So I lifted free weights for the first time yesterday and now my elbow tendon area is killing me. How do I fix this...

So I lifted free weights for the first time yesterday and now my elbow tendon area is killing me. How do I fix this? Can I do anything to speed up the healing process? What can I do to avoid this? Should I workout today or wait? I was planning on doing chest, triceps, and shoulders today, but since my arms don't work properly, I guess I'll do legs and cardio instead.

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Hit your elbow against a concrete wall 7-10 times


cardio's for faggots

Your wrist might have done too much of the work and given you tennis or golf elbow.

should have used the paid weights, the free ones are absolute crap.

Want me to tell you how I know you have been doing random shit at the gym so far?

I've mainly been focusing on cardio and done a little bit of machines. I want to start free weights now but my elbows are fucked. Is it because of form?

How do I deal with this?

>cardio and done a little bit of machines
let me guess, you realized that you aren't that strong and now your elbow hurts because you did random shit and weights

Yeah, kinda. I was working my biceps and back. I did hammer dumbell curls and I think that's what did it.

Sounds like you started with too much weight because you had anxiety of looking like a sissy boy. Bad move. Elbow is fucked forever now.

Wait until it stops hurting (I think it will be ok in less than a week) and do the same but with less weight, and do it everyday you go to the gym so you get used to it and progress faster.

I only did 4kg, that's like one more than the starting weight for dumbells.

4kg? Are you a skeleton? Wtf
How many reps can you do with that weight?

3 sets of 10. This was my first time with free weights though.

Pff that's nothing... I suposse you are from a big city or something like that and you've never had to work with your hands. Don't worry, if you do this and eat well, you'll slowly progress, it's never too late. When you progress a little, consider doing drop sets and negatives, it works for me.

lol I hate to laugh but this kid just revealed that he has literally never done work one time

"I used my body, and now it hurts. wtf Veeky Forums!!!"

Don't go and do it again until the pain stops, choose a lighter weight next time.

Rest for one week, then start training your forearm muscles with e.g. Theraband Flexbar + Stretching. After 2 weeks start lifting again with decreased weight without isolation work for bi /triceps. From this point on train your flexors, extensors using grippers and bands to strengthen your forearm. After a while you can incorporate isos again. Always stretch after training.

There're too many weak "men" today, and it isn't entirely their fault, but at least there are some who are trying to be better, like OP. His attemp is pathetic, but hey, we weren't better than him when we were 10yo...

Sounds like soreness, rest and you'll be fine

But this doesn't feel like doms though. Its pain in an area that I didn't work out, which was why I was worried. And yeah I'm a beginner, but I'll get better with time.

Beginners out

It seems to be a problem with your joints, not your muscles. But it's the same for every part of the body, the more you use it, the tougher it will become.
And unless you're using machines or isolating, you work out more shit than you think. If you do curls while standing, you'll be using your biceps, triceps, wrist, shoulder, core, chest... And the elbow.

Make me ya insecure meathead

So should I continue using machines? Or free weights?

had this a couple of days ago, drop your weights down and instead of doing say 15 reps of 25lb curls, do 40 reps of 10lbs curls until you recover, which should (depending on how bad you've hurt yourself) should take about 2-3 days.


You're the one making a thread about some minor ache you big whimp lol

Do I use ice for this type of pain or do i use heat?

How does that make me insecure? I came here for advice, you want to put people down for whatever reason.

I want you off this board because dumb weakling shitters like you turn into stupid armchair coaches and you drag the overall standard of the board down.

>armchair coaches
The only thing I've done in this thread is ask questions. You need to get out more buddy. You're mad about an imageboard on an anime website.

Get out, your kind doesn't contribute to lifting.


Feel free to share any of your contributions.

hammer curls is the same exercise my father did which gave him the exact same pain you're explaining. avoid doing that exercise until you've done about 20 gym sessions with free weights.

Thanks for this, very helpful and informative.

hammercurls 2x20 one set before and one after pressing

They guy had it for 1 day and you start linking to tendonitis advice?
He could just be soar as fuck from doing something he never tried before.
It does not start to be a tendon issue unless it last for 1-2 weeks.

What free weight exercises should I do in the meantime?

Everyone whos in this thread saying its an inflamed tendon, get the fuck out.
Tendinosis or tendinitis can only be diagnoes if it lasted for a long time. 1 DAY ISNT ENOUGH.
Stop giving retarded advice if you dont know what youre talking about.

OP, let it rest, but do some warm up movements, nothing heavy. It could simply be DOMS. If it lasts for a week or more it could be a tendon issue, and in that case just let it rest and do some light movements. Do that for 2-3 weeks and start lifting lightly again, build the weight up slowly, over many workouts.

true. I'm using it to treat my tendonitis atm, tricep tendonitis from january to july and tennis elbow from may and still ongoing kek. Good times.

you should train your lower body only and no squats ( or movements where you need to hold the bar like in squats)

>treating tendonitis

Train through it and it will disappear with time.

Listen to this. It will teach you what you need to know.

How often should I lift?
Every other day?

Off to the gym to do cardio and legs. Am I gonna make it?

every day

This is what I did. Took about 6 months. Thought it would never heal. There is some atrophy in the right bicep but all is well now.

just keep going

this happened to me when I was like 8 from doing curls with my dad's dumbells

I just kept doing them anyway since I wasn't a sissyfaggot and it went away

Use free weights, but lighter ones. It's the only way to get used to it.

It heals. Stop all weights for 2 weeks.

I know someone who had tendinitis in his leg.
He tried to train through it, but it just ended up tearing.
His whole calf muscle completely fucking detached and curled up into the pit of his leg behind his knee.

cool meme

kek, you need to take every precaution to not aggravate it. As soon as you feel something off, you stop that exercise. Also don't go below 12 reps if you're using that arm.

Have you read my link? It probably says the same thing in a 10x more convenient format.

This happened to me when I started lifting too, and happens slightly when I go hard on the bis after not training them for a while.
It's going to go away in a few days.
Meanwhile take some NSAIDS (tylenol, advil whatever).
Oh and most important : get some anti-inflammatory cream and apply it on your elbow when you feel like you need it. It instantly makes the pain waaaaaaay less intense.