My no homo husband (who was born in Thessaloniki mind you) tells me that push-ups are useless...

My no homo husband (who was born in Thessaloniki mind you) tells me that push-ups are useless, that they create no muscle and that they are only good for making you better at doing push-ups, nothing else.

How can I prove this man I love wrong?

There's no use in proving retards wrong because they'll keep believing what they want to believe

He's not a retard, he's just misguided. He's a good man.

A reasonable one a that that responds well to evidence.

Bump for his sake.

pin him under a log

>How can I prove this man I love wrong
You can't, because he's not

> born in thessaloniki
tell me why this is of relevance?

He's correct. Veeky Forums is notorious for spreading false information. He must be extremely intelligent.

I knew a Thessalonian once and he was an absolute retard in everything fitness related. Could we be thinking about the same man?

Who the fuck cares.

If you like doing pushups then fucking do pushups.

If you don't like doing them, then don't fucking do them.

Not everything in this god-forsaken world needs to have a point or purpose.

>My no homo husband


I thought it might be.

Go to bed, Χέρια.

I very much doubt so, seeing as he's not a tard regarding fitness.

Yes, but do they serve any purpose? DO they build muscle?

>Yes, but do they serve any purpose? DO they build muscle?
Do you like doing them?

of course it builds muscle, even your retard husband knows it builds muscle if he says it makes you better at push ups, you're not weakening gravity if you can progressively do more push ups

one can say one is doing something stupid, but they aren't stupid. yet one could say that same someone is doing something stupid, because they are stupid.

I like doing things with purpose.

Charles Bronson used to do 1000 push-ups in prison. He was built like an ox and said he never lifted weights actively.

Greeks invented homo my friend.

This is the problem with people. You are asking the wrong question.

"how do I prove him wrong?"
instead of
Is he right?

I'm going to tell you the same

do dips instead

Well, is he?

I've no place to do dips.

>homo was invented
Nice try schlomo, take your anti-white shit elsewhere.

Too soon


You're both wrong.
They are useless, unless you do the harder variations, like pseudo-planche push ups or lalanne push ups and stuff like that.
Gains from normal push ups are meh, save that time doing dips.

>pseudo-planche push ups or lalanne push ups and stuff like that.
That sounds like some insane shit, I can't wait to try it.