Femanon Fitness General, /fem-fg/

Welcome to /femfg/ — Female Fitness General.

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What is /femfg/?
>A place to discuss matters of female fitness. Anyone can participate.

>Read the sticky: pastebin.com/1yggKWEH.

>Useful /femfg/ literature: imgur.com/a/Qxxlq

>Some Veeky Forums infographics: imgur.com/a/54aqI

Still have a question?
>Figure out exactly what you want
>Post relevant body stats (height, weight, bodyfat%, etc.)
>Post relevant pics, if needed
>Be concise
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>page 8
Bumping because this is a good idea, and out of pity.

5' 5" 115 lbs down from 130. I'm skinny but lack any muscle now, but it made me realize I was doing shit wrong. Too much cardio & HIIT without enough lifting. Now have a goal of 2300 cal with 115 g protein. But, the next hurdle is my workout routine. I'm weak as shit cuz I only ran and did random small machine lifts. It's depressing to lift 10 lb weights around gym bros, so usually I just do bodyweight squats and push ups. The other problem is I just don't know what weight I can start at to do the normal lifts. I'm scared I'll break my tiny arms.

Questions being: Is bodyweight a good place to start? Can someone post their weekly routine?

pls no bully

Bodyweight training is great, I don't really know of any routines specifically for women but this has progressions fit for any fitness level.


You're going to need access to places where you can do dips and pullups and things like that, do you have any outdoor gyms nearby?

Handy chart for planning around your hormone cycle

>2300 cal
YEEES finally someone gets it. You need calories to get lean and muscular. 90% of chiks here STILL eat less than 1200, expecting result, lol...
Bodyweight is alright but using weights won't harm you either. Don't base your progress and fat gains through body weight scales, if you start eating, you will most likely gain weight but it's mostly GOOD weight gain. Muscle is heavy. Me for example I'm 5'5, 138lbs and pretty lean. Weight is bullshit for tracking progress, making before and after pics and tape measure is where it's at! good luck goyle.

Also, bodybuilding.com has good routines for beginners for free so check it out.

thx, this looks great. There is an assisted dip/pull up bar at the gym. Rn I'm at about -60lbs doing 3x10 for pull ups and -55lbs for dips. What about for legs? I played soccer when I was younger so bodyweight squats are just cardio for me, but bar lifts hurt my shoulders cuz I'm just not used to it. Should I just suck it up and wait it out til the bar stops hurting or do like kattlebell squats?

>a lot of calories
You're on roids ffs.

Big girl

>implying women have to workout to get a man

I'm scared of you. But also aroused. Can you explain that me?

Thanks! Yea, I started off around 1600 cal per day and was frustrated why I wasn't seeing any muscle gain. Idk why fad dieticians go around telling ladies to eat tiny unsatisfying meals. I'm much more focused on clean eating now, so I'm excited to not hate food anymore.

I'll focus on weightlifting gains and before and after pics too. Keep it up

Is cornstarch baby powder the best type to use on my crotch to help keep it dry? I've always had issues with sweating a lot, I use antibacterial soap and shave my vagina but still get the smell while working out.

Dude everyone's crotch is gonna stink while and after working out, before showering. Do you think my balls smell their freshest when I just ran five miles?

>hint in case you've never been around balls that have just run five miles: no

I've only been on roids for 2.5 years and before that I was powerliftan for 3 years natty while eating 2500cal to maintain my mass. f a m
It's means u ghey
I'm real glad that you've realized that. I mean how does people make gains without food right? cosmo mag and TV tells people to eat less and less because they simply don't know what they are talking about..
You would b happier if you lifted for yourself

Literally why are you roiding.

want to make it but job makes it hard to steadily workout. what do

>It's means u ghey
n-no you

I work a 9-5 office job and I go to the gym 5 days a week after work--once you get into the habit, it just becomes another regular aspect of your schedule.

that picture is a little old but my muscle mass hasn't changed any tips for obtaining more muscle mass?

You have too many shoes

they're not all mine most are my bfs

lift heavier weights

clean bulk and lift

Man, looking at this my consistent lower back problems make so much sense. I can't do any back shit the 3-5 days before my period, I mean I can't do squats, good mornings, deads, nada because my back would just die and I'd have to lay down/ice the rest of the day. Any other week of the month (even during my period after the first day).

Man fuck being a woman. Fucking hormones.

Honestly my body looks a lot like yours, I've been lifting for three months and I started at 100 lbs so I can't really tell you how to maintain muscle mass, just that getting in the gym consistently with a 9-5 job is doable (If I can do it, you definitely can)

yeah that's the goal my friend, i can finally bench press 90lbs and i weight 110lbs so i'm happy about that. but my goal is to be able to bench my body weight

Is it against the rules to ask what exactly you do (roidswise)? I think your body is A M A Z I N G but I know source talk is banned, etc.

Also I started eating more, like but I'm still going through bullshit recovery so I'm only at ~1500 or I start getting panicky. Better than 1200, and next week is hopefully up to 1600. Good luck to yall too, with your goals!


I do a workout plan known as PPl, Push Pull Legs. im suppose to workout 6 times a week but end up doing it more like 4-5 times. And i eat like a monster, protein is a must and peanut butter whey protein shakes have helped me gain weight.

Thaaanks. I wouldn't recommend it unless you're trying to become big... becus there are sides, and those are permanent. It's better if you just eat lots and workout hard. But If you are actually thinking about it then you would want to start with anavar. I've personally used numerous stuff.. but again it's really unnecessary if you just wanna be fit. I would start from 2000calories but I get it, you get anxious. But don't worry you won't become a fatty if you do cardio lots and hit gyms hard with food.

3x5 flat barbell bench press
3x5 overhead press
3x5 incline bench press
3x10-12 dumbbell side lateral raises
3x10-12 rope pushdowns
3x10-12 overhead tricep extension

3x5 barbell rows
3x8-10 lat pulldowns
3x8-10 seated rows
4x10-12 barbell bicep curls (close-normal)
3x10-12 hammer fists

4x5-6 barbell squats
4x15-20 hip thrusts
3x8-10 leg press
3x10-12 leg extensions
3x10-12 hamstring curls
5x10-12 standing calf raises


thanks bro

5', 105lbs, here's my weekly routine:

Arm Day:
> 3x10 weighted pullups at 5lbs
> 3x10 dips at 5lbs
> 3x10 hanging leg raises/toe to bar exercise without the weight
> 3x10 Bench, I'm not benching much, 85lbs right now, if you have no spotter use dumbells
> 3x10 Overhead Press, at 75lbs right now

> Accessory exercises:
> Bent over rows with dumbells
> Bicep Curls
> Delt Flys
I also do some rotator cuff prehab exercises at the beginning of arm day

Leg Day:
> 3x10 Deadlifts, I'm at 165 right now
> 3x10 Squat at 185
> 3x10 Weighted thrusts
> Accessories: Ball Pikes, Russian Twists

Then I do 2-3 hours of gymnastics training at a local gymnastics studio, stuff that focuses on building core strength and gymastics skills, with my main focus being rings and corde de lisse.

I start every workout with 10mins of cardio and end with 10 minutes of stretching to maintain flexibility

I also take a ballet class once a week if I can make it, to work on balance and flexibility.

I would lift weights if I were you, or focus on more difficult bodyweight moves like handstand pushups and pullups/chinups.

> lifting for men
> falling for the penis gains goblin
you're never gonna make it buddy

I sometimes use that gold bond stuff that's made for jock itch because it's supposed to help with the smell and sweating, also I've heard some people put deodorant on their crotch area, don't know if that's a great idea or not. The best thing is to just shower as soon as possible after working out.

Yes, I'm aware that my bench is pathetic, I don't train it as heavy as I should because it makes my pecs too tight for certain things I need to do in gymnastics.
> stretch more then
I know, I suck.

Kek, this thread has my blessings

don't to rotator cuff stuff before. those prehabs tire those little stabilizing muscles you need to stay safe. do those after.
I'd recommend alternating every month or so with rep schemes. one month 10+ reps then a month 4-6 reps.

Reminder that you're not going to make it as long as you date men

Weird, my trainer / other people I've talked to all do it in conjunction with heavy bench.
So, basically:
>Bench - set 1
>rotator cuff stuff
>bench - set 2
>rotator cuff shit

rinse and repeat

How you look now is pretty much my end goal. Any more and the fiance would probably leave me. I'm about half as muscular as you are now and he thinks I'm "getting too big", so =/

What's your macros like anyway Cheekie? Any combo you'd recommend for gaining muscle besides "EAT MORE" (which I'm trying to do).

And yeah, recovering from an eating disorder. I think you had one too, if I remember the other thread right. I don't do cardio like running or jogging that often, but I boulder frequently and hike frequently. IDK maybe I should add HIIT with my lifting etc.

rotator cuff muscles are responsible for positioning your shoulder blades. if those (relatively) small muscles get fatigued, you will lose that braced blade position. having your blades in the wrong place while lifting is how they get injured.
are you doing like rows or actual rehab shit like pic related?
but hey, I'm just a jackass on the internet. I've read this stuff, but I don't care to regoogle it all.

The pre-hab isn't hard stuff, it's to warm up the rotator cuff and stabilizer muscles so they are warm and less likely to be injured, I use a light band.

No you're right, I googled it (because I'm not a lazy faggot sometimes) and it says definitely don't do it while benching. Literally everyone I know is doing it wrong. All the dudes I've seen at my gym are doing it wrong. Holy shit.

Thanks for teaching me user. You probably saved my shoulders desu.

Forgot here is an article: bodybuilding.com/fun/criticalbench24.htm

oh, I didn't actually answer the question, it's not those, they are different exercises that are like a warm-up

mirin' the shirt

i'd smell your scoop farts

I went to the gym for the first time and attempted this workout from the sticky: newbie-fitness.blogspot.com/2006/12/rippetoes-starting-strength.html

I ended up only finishing the A part once before I got dizzy and threw up. I feel horrible that I'm this unfit. I'm so weak that I could hardly manage squats, so I couldn't use any weights while I did it. I feel demoralized. I put on 20kg in a very short amount of time and I feel like I'll never be able to lose it.

Especially after that. My plan was to follow that strength routine and walk for 30 minutes on the off days. I don't know if that's enough or the right thing to do.

Does anyone have any tips for me?

What kind of sides do women get?
Which ones have you gotten?

Power through it. Start with body weight. Don't worry if you fail a set, take 5 then jump into the next one. If you're eating right, keeping up on the program and using good form you WILL see results. Once you can complete the sets with body weight start using an empty bar. Work out on an empty stomach until you get into the groove if you're worried about puking. Stay hydrated (water and milk only, no juice or pop).

Is not puking really worth being out of shape?

For some guys yeah my body would be too manly for sure, I mean if you wanna get big because you really want to then you should do it. I don't really like the idea that you don't get what you want because of someone's opinion.. If you're other half is already complaining that you're too big then (you aren't) he's just bein too sensitive about it.
You should definitely add cardio if you can. Unless you go on a hike and/or do other active stuff every 4~5 days for hours then that's different. But cardio is pretty essential to train your metabolism to go faster.
My macros are useless to others because my macros are balanced for my body type. My body is sensitive to fats so I do low fat stuff, and I use stuff that makes my body sensitive to fats so. But pretty much for you though, just stick to the basic way for now, down the road you will understand what kinda diet works good for you you can never really go wrong with good amount of protein tho

Google it. But the voice change is pretty much definitely. Anavar sometimes cause it if you're body is sensitive, or if you buy from fake source it's most of the time Dbol, not var.

Hey gals male here. What body do women want? What's a good first date?

>my bfs

started getting a throbbing, dull pain on the inner side of one of my hips near the groin (I think it's the flexor? maybe the adductor) from squats last week. seemed to go away over the weekend but once I did my first rep at work weight today it came back just as bad as before

I described this to my gf and she thinks it's just the muscle needs time to grow. I'm wondering if it might be a flexibility problem because it was coincident with a ROM increase (I started a month ago and am still working on form, was too shallow before but think I have gone too deep now...) I don't think it's impingement, it isn't a "pinching" and doesn't happen/vanish at any particular position

anyway I was planning to deload 10 or 15lbs weds and see if it goes away on its own, but any advice would be appreciated. 5'7 140lbs female, last squat was 105

One of the first sections of the sticky obviates the need for this thread.

Shit like this is why people need to read the sticky.

After reading Engineering an Athlete I changed my workout plan a bit, thoughts?
This 3 times a week, and I also do kickboxing twice a week and some other MA stuff here and there. I added some explosive progression.
>Warm-up: 5-10 minutes cardio
>4x12 squat jumps
>4x5 depth jumps
>3x8 back squat
>3x10 Romanian deadlift
>4x12 barbell hipthrust
>3x10 OHP
>4x12 facepull
>3x12 hyperextension
>3x12 hanging leg raises
>4x15 cable crunches
>OPT: dumbbell curls, neck curls, hip abductions, weighted sit up, rack pulls, reverse hypers, lateral raises
>Conditioning: 20-30 minutes cardio
>Cool down: mobility

If it's a hip flexor weakness there's an isolation you can do where you sit on the ground in a straddle and lift just your legs, holding them straight, using only your hip flexors, I do it at the end of my workouts. They won't lift very high at all at first, and you can always start with one leg at a time for 10 reps each.

What's wrong with her routine?

I need help for mental gains and recovery.

I'm just having one of these days when I hate myself, feel like a loser and I'm worried that my boss secretly hates me cause I did an insignificant little mistake. It's not a biggie but I'm always like this, if I fail at something I beat myself because of it and tend to have these thoughts that everybody hates me.

I have't had sex in over a year. I'm now in a point where even the thought of making out with someone sounds wild. I feel like that I'll never be able to hop back on and start dating again. Like there's this mental barrier. Anyone feel me?

i-is there real grills here? Someone tell me how big your nipples are, i want to make big cummies

>baby powder


Peppermint oil.


Yeah I'm in this boat and don't date at all, but the other day I read /WGTOW/ stuff from reddit and it just seemed a liiiiittle too over the top. Like they were actually wondering if they should avoid contact with men at work and someone said she only rents her property for lesbians cause she doesn't wanna deal with boyfriends. I don't know if they were being serious, but in case so, that's just obsessive.

I don't wanna engage with men romantically or sexually but I got no issues with men in general outside dating context. In fact I got pretty great relations with my dad, brothers and male buddies. But romantically men and women are just an awful match.

>Peppermint oil.
Diffusing, btw..

1-1.5g/lb. protein, depending on calories/macros.. casein.

Lifting for a 24hr. pump, for maximizing on muscle signalling ().

Peppermint oil. It's pretty simple feeling fantastic if your groin is on topical drugs.




anybody doing whole30/Paleo or any other sort of food elimination/gradual reintroduction protocol to determine the cause of a digestive issue?
I'm basically very gassy ever since I started this cut, my diet is high protein (which comes from chicken, eggs, dairy and fish - I know big culprits for gas in here but I've gradually started eliminating them). Can I get some protein alternatives idea that aren't basically gas makers?
I don't have a credit card because I'm a poorfag student so I can't buy pea/soy protein powder. I don't want to have high quantities of chicken and meat, as I have a small appetite/stomach. I know I need to work on this for the end of my cut, when I'll need to maintain at like 500 more, but jesus I'm thinking on hogging on high caloric foods like PB to reach that maintenance TDEE when I get there.
Anyway...Anyone else gassy here? do the forementioned diet protocols work, and do you have experience on them? Pls help.

Pls no brapphog pasta. I'm being serious.

Is there a protein powder that doesn't taste like ass when mixed with water?

Do yourself a favor, use milk +banana and maybe some yogurt if you're trying to make a quick meal


Yeah, I posted my workout schedule in another thread, but it's pretty much:
>MFW(Sat): lifting, but saturday is lighter weights/higher reps (I do stairmaster 2 of these days, usually Monday/Friday)
>Thurs/Sun: bouldering for 2-3 hours

It's too hot to hike for hours where I live, but I could definitely do a cycling class or just actually jog/run. What do you recommend for cardio?

Yeah I've only been consistently lifting (3-4x/week) for a year and a half, I know I still have a very long road ahead of me. I'm just wanting to tailor stuff for now and redo a Dexa in Nov. before the holidays to see how my changes now will affect me then.

I fucked up my groin about 3 weeks ago. I've just deloaded 20-30lbs off my squat and I don't have any more actual pain, just a dull soreness. But I took a week off from anything to do with that area first. (5'7, 120lbs female)

I haven't found one, but unsweetened almond milk is 30cal/8oz so it isn't a diet killer.

IDK user, I started therapy a few years ago and it's helped an incredible amount. I mean I got my entire life together, got off of all my medications, etc. I also smoke an shitload of pot, but I don't recommend doing that unless you're willing to figure out what strains help with your specific ailments (which I do)

That's not a squat plug, that's like a moon cup or whatever.
Squat plugs are butt plugs that guys use so their butts don't get sore. I guess some guys squeeze their sphincter so hard it aches, so they stretch it with the plug.

If you don't want to piss while lifting then go pee before, and wait for like a minute after you're peeing to see if you have anymore. If you wait your bladder cells can train and you can pee like another tablespoon.
Also, do kegels.

Her arm day isn't 8 hours.

Myprotein strawberry cream is pretty nice

Got some stuff for the sticky, most of it is just general stuff though since I don't want to read the real sticky, but I've had to answer these questions before so I guess they must not be well covered.

>How many calories should I eat?

>How much protein should I eat?

>Are my lifts good?

>Will I get big while lifting/how much muscle can I gain?

>How can I lose fat from x/lost fat fatster?
This is a shill-ish move on my part, but I found these studies and find them pretty interesting and would like to have more people try this out. europepmc.org/abstract/med/1885256

>Currently, no group or groups of scientists involved in establishing dietary guidelines see a need for any statement that athletes or people engaging in regular physical activity require more protein than their sedentary counterparts.

These are just links and shit i've collected over time that I feel are kinda relevant.
lol, it's cause you should just /know/ you need more

..seem pretty inconclusive.



What got you into bodybuilding? What was the motivation?

How much would you charge to sit on a man's face?


I would pay Anlela Sagra $300 to sit on my face. That's like a million dollars in Brazil.

Bodyweight and poledance seems like a good training for woman. Girlfriend went from a respectable 7 body to a solid 8,5 in a year.
So keep that in mind

Did you fags not see the yellow dinosaur running back and forth?

You mean Cheekie?

I realize I should switch up my arm and leg movements so I'm not doing them all in one day, but my schedule is very tight and I do a 40 mile bike ride the day after arm day with my boyfriend every week, it's our thing we do together, so I'm not willing to do any serious leg stuff that day, and I train gymnastics the days following leg day, so I can't do any serious arms. I would be able to change it except for the class schedule of my gymnastics classes and opens. I've been considering adding a third day, but the day after my bike ride I'm exhausted and the other days I am far too busy with work and training to do a weight routine.

>thought I was doing great
>clothes fit better
>see some definition of arms and legs
>gut hasnt changed that much but small changes in the sides
>went to dr appointment
>weigh the same since I started in January