I don't wake up in the morning feeling refreshed anymore, I can't hit the gym with the intensity I need to progress. What's wrong with me fit?
Example work day:

7am Wake up

Eat banana/protein shake

2 scoops of c4 preworkout

Gym 2 hours, warm up with cardio then hit the weights hard.

Go to work, drinking lots of water at work.

Eat every three hours at work

Meal 1 rice and chicken
Meal 2 kale, nuts and chicken
Meal 3 rice and chicken
Meql 4 Protein shake during drive home.

Usually tired after work I nap for 1-2 hours

Hit the gym for 2 hours

Sleep by 11-12pm

What do I need to change to get my energy back so I can go attack the gym?

Are you dark skinned or in the Southern Hemisphere? Might be vit D

Nah predominantly white and my protein shakes are 1/2 milk

How many days a week do you train?

I also fight once a week
And I just broke up with a girl I was into so I'm pretty bummed about that.

>I also fight once a week
as in like ufc or nigger gang fights?

>Nigger gang fights
Thanks for the kek

If you've been keeping this up for long then maybe it's time for a short break or at least slow down for a little to let you body recover some.

>2 scoops pre workout

Take some time off of that stuff or decrease to 1 scoop. PWO can be very taxing on the CNS and you develop a tolerance very quickly.

Probably central nervous system/adrenal fatigue. Have a deload weak.

take a full week off gym, and a month off pre-workout

Take a rest-two-weeks.

Is nobody gonna say anything about him training a total of 4 hours/day, 4 days a week? Of course you're tired you fucking mongrel. Either step up your food intake/sleep or train less.

>workout twice a day
>preworkout memes
>counting protein shakes as a meal
No wonder you're fucking tired, you fell for all gym memes you could.

Take a week of. Maybe try saunas and cold showers but relax in general. Try getting your blood checked, its always useful. A week of rest and you should be eager to hit the gym again

I practice armed and unarmed combatives and some ground game with my buds in the backyard for work.

Basically nigger gang fights.

It has gotten less effective, I'll cut it down.

I usually focus on getting stressed out and force up adrenaline and stress hormones before I hit the weights. This sounds right.

Lift for three weeks out of a month abd take a week off. You also use caffeine too much. Youve fried your CNS, just do cardio on your off week and cut down on preworkout you faggot.

This is normal to be fatigued some times, just deal with it. If anything its a sign of progress more than anything so keep eating more sleeping more and training more.

I lift 7 days a week very intensely and these days are rare yet happen from time to time. The less i would work out the longer these shitty days lasted. I like to think of working out as a snowball going down a hill and these days are the crash the stops the ball from rolling and you gotta start again.

And to all the people that say I'm overtraining?