Why does this board hate Asian and Indian males who lift weights?

Why does this board hate Asian and Indian males who lift weights?

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This board hates everyone. It doesn't single anything out at all.

>t. nigger

/pol/ and Veeky Forums are sister boards


this board seems to worship chads as long as they are white ones

Go back to your containment board

white people are subhumans, inherently racist fucks. Veeky Forums can't make fun of black people because they blow them out of the fucking water in every physical aspects so they default to indians and asians

all in all this race needs to end

the only reason ppl hate indians is because they smell like shit. Especially when they perspirate.

3rd generation asians and indians are fine. It's just 1st generation Indians who set up behind the girls yoga class, or 2nd generation indians who awkwardly show off their lacoste polo shirts while curling the bar in the squat rack who bother us.

>blow them out of the water
>cant even swim

He's right. /pol/ loves Identity politics and pride themselves on race, not their own accomplishments. This attitude leaks to most other boards and inevitably makes these Untermensch crawl out of the woodwork every time someting like race, women or politics are mentioned.