some substance or shut the fuck up.

And stop typing with paragraph breaks after every sentence you fucking Redditor. Jesus Christ, you're a trip.

Then why doesn't almost everyone have high IQs?
Stable safe societies and communities where intelligence is fostered oft have greater basic intelligence.

Well he's got a point, I don't know that much about donald's business endeavors, but he has achieved more than anyone than on this fucking board when it comes to income.

You view is massively warped if don is a "failure" at business. He owns million dollar companies, you don't. He's sitting in the oval office and you're not.

>IQ is inherited by and large through genetics
This has not been proven at all. There is evidence that intelligence is hereditary to some extent but your comment is a dramatic exaggeration. Stop talking out your fucking ass because you watched a ten minute youtube seminar you cunt

Doctorate in genetics here.

The general figure for the heritability of IQ, according to an authoritative American Psychological Association report, is 0.45 for children, and rises to around 0.75 for late teens and adults. In simpler terms, IQ goes from being weakly correlated with genetics, for children, to being strongly correlated with genetics for late teens and adults. The heritability of IQ increases with age and reaches an asymptote at 18–20 years of age and continues at that level well into adulthood. Recent studies suggest that family and parenting characteristics are not significant contributors to variation in IQ scores; however, poor prenatal environment, malnutrition and disease can have deleterious effects.

The spacing is called paragraphs and sentences.
We've been doing that on Veeky Forums longer then reddit has ever been a thing.

Nice job of trying to claim something that is older then the site you're obviously shilling originates from there as a way to memetically tie it to Veeky Forums without having to actually pop into every thread.

As I was saying. You've actually not said I was wrong or proved it. Only shat out a wall of text filled with pointless adhom.

Also I forgot this in my first response:
>whatever, Im not getting into a pedantic argument about which few subjects you want to advocate as being of paramount importance
I'm not advocating that a calculus track, differential equations track, linear algebra, and discrete mathematics are more important than statistics or data science, I'm mocking your shallow understanding of mathematics and data science.
You said
>Study mathematics principles to learn how numbers are used and misused in the media.
From this, it's clear to me that you don't know much about mathematics as learning the principles of mathematics will not help you understand how numbers are misused in the media. What I'm saying is that learning statistics will help you do that, not learning the "principles of mathematics," whatever the hell you think that is.

>no counter evidence

Lmao, let me guess you're here fresh from some 'anyone can be smart' TedX motivational speech and now you're projecting?

>you cunt

Quickness to anger and low impulse control are often correlated with low intelligence :^)


Imrpvoes concentration, memory, impulse control, emotional intelligence, reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, increases grey matter, activates prefrontal cortex, increase attention span, imrpoved neurondigestive tracts and many more!

He inherited his wealth and connections from his father and the place in the upper strata of society where he was born.

He never built any of those million dollar businesses. As a matter of fact, he's gone bankrupt multiple times.

>This has not been proven at all. There is evidence that intelligence is hereditary to some extent but your comment is a dramatic exaggeration. Stop talking out your fucking ass because you watched a ten minute youtube seminar you cunt
>actually believing this


Because lower IQ people breed like cockroaches.

>Stable safe societies and communities where intelligence is fostered oft have greater basic intelligence.

That is causation of higher IQ people settling there.

>The true movers and shakers of the world were men and women who were more then likely only slightly above intelligence

The true "shakers" of the world are one in a billion. Nikola Tesla, almost all modern technology is thanks to him. IQ above 200. Smartest man to probably ever live. IQ is extremely important. There is a reason a two story building was never made in Sub-Saharan Africa before a Christian missionary came in.

>he's gone bankrupt multiple times
And he's still worth more than you will ever be, I'm not even trying to be a kiss ass for Trump, but c'mon dude, calling him a failure at business is an extreme exaggeration

You're dramatically oversimplifying "intelligence" if you think there is any consensus within the scientific community that it is largely inherited.

I don't know why you're shitposting when this is easily verifiable with a cursory google search on the matter

He increased the initial investment given to him a dozen times over.

You know nothing about how business works. Declaring Bankruptcy doesn't mean you have zero dollars, it is a way to write off unprofitable ventures without having to pay them off. Going bankrupt from a business sense isn't the same as having zero dollars in your bank because of your $100k student loan debt in a meme degree that you were hoping Bernie Sanders would pay off.

HAHA how brain dead stupid are you? The Don is smarter and better than you sweetie.

>The dude's a fucking failure when it comes to business.


>There is a reason a two story building was never made in Sub-Saharan Africa before a Christian missionary came in.
maybe they had no use for one considering the geography they lived, not to mention that Africa isn't exactly host tall, strong trees

>Probably not.
>The dude's a fucking failure when it comes to business.

Turn off the fucking TV dude.

He is a failure at business.
His wealth doesn't come from his business sense.
It's inherited.

He's a low IQ redditor who will believe anything that John Stewart and The Huffington Post tells him to. Explaining financial issues to liberals is casting your pearls before swine my friend.

You should probably read a book. It'll help your understanding of the world. Something you know very little about.

Nope, he grew it himself because he's really fucking smart.

IDK about that, but since /pol/ decided to use that image I know of some things that decrease IQ. Racism forced black people into inner cities with poor diets and pollution. Exposure to pollutants such as lead decreases IQ (black people are much more likely to have this). Malnutrition also decreases IQ (again, thanks to racists like you this affects black people more).

So if you want a high IQ don't live in the places that white people forced blacks into and don't have the diets that black people were forced to adopt due to your racism.

Also, reading /pol/ and supporting white supremacism have been proven to decrease your IQ so maybe stop that senpai

Yea I'm sure that's the reason man. It's not like they are and have always been behind in everything. You're right man. So right.

>not to mention that Africa isn't exactly host tall, strong trees

You are ignorant as fuck

>You're dramatically oversimplifying "intelligence"
The please tell me what intelligence is to you. Emotional intelligence? Creativity? NONE of these can predict real world outcomes as much as IQ.

>if you think there is any consensus within the scientific community that it is largely inherited.
specifiy what "scientist", I couldn't give a fuck what some sociologist has to say on the matter, however geneticist and intelligence researchers are a different story.

> this is easily verifiable with a cursory google search on the matter
Yeah meme articles desperately trying to latch on to the myth of equality.



prove me wrong then spaz

Anyone who believes in 'emotional intelligence' is a fucking idiot.

>NONE of these can predict real world outcomes as much as IQ
riveting strawman. i guess low iq is correlated with being illiterate in your case

The Congo is one of the top global regions for the production of timber.

Not all of Africa is a savannah idiot.

Makes sense. It's why rural people are he most intelligent of them all!

Well then pick one (if you were the user I was replying to). Pick ANY form of intelligence that these vapid egalitarians try and throw out, but none of them are able to predict real world result such as IQ.

we were talking about nigeria

I was agreeing with you, you twit.

Definitely better than reading reddit. Everyone just goes along in the hive mind. Only ever see the popular opinions. Not even memeing here, Veeky Forums has some very intelligent conversations beneath all the filth. It's gotten me way more into philosophy and esoteric authors such as P.D. Ouspensky.

Your post said Africa

>insecure /pol/faggot thread

Lol sad!

>Probably not.
>The dude's a fucking failure when it comes to business.
wtf I love business failures now

Well then explain yourself then user, excuse me for incorrectly inferring something that you were not very clear about. Explain how I was oversimplifying intelligence.

Go ahead I made 3 statements, if I'm so low IQ as you say refute what I said.

Are you arguing with yourself? No one said anything about other forms of intelligence you moron, stop looking for reasons to regurgitate the one video you watched on the topic

"happiness" is impossible to quantify and using homeless and billionaires as examples is silly but it is a fact that IQ is positively correlated with socio-economic status and that there is a significant difference in average IQ between racial categories. building a political program around assumed reasons why this may be the case a la /pol/tards is a bit silly, but denying it's true at all is just retarded. if the left wants to win this fight y'all need to accept reality and work within its confines. the ideal of equality a few hundred years ago was that of equivalent moral worth of all individuals, and somehow that has morphed into the greatest taboo in our society being noticing that people aren't equivalent in capability

People are painting H3 productions as alt right now? Why, did he make a joke about a feminist once or something? Ethan isn't alt right, what a joke.

lel RACISM RACISM RACISM!!!!! You're a RACIST, RACIST. They're only like that because of RACISM! RACISM!

literally (you)

and I was replying to a post with the link about nigeria and two story buildings, maybe get some context before jump into someone else's conversation

>bluepill faggot detected

>Blue pill, Red pill, black pill

All stupid. Take the GOD pill user. Save yourself.

>Racism forced black people into inner cities with poor diets and pollution. Exposure to pollutants such as lead decreases IQ (black people are much more likely to have this). Malnutrition also decreases IQ (again, thanks to racists like you this affects black people more).
europeans/africans/east asians have the same IQ distribution as american whites/blacks/asians. must be that lead in the water

>Saved pill

Ingested that pill as a 7 year old user. In the end, it will be well for me.

Perhaps the fact that the commonly accepted correlation for adulthood (.75) is the percentage of variation that can be attributed to genes, not the percentage of intelligence which is inherited. Not to mention that that .75 factor is mutable to begin with

>There are people who actually think like this.

He specifically said I was over simplifying intelligence, he didn't elaborate on how I was doing that, so I just inferred what he was implying because multiple intelligence is a common argument by twats like you.

>stop looking for reasons to regurgitate the one video you watched on the topic
LOL you actually believe this? Not a single argument against what I said.

Here, listen to RACIST science.

>almost all modern technology is thanks to him

While tesla was intelligent and a great inventor, its not as simple as
>all modern technology is thanks to him

Passion and drive mean fuck all with out a high I.Q

Passion shows you where you want to go, IQ is what gets you there, and helps you navigate your way to the top.

Perhaps the fact that the commonly accepted correlation for adulthood (.75) is the percentage of variation that can be attributed to genes, not the percentage of intelligence which is inherited
In no way shape or form did I say that, neither did the photo I posted. It's not my fault you misinterpreted what I linked.

>75% is mutable
I don't consider 3/4 to be negligible

Hence the word "almost".