I finally stopped eating bread, can I at least eat a baked potato with some mayo? The craving is killing me

I finally stopped eating bread, can I at least eat a baked potato with some mayo? The craving is killing me.

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Fuck yeah a bread thread.

Don't listen to ketards. Potatoes are great for you and were fundamental in reducing incidents of scurvy among sailors in the 16th century.

are you cutting? then no.
Potatoes are great for bulking

Go to costco. Kirkland sells cups of grapefruit. It will cover your carb craving and wont hurt your cut.

fuck you and your bread faggot

Nah dude bread's great

>He doesn't bake his own 100% whole wheat bread
>He actually believes the keto and Paleo nonsense

Simply not going to make it

im going to fuck you up

there's absolutely no reason to avoid bread, just make sure it's whole grain bread without a bunch of shit in it. whole grains contain lots of fiber and nutrients and have been shown to lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes.

The only use a potato has is as a squat plug.

nope. you want to get off the carb & starch train? you have to go cold turkey. (a medium baked potato has as much carbs as 2-3 slices of bread)

Why are you such a littoral faggot OP lemme spell this out for you swt ptatos stl ct otz & RL AKTL BRD Sarah Lee is a fake ass bitch with air implants I'm talking about STONE GROUND WHEAT SON denser than the population of India IN 2047 you baked botato bukaki cunt

I wish you would I haven't been touched by another human in months. Only bread.

im a marine. :(
you don't know the meaning of fucking up your life by signing a contract

I don't remember making any such claim. I love you, buddy. Break bread with me.

That's good to know. Im always worried about getting scurvy so Ill for sure be adding potatoes to my diet based on this alone.

Surely 1 piece of brown bread in the morning is fine.

3 poached eggs on their own just seems silly.

You should eat carbs with every meal to keep your glycogen levels stable, just reduce the amount of carbs per meal, dinner in particular. Keto carb reduction was a bad idea, fucked up my sleep cycle which meant lack of sleep accompanied by late night cravings because Glycogen. On top of that you'll have less energy and then something will slide, be it workouts, concentration, work or otherwise, something will give.

Fuck all these idiotic diets and just eat well balanced meals while counting calories and working out with maximum intensity.

>Im always worried about getting scurvy

21st century problems

Keto is great for losing weight, which OP is obviously trying.

It's just calories in, calories out in the end. Plan ahead and budget for it so it fits your macros.

Eating a vegetable is fine. Your problem isn't food, it's a lack of low intensity cardio.

Relatable friend. I just reenlisted because there's nothing for me back home

No mayo!

Bread caused the obesity epidemic because of pic related.
Obese adults grew up with the meme pyramid and it became ingrained in their minds that bread is healthy in large quantities.

>Eat no protein but shitloads of carbs

Who the fuck created the pyramid?


here is the actual version. Along with a few fixes for most of the problems because of the last pyramid.

So what you're saying is that the food pyramid caused the obesity epidemic, not bread.

Lazy people who don't move enough caused the obesity epidemic.

In my mind the obesity epidemic was caused by a demonisation of healthy fats, leading to a replacement of fats in processed foods with chemical substitutes and sugar, which has led to a societal addiction to sugar which, combined with sedentary lifestyles and overabundance of cheap food has led to fatties everywhere.

I don't really do 'keto'. I cut out all sugar and don't eat any grains or legumes. I get some carbs from veg, milk and nuts but that is it. I probably hit about 60g a day most days and feel great.

Does that count as 'keto'?

The diet aspect of obesity. The whole food pyramid is fucked but 11 servings of bread a day?

Nah, it's everything having fucktons of carbs and sugar. The cheapest and most easily attainable food is loaded with that shit, while anything good for your body takes time to prepare and rots in the fridge very quickly.

Obesity used to be a rich man's disease 100+ years ago, when all poor people could afford was meat and veggies. Now poor people drink sugary flavor cystals imitating fruits and grain/corn/potatoes formed into funny shapes.

And I say bread only instead of oats or rice because fatties would much rather eat bread than any other carb.

>cant eat potato
>potato has starch
>potato good for bulking

what the fuck? compared to pasta or rice, potato has
>Less calories
>is more satiating
>less starch
>less sugar

500g of potato (which is a lot of potato since its so filling) is only 400cal. bulking? you expect to eat a couple of kgs of potato a day?

>Race specific diet
>Cheese recommended in a fitness board
>60% kcal from animal sources
>Avoid potatoes, beans and lentils
>Implying soy raises serum estrogen
>Claiming that chicken reduces serum estrogen
>Oats and other grains do not exist, they're neither to be preferred nor to be avoided
Kek,fucking paleo/keto fags
Who the fuck made this and thought it was funny or worth his time?

>100+ years ago
People moved for a living. There were no obese farmers, trappers, etc.

>I cut out sugar
>So I cut out complex carb AND fiber sources like beans and grains and drink milk that has literal sugar
(lactose is sugar, don't try to twist the meaning)

Moving for a living won't help when you're putting shit in your body.

You know what I meant, bellend.

Milk is probably the most carb dense thing I consume because of the lactose. But it fits under 60g and is delicious.

I get fiber from nuts, broccoli and avocado.

Modern farmers sit in quarter million dollar machines most of their day.

You can get away with eating garbage if you move a couple hours per day. Quit making excuses for not doing cardio.

Bread is the literal devil.

I could never cut when i was eating bread.

I'm eating 1 whole pack of cookies a day and i'm still lower bodyfat than when i was eating bread.

>avoid all additives
yes, chemicals are bad

that whole fucking pic.
please tell me this is a troll pic.

You know what a meant, retard. You don't get to preach you're doing the healthiest diet possible either by conventional standards (there is no credible literature saying carbs are bad) or by your own standards (if carbs are that bad you'd be getting them from beans. If you care about taste and nutrients while allowing yourself some sugar, freshly squeezed oj or home made fruit smoothies are better)

I didn't say carbs were bad. I said that I wasn't eating many of them.
I drink milk because it's tasty, has fat, protein and is cheap.

That's all. A totally innocuous post contributing to the discussion and you get all pissy like a big bitch baby.

Fucking sick of you authoritative nutrition know it all cunts getting mad and stomping around threads as if you've got a fucking phd in nutrition (which would be worthless) and wrote the book on what to eat.

Let me guess you're a vegan, right?

Food is fuel, you faggots.

>I cut out all sugar and don't eat any grains or legumes. I get some carbs from veg, milk and nuts but that is it.

you forgot

I feel like Richard Nikoley is the most appropriate guy to shill in this thread, he has written extensively on both potatoes and bread/wheat, and how bread has had a role in the obesity epidemic.

There's a twist though: it's not bread on its own that's the problem, nor even white flour directly, but the fortification of flour which began after modern milling methods to produce white flour stripped the grain of its nutrients, and thus synthetic vitamins and minerals were added back, with excess iron being especially detrimental health.

These links include a lot of reading, but it's pretty fascinating stuff and definitely worth a read, I find. Very well researched, so put in the time and be rewarded....

>How Food Enrichment Made Us Fat, Diabetic, and Chronically Diseased:

>Iron, Food Enrichment and The Theory of Everything:

>How Food Enrichment Promotes Obesity:

>How Vitamin Supplementation Leads To Human Livestock Obesity:

>How Wheat Went From Superfood To Liability:

Enjoy, if it so interests you as to why you should avoid modern bread without blaming bread in itself.

Also, (polyunsaturated) vegetables oils suck and have been one of the major factors in the increase in obesity and metabolic disease, so eat your damn potato but hold the mayo. Eat with a little sour cream, butter or olive oil even, if you need the fat to help it go down.

'I cut down on my carbs and I feel great'


You are a vegan, admit it.

>I didn't say carbs were bad. I said that I wasn't eating many of them.
You implied your food "piramid" was better than the conventional one and you explicitly lumped beans and potatoes together with soda, eating "non starchy vegetables" and "low sugar fruit",while also giving heavy emphasis on high fat especially from animal sources. Cut the bullshit.
>That's all. A totally innocuous post contributing to the discussion and you get all pissy like a big bitch baby.
Someone else got pissy, fruitcake. I just laughed at your joke of a post
>Fucking sick of you authoritative nutrition know it all cunts getting mad and stomping around threads as if you've got a fucking phd in nutrition (which would be worthless) and wrote the book on what to eat.
Pot calling the kettle black much?
>Let me guess you're a vegan, right?
No, I didn't say you shouldn't eat meat

Nice dodge on literally every point I made here by the way and thanks for confirming you subscribe to pseudoscience (paleo) by crafting and assigning a personal (vegan) to the opposing argument to make it easier to attack without saying anything of value or responding to my perfectly legitimate points

He just responded to your bullshit here >I didn't say carbs were bad.
Why so mad? Struck a nerve?

The food pyramid works just fine for the average person. Even assuming a 1500 kcal TDEE female who literally only eats pasta, 1500 kcal easily meets and exceeds her protein needs by giving her about 50 g protein.
The diet was made with the average human bean in mind, not with high frequency resistance training individuals
Eat your chicken and your green peas and stop being autistic

Nothing Wrong with real whole grain bread. Rye and sourdough are also good.
>being so easily brainwashed by meme diets
Only goes to show how uneducated you were in the first place