Why do you cucks do push ups? Are they really worth it?

Why do you cucks do push ups? Are they really worth it?

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because its the same shit as benching and you can do them anywhere and at any time

do lots of pushups every day with various variations and your bench will go up

No, the only people that do pushups are either

>muh military training DROP AND GIVE ME 50 am i hard yet daddy
>people that think they can outsmart the gym and get big doing 30 minutes of bodyweight exercises in their bedroom every other day

what is GTG

>outsmart the gym

Geeee is doing a full body movement that engages the core, chest, lats, delts, and triceps, that has been the ultimate strength/endurance test for years, and a staple for professional level warm-up routines really worth it?

you imbecile, try to mimic a 295lb bench doing pushups you dyel fuck

I do 30-50 push-ups before I start lifting as a warm up.

If I can't make it to the gym I'll do bodyweight exercises like various push-ups and sit-ups instead. Push-ups are fine as long as that's not the only exercise you're doing.

When I first started excercising I did BW exercises and running a 5 k 5 days a week and they had a noticeable effect on my pecs

>caring this much about what your ex does
you can see the sadness in her eyes

people who do push ups at the gym are the same as those who fiddle with their hands or small objects (srs) their anxiety/nervousness is kicking in n they want to get in that extra pump to look bussy n not feel awkward just standing there or resting on bench


i see you faggots

>benches 295lb
>cant do 30+ pushups
>what is work capacity

Geee m8 if your work capacity was better maybe you wouldint have such a shit bench.

just ask your gf to strap herself on top of you while you're doing push up

use a backpack full of rocks if you don't have gf

Only problem is our girlfriends don't weight 200+.

got em


you add around 60% of your body weight to it as well tho

alternatively you can ask your gf to carry a backpack with less rocks or get two gf

>get two gf
kek, most of Veeky Forums can't even get one

every guy here has two

then just use a backpack full of rocks

>calling an almost 3 pl8 bench shit
>he himself, does pushups
this is how i know how you're larping kiddo

>outsmart the gym

if you want smartness gym is probably one of the last place you want to go to

The only reason one can't abandon weights completely is because it's impossible to train legs with bw.

Wow buddy, sounds like some good old psychological projection right there.

They're nowhere near as good as benching.

And the other reason is because you can't get strong doing bw.

How many handstand pushups and one arm chinups can you do?


Yeah this is definitely true.
If you really want to get strong and physically powerful, like if that's what you care about, you need to practice by lifting real heavy shit. If you just care about looking athletic, bw exercise is perfectly up to the task. Maybe not the most efficient, but idfk i'm not a doctor.

For real?

Is it possible to get thicker legs and arms by doing mostly body weight, biking and swimming?

I have 1, and 3 more in the works that are very far along

eat my nut

Yeah if you do HI training w BW

>sounds like some good old psychological projection
>cant do 30+ pushups
This is how I know you're a brainlet as well. Any redeeming qualities?

someone explain this pic. i have autismo

Other than i can actually 30+ push-ups? Nothing really. But hey good luck making it to 315 pleb.

It's what girls post when they're feeling insecure.

That's about balance, not strength.

Oh, and I can do one-arm chinups even though I'm 205lbs.

Does HI means high intensity? Just wanna be sure.

where did he say he couldn't do 30 pushups?

if you can bench 295 it's almost inconceivable that 30 pushups would pose a problem, which you would know if you weren't LARPing and actually lifted

You would be surprised how many "elite" powerlifters in general can't do any high rep push-ups let alone pull-ups.

Pushups without weight are training muscular endurance not strength. So is it worth it? Depends on if you want to train muscular endurance.

Not everyone has the same meme goals. Push ups are good for soldiers who repeatedly dive to the ground and then push themselves up to take another bound with a bunch of kit on. Also for sports where you repeatedly end up on the ground and then push to get up again, like rugby where you do it for 80 minutes.

Get a buddy to stack some plates on your back if you want to turn it into a strength exercise, it will engage more of the core than a bench this way.

No ones talking here about writing a master thesis you dolt. I don't even have to explain what he actually meant by "outsmart" the gym because it's pretty fucking obvious.

I sometimes do push ups while resting from a bench set, but outside of the gym, no way.



>do push ups
>while resting from a bench set

They are a better compound exercise than bench pressing. It's harder to injure yourself and it engages the entire core.

But it's annoying to add weights. Doing just body weight of course does fuck all after you can do more than 12 in a row.

>yfw every pl gym has casuals reping 315


E stats

I find pushups >tone my boobies better than bench. That's just me though, I'm sure other people have different success with different lifts

If you're really fat/really skinny bodyweight is just as good as weights/machines, since your weight is high relative to your strength. A good progression routine can get you pretty far, but after a few months you'll probably be adding so much weight that bodyweight becomes more inconvenient than a trip to the gym. Pushups might be one of the sole exception to this because it's extremely easy to add weight (heavy backpack with shit in it for example).

I mean, I figure you're just shitposting but building muscle isn't complicated. If you're lifting enough weight to strain your muscles, it doesn't matter what the source is.

"But maybe you just don't know how to fuckin bench!"

-Dave Tate

But maybe I do and you have no argument


It's not an argument. If you injure yourself benching then you don't know how to fucking bench.

Does that invalidate what I said? I don't think so. Feel free to stop shitposting any time.

Says the faggot who used the term "core"

What about people who are just trying to burn some calories and acknowledge they aren't doing it in the most efficient way possible?

Every third chest/push workout or so, if I didn't feel recovered on a sprint day and do them then. Good compound movement that requires higher volume, and you SHOULD be incorporating both high weight-low volume and low weight/high volume exercises back and forth.

Incorporating both gets better gains than exclusively doing on or the other.

>what are weighted push ups
stop projecting please

>Pushups without weight are training muscular endurance not strength.
Depends on how much you weigh you fucking moron.

>because its the same shit as benching

Progress to one armed pushups, pike pushups, handstand pushups. If you can do 100 reps of handstannd pushups you will have juicy arms and delts.

>i work out in the library


Only if you're a big fat weakling who can only do sets of 5 pushups. An average fit guy under 30 can bench his body weight for these numbers and push up is moving a fraction of your body weight.

>dont knowing that you Need only push and pull ups to make it.
>never going to make it

>This thread
>What are push up progressions?
>What are incline push ups?
>What are diamond push ups?
>What are one hand push ups?
>What are hand stand push ups?
Stay pleb.

You only need to do push ups to have an aesthetic chest. Strength and health wise your back and legs are more important. I'd post my body if I wasn't covered in hideous acne scars.

i have 5!

That's why you do progression. Decline pushups alone are significantly more difficult, as are diamonds. Obviously the same exact exercise with no significant increase in weight is going to have diminishing returns you cunt, no one is arguing that you can do 30 pushups a day for a few months and look like arnold

found the retard who read the convict conditioning meme and fell for it

Wew you sure blew me the fuck out.