Does anyone here watch porn while lifting? Is it good for your gains?

Does anyone here watch porn while lifting? Is it good for your gains?

I've been doing it lately and it feels like I lift better when I get that down-pump going. Surely it raises testosterone and is good for you?

Hey there! I was browsing Veeky Forums when I came across your thread, and I was just wondering if you could delet ths image.

I watch porn before attempting a new PR (after finishing my warmup sets). It boosts test and makes me more confident.

Hmm I don't think so.

Watching porn boosts your test levels for 15-20 mins. However you cant maintain that boost throughout the whole workout.
The boost is minimal though, leaving your house provides a higher and consistent test boost.
And I sure as hell hope youre not watching porn at the gym.
Just watch less porn, Its bad for you in the long run.

>leaving your house provides a higher and consistent test boost.
i-is this true?

can't find the scientific paper on porn workouts... I knew it was around here somewhere

Exposure to the sun increases test production (i forgot the exact numbers, but its far from insignificant), it would do you more good than watching porn pre workout for sure.
Also interacting with women in real life on a daily basis boosts test production by 5-10% or something.
Its been a while since i read on this stuff.

We don't have sun here and women don't want to interact with me so seems like watching porn is a good option.

What about this one?

Hey thats the cute finnish girl in that image DELET!!!!!!!!!!


Don't need the porns for that animalistic energy boost. Just a 6/10 or above girl working out in the same room

I love going to the gym instead of a home gym. My gym has a lot of 8/10 wannabe instagram fitness models with really nice asses. Also some dyels that think they're the shit so I love to show them up. It's definitely good for a boost.

It deletes your testosterone, your energy. Don't listen to these lying kikes.

why is that man holding her like that

your blood carries oxygen, you need oxygen to fuel muscles. What good will it do you to have less blood for use in lifting? no good.

b-but testosterone

>porn raises your heart rate
>you probably can't even get hard anymore anyhow
Checkmate, goyim. Porn lifting builds gainz.

>good for you
Pic related is a typical porn watcher

Please delete that image.

Looks like a whore.

Imagine her European ancestors looking at their descendant, a girl who would have been sought after by even the local nobles for her immense beauty reducing herself to a fuck-doll for some primitive ape-man for a few shekels.

She doesn't need shekels, she would do it for free.