How long do I have to lift weights until I start seeing some muscles developing?
How long do I have to lift weights until I start seeing some muscles developing?
Other urls found in this thread:
Delusional gains - like 1 year.
Actual gains - like 5 years + being low bodyfat
In time
6months for you to notice.
1year for ypur mum and close friends to notice
3 yearsfor strangers to notice you lift
tfw 4 yrs and still only got delusional gains
Nice b8 m8 I r8 it 8/8
6 months you'll see a difference as long as you do everything right. After a year if you've been consistent you should have put on about 25lbs of muscle (assuming you're male).
For my friend it only took a month but his entire family are testosterone riddled literal chads, for most people its 6-10 months at minimum for results to be seen
seeing just by looking in the mirror? a couple months if you are observant.
if you actually measure your body parts: wrists, forearms, biceps, chest, shoulders, neck, waist, hips, thigh, calf.
you will record changes in a month
Are you fucking serious???????
Fuck this, I'm done. The human body requires too much damn work.
Do I have to lift everyday? I've had to take breaks for a day or two because my arms got sore.
Lift when your routine tells you too. Work through soreness but not actual pain.
My shoulders are already more defined after 1 month of exercise. But really just stop worrying about seeing instant result and just try to make a habit out of working out. A year later you will realize how much you have grown.
no he talks bullshit
I started lifting last September and I have visible gains all over my body, I am not ripped, but my chest definitely grew and people say I look fit.
pick a program and stay consistent, this is all that matters. Also diet, holy fuck I wish I knew how important diet was when I started.
I started from auswitchz, so i saw progress almost immediatley
2 weeks - i noticed
1 month - family noticed
4 months - classmates noticed
1.5 year - oneitis commented and said o i got buff (i actually just reached dyel, but i guess when you come from auswitch it seems like a big improvement)
>1 year
>25lbs of muscle
this is what we call the delusional gains phase
as a natty you'll be luck to gain 25-30lbs of muscle through your entire life lifting
>How long do I have to lift weights until I start seeing some muscles developing?
i mean that depends
if you're 100% auschwitz mode probably as little as 1 month
otherwise you can see it a LITTLE around 3mo., can see a difference about a year, and in 2 years you should look fairly different.
In 3 months I noticed some difference. In 6 months I saw definite difference.
Family saw difference after 3 months, friends after 6.
Went from 160 to 185 at 6'3 but had athletic frame.
Note that he said "Delusional" gains.
Meaning people (and sometimes even yourself) would think you're big but you're not actually big.
IMO: 1 year dedicated lifting, starting off as a skelly, and bulking for the entire year, would get you a good amount of muscle. Cut that fat down for half a year and you will look okay.
2 years lifting at a calorie surplus is where you start becoming noticeably above average. But you will still not be "big." Sure the general public would think you're muscular, but that's like comparing a turd with a turd on sprinkles on it
5 years is coming close to the natty limit. You will be the only person to notice the improvements after 5 years dedicated lifting. You and other swole guys.
Butchered BroScience quote: "The only person who is going to care about your veins, your cuts, and how swole your rear delts are, are dudes. And chicks that are dudes... with clits the size of your thumb"
I call you delusional. You can easily get 25 lbs of muscle in noob gains within the first year.
You are completely retarded if you think 25-30 lbs is the natty limit during your life, my natty friend has gone from 60 kg to 90 kg with low body fat in a few years.
Half of those KGs aren't muscle. It's just him going up to a normal weight, then going above normal weight with additional muscle mass above standard weight for his height.
I am sorry that you're ignorant on this topic, but that's the reality.
You have to be 6'3", eating a strict body building diet, lifting 5-7 hours a week, have great genetics, and have been lifting for less than 2 years to gain 21 lbs of muscle in a year
I'd trust Scooby before I'd trust any of you
>that teen bulk