Hey, do you want to go out friday night?

>Hey, do you want to go out friday night?
>"Who's coming?"

Kill me now fit

It's really not that bad. She wants to have fun with a couple of friends, and it gives you an opportunity to be a social butterfly and make her notice you more.


>not saying "By the end of the night, you'll be"

jesus christ Veeky Forums it's like you don't wanna make it

where do you think we are

>wanting to go out

id rather do 1 million other things in life before I spend time out at some shitty disgusting pub or club or venue with a bunch of blue pilled unaware normalfag sheep with zero original opinions or knowledge of anything in the world besides their job, car and their favourite local sports team

The fact you get sad about this makes me think you're a pathetic failed normalfag.

Fucking sad cunt.

Wow. Are you me?

Pay attention to terminology. "Going out" really means more just doing a friend thing. You should say something like "Hey, do you want to get dinner with me Friday night?"

What if all of your friends are super low value, and show you as low value by association? All of my friends are over/underweight, do nothing but play Nintendo games and browse Reddit all day, and carry their DS' everywhere.

Me motherfucker that's who. Is my company not good enough?

It's best to be assertive.

Dude, join the loner side. It's fucking cash.

I was super popular in college. Phone blew up daily. Got laid, dated, partied etc. etc.

But in reality I was still the same old "intellectual" nerd from highschool just with a cool personality and nice body.

I'm in my mid/later 20's now and I have basically told everyone off except for some true die hard friends.

I read, jack off, watch tv, work, and grab a drink with my bro's on occasion. That's about it. It's fucking great.

When I get horny I get into college me character, fuck a ho and don't text her back.

This is the world we are living in. Embrace it.

>he seriously thinks that it's better to be a bitter cunt holed up in his room 24/7 because of "da sheeple"

>if you don't go out to smelly disgusting dirty normie venues than the only other possible outcome is to be a shutin aspie

Typical normie logic, of course your kind can't think for themselves so you need the mob to show you what you should be doing on a daily basis because you can't think for yourself

>durrr work in shitty job because I have to?
>durrr drink out at place?
>durrr this is life
>hurrr repeat

It's better to be by yourself than surrounded by morons. I stopped going to clubs because I just felt a sense of rage there instead of fun.

>not going full-on cocoon mode

never gonna make it

Just focus on your gains, user. Mental gains, physical gains, career gains, whatever.

What kinds of things do you think normal people SHOULD be talking about?

LOL my pyschologist asked me this exact same question.

I cant really answer that question.

It's more so that I don't think most people are even capable of discussing anything other than their job, car and sports team, for women replace car and sports team with clothing,handbags,shoes and relationship gossip.

Suffice to say normies bore the living fuck out of me.

its a test. She wants to see if this is a date. Say its just us. My gf did the exact same thing when we first started dating

hey man let me tell you, as another autist who feels the same way as you, i think your problem is just that you want to feel superior to everyone else.

its not that you're upset about what they talk about, i feel like no matter what they talk about you would still say you hate them because you want to feel intellectually superior to them

If she asks who's coming, they have mutual friends. That's implied.

Regardless of whether that's the case what I said about normies is true.

yeah its pretty true that "normies" don't talk about much besides superficial shit, but the fact that you cant even answer what you would prefer they talk about is telling


Although my thing is that it's not even that I get upset about what "normies" talk about, I just hate people in general and get annoyed or pissed off about all they do

>being crushed at every shitball thrown at you

never guna make it