Nice muscles but are you big where it really matters?

>nice muscles but are you big where it really matters?

Nah, I'm broke as fuck. Sorry, Frenchie.


Less talky more sucky sucky

Well i'm sorry if calves are hard to train u cunt

Yeah I have a large, well developed personality with hobbies and fulfilling personal interests why do you ask?

nice nips can i suck em? ;)

*unzips wallet*
You bet I am

Yeah I have big feet. What of it?

My calves? Yeah they're big too

Non, rien de rien. Non, je ne regrette rien.

Yeah, I've got a real big heart.

Came here to post this.

why the fuck does your wallet zip did you just graduate from velcro?

>tit piercing
crazy detected

>Not having a wallet with sections for cards, section for cash and cheques, and a small zippered section for some change you haven't put in your car yet

Must suck losing all your change every time you sit down and sounding like an exotic danger jigling with every step



good name brother

i miss this meme.

You're shirt says it all.

Yeah I'm not a brainlet.
>inb4 /fitlit/

>"I guess there's only one way to find out."

See, is it that hard you spergs? She already wants to fuck just by asking that so I doubt she even cares as long as you're not sporting a mirco dick.
What's the point of being fit if you're socially retarded?

>current year
>carrying cash AND checks
Look at this man. Look at him and laugh. Just imagine him pulling his blue polyester wallet out of his cargo shorts, hooked to a chain of course, and sheepishly pulling a wrinkled check out to pay for his lunch with his platonic female friend. I can just imagine her rolling her eyes as he mumbles to the waiter asking how much the bill his. He shuffles through one of his oversized pockets to pull out a casio calculator to determine how much an 18% tip would be. He's not even American, but he thinks tipping will make him look sophisticated and impress his friend. She knows how he feels about her. She knows she'll never ever sleep with him. But she leads him on because he always buys her dinner. With checks.

>tfw gf's nips are pierced


The wrists you mean?


7'5x6, too small for 6'1 hood rat black women I guess.

What kind of troll toll do i need to pay to get into a girls hole?

You mean my wallet?

>he doesn't pay for everything with checks
I want to believe you're joking but anyone this uncultured probably isn't making it up

i'M 13INCHES but only 10 around :/ girls laugh when i pull it out so now i just stick to posting on a cantonese radish sculpting forum

Thanks (no homo)

tfw I am the origin of this meme
Nice that you remember.

Veeky Forums - Fitness.

For you

>are you big where it really matters?
Do I have a big face?

i literally have seven inch but i'm still insecure about it

>being a walletlet

unless you live in Europe I've got some bad news buddy

>a cup

Glass houses girlie

Yes, unlike you. Booblet.

Are you, chestlet? (and probably also asslet)

9" thick and bent to hit her g-spot, pics incoming

I sure am

>this bait again

Allow me to put your minds at ease, lads:

I'm 52 years old. I've always been a not-bad looking guy, 6'4" tall, and I have an 'interesting' personality. I've had more than my fair share of girlfriends over the course of my life, and the vast majority of them were attractive. My dick is about 6.5" fully erect, which is pretty average. NOT A SINGLE ONE OF MY GIRLFRIENDS EVER COMPLAINED ABOUT IT BEING TOO SMALL. A few of them complained about it being TOO BIG and how I needed to be more careful with them. BOTTOM LINE: If you actually have a woman give you shit about your average-or-larger dick? She's got some OTHER issue with you and is using that to get into your head and screw with you. KICK HER TO THE CURB and go fish for another one instead, YOUR DICK IS FINE.

Thanks grandpa.

Not for a fucking nose like that. Get out of here you WITCH. Go on, git!

I won't be turned into a newt.

5 inch dicklet here.

I had a Filipina gf though, who called it big. Not sure if it was due to girth, or the fact that I was in Korea and her previous bf's were filipinos or koreans.

>nice face but are you big where it really matters, Miss A-cup?

Sex is more than 50% in people's head than it is a purely physical thing. For a man being good at sex isn't just about how big your dick is but how you do everything. Anyone telling you anything different is probably a virgin or at least inexperienced enough that they don't know any better.

Hey i smoking a cigar right now

Toro cigar

>6.5" fully erect, which is pretty average
Depends on where you live, that is above average in the U.S.

>that is above average in the U.S.
I'm on the West Coast, always have been.
Shows what I know; I never bothered over the size of my dick. I recommend you all do the same.


>As of 2015, a systematic review of the best research to date on the topic has concluded that the mean length of an erect human penis is approximately 13.12 ± 1.66 cm (5.17 ± 0.65 in).[1] Flaccid penis length is generally a poor predictor of erect length.


Yup, we are all here as a result of a couple hundred thousand years (+) of sexual selection. We are here because our cocks are just fine.

>Yeah my glutes are huge
