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He's alive guys, get over it.

Who is this guy?

>He's alive guys, get over it.


First time hearing about this guy. Did he undergo weight loss surgery or something?

If so, good for him. Shows he's really dedicated to his fitness journey.

I'm super overweight and I'm doing Ketosis with intermittent fasting on a very low calorie diet for the last month and it's honestly not that hard. When I'm done in a few months it's going to be easy just eating healthy enjoying life. I think I'll keep up IF, but drop keto when I hit my goal weight. Boogie is just being a baby and doesn't understand fat people can literally live on a multi vitamin and water for a very long time, before we actually need to eat.

his comment is about not being able to eat enough.

leave the poor guy alone. our magic wasn't strong enough to kill him even in his weakened state. the positive energy of hundreds of thousands of fans livetweeting the surgery was too strong.


You know damn well after this lard ass mother fuckers stomach re-expands he will be a lard ass again

why is everyone talking about this fatfuck lately?

he's been around for years why the sudden interest?

him not dying in surgery is the worst fucking thing
did anything happen with that guy who was gonna come to his hospital with a baseball bat?
he's just gonna get fatter, I hope his death is something painful, not sudden and painless like a heart attack

But be careful though about food addiction and junkfood.

>dedicating this much energy to another man
>an attention whore at that

>did anything happen with that guy who was gonna come to his hospital with a baseball bat?

What? are you sure that really was suppose to happen or was that just him making some shit up to get a guilt sympathy bullshit for attention?


A really fat dude did fast for an entire year, at no detriment to his health.

Just need some vitamins and mineral water to avoid things like scurvy.

>another man

Fuck you, if you are a fat fucking piece of shit you could fast instead of getting cut open it has the same effect as fasting. That is the point of this thread so other fat fucks can look up fasting you fat fucking nigger kike dick sucking faggot

Absolutely. There's a reason why I got to 280 pounds and I'm about to start seeing a shrink why I'm addicted to food and how to curb it. I want this to last and I understand all this stems from me being lazy and mentally fucked.

Oh look, Boogie's being a liar again

>just realised I've had less than 200 claories in the last 2 days

Yeah, you're not allowed to eat before any surgery and they strongly advise you not to eat after gastric bypass until a few days later. His calorie intake over the past 2 days should've been zero. This period isn't the normal period where he should reintroduce food.

This is basically a priori reasoning that "well this has now made it hard to eat, and I still need to eat, therefore I need to MAKE SURE I'm eating more than I think I am"

It's been a day since his surgery and this fat fuck is already trying to justify eating again

Fatlogic rears its ugly head, and it's going to take boogie down

probably was him, but I think everyone here would want to see him get wrecked like that so it it would've backfired

>havent eaten much since yesterday better make up all those calories lol!


>thinking about food already



>boogie telling someone to hit the gym


>thinking about food already
it's one of the basic bodily functions you have to do every day to function correctly, along with drinking water, breathing air, having sex, etc

Theres research done that keto and (I)F literally resets your hormones, insulin sensitivity and such.

Good luck! Im very interested in Fasting and Keto aswell and will use it to cut weight once I have gained some muscle (lifting for three month, skinnyfat).

>still caring about what other people do
>trying to control how other people think, act, and behave
>while calling me a kike

pic related, you

At boogie's weight the only thing he requires is nutrient supplementation, he literally doesn't have to eat

You can starve to death while obese, even with nutrient supplementation.

The brain needs carbs to function correctly, which is why people get a "keto flu" when they cut out carbs

I have a friend who is a fat fuck and every time I see him he says 'I haven't eaten today,' to justify eating a fuck ton while I'm with him. Ive no idea how he lives with himself, he just destroys his own body


>letting the medical jew fuck you over

You are pretty much a fucking jew

Just in case this isn't bait


Most people firmly believe tbat of you dont eat you instantly lose all muscle instead of fat.

Just in case you fuckers want to bump this shit and expose this guy to all his enablers, here's the Tweet I made on his most recent status shit. I don't really care if you call me a shill, I just want the truth to be out there. twitter.com/DeadMemes01010/status/893066036991238144

You could literally ruin his life and career through the fact that he called someone a faggot as an insult.

He's meant to be so tolerant and LGBT but he calls people faggots, and even cuck as an insult.

fat doesn't hold nutrients, just energy
if he can swallow a pill, he'll survive for the (very) foreseeable future

Pretty unlikely, how did holocaust victims get so thin but still be alive?

Boogie used a homophobic slur??? OH MY GOD

Boogie, I know you post here. You're going to pay for what you've done.

has he never woken up late, gone to work, worked through his lunch, got home, fallen asleep, woken up the next day after not eating for 24~ hours?

it must have happened at some point in his life

Not boogie but cool

He has worked from home his entire life

Wait a second, Boogie has the same tripcode as Reliable Ecchi Deliverer Sniper from /v/

Nah, like most things he'll just play the /troubled/ childhood card or something and blame everyone else but himself for his mistakes

>letting the youtube jew control your life

You are worse than a jew.

Prove you are not a jew

>subtly asking for uncut dick pics
wew lad no homo right?

haha Veeky Forums got majorly btfo. boogie is already slimming down after the surgery *AND* dumped that skank he was married to for a hotter bitch

pic related, it's current boogie

Don't bullshit us, it's Jonah Hill

quints of truth

>surgery is the hard way guise, srsly. It's definitely not the easy way of being self motivated to stop stuffing my fat fucking face

Why would your body start cannibalising muscle when you are low on energy, instead of oh, I don't know, the tissue specifically created to store energy?

I used to lurk these threads for motivation and entertainment, but that one tweet is what pissed me off about him.

Fat fucks think they are going to die if they don't eat rather than just lose a lb of fat every day or so

Damn, mirin triceps & delts

I wished he'd die in the surgery room



this is a common sight with fat people. they will justify anything to put food in their mouth. pathalogical liars.


fuck this guy. literally done nothing to help society or himself. degenerate.


What does this 500 lb person mean by this?

>which is why people get a "keto flu" when they cut out carbs
That's because of electrolytes. I didn't get keto flu when I started because I didn't go into it like some dipshit and upped my water and electrolytes intake.

0 is less than 200 you dumb fuck

Just so we're clear, a lot of those people died in the process.

>weight loss surgery
Pick one.

>the brain needs carbs

In a way. But it doesn't need to be dietary carbs.

Of the brain energy requirements, only ~25% need to come from glucose. The balance can be fulfilled with ketones.

As for the glucose it does need the body is capable of manufacturing through gluconeogenesis from protein and fat. As fat is mobilized for energy, the fatty acids are stripped from the glycerol back bone of the triglycerides. The glycerol then hits up the liver to be converted to glucose.

You can survive on fat alone for an extremely long time.

who is Boogie and what does he """do"""?

It's obviously a lie as well because he says it basically every time we meet, whether it be lunchtime when he's obviously had a junk food breakfast, or at like 6pm. Yeah dude you're telling me that at 6'3 and probs 110 kgs of fat, no muscle whatsoever, you didn't have breakfast or lunch and yet you keep that garbage physique. OK breh

hate fat people desu

He said in a video his doctor wants him getting 800 calories a day and 90 grams of protein minimal. I assume that is what he was referring to.

>yfw boogie wrote the sticky
>yfw he hired a texan actor to pose as Rippetoe
>yfw SS + GOMAD is boogies revenge on Veeky Forums

Your body knows that muscle burns more energy than fat so when you are not getting enough calories it tries to reduce muscle therefore lowering be.

That is why when we cut we try to get all of our energy by protein in order to help the body retain muscle.

I wonder how long he could survive on just water, anyone interested in organizing a kidnapping operation to find out?

For entirely scientific purposes, of course

he will drop 40-50kg real quick until his stomach is stretched out again. he will stall and eventually start gaining fat again. that's what happens when you don't change your fucked up eating habits and expect a surgery will fix everything

muh 'starvation mode'

Neural tissue is by far the most energy draining tissue in the human body. Muscle is not broken down first, it is only broken down in small amounts until you are low on fat reserves.

I still don't understand how people can become this fat

>did anything happen with that guy who was gonna come to his hospital with a baseball bat?

kek what

What the fuck is wrong with this guy?

Please tell me this is true. Reliable Ecchi whatever once said that's he's huge and causes trouble getting around, but it's almost entirely muscle.

>he's huge and causes trouble getting around, but it's almost entirely muscle.
>it's almost entirely muscle.

Why 800?? Thats way too low, by that size, 2000 calories could made him drop weight fast enough.

This user is correct. The biggest point of evidence is through the theory of survival. We as humans had to be a peak optimal performance at all times in order to survive from other predators and if we lost muscle because we didn't as much, it would be a nail in the casket for our species.

Emergency weight loss, man. Everyday he's at that weight is a literal chance he could die from stroke or other health issues.

If this happened to you, you're never going to make it. I keep a reservoir of snacks at work to get calories in if I need them

>these are the people giving you lifting advice on Veeky Forums

Someone ruin this faggots life in tired of this boogie shit

how will Veeky Forums react if he proves everyone wrong and actually loses weight?

Here is REDS's steam

Here is boogie's

guy who had the longest cut in history. he lost around 5 lbs in 10 years of dieting

Go back to eating, Boogie.

why are all you dweebs so fucking angry? lmao

You're still going to die boogie

(not that fag btw)

can't wait for him to start gaining weight again and make more excuse videos

>Tfw your post gets screencapped
>Tfw boogie calls people faggot and beta cuck

You sound like a Nazi.

Turn on your trip boogie

remember that you cant just drop keto like that

see, some of you aren't gonna make it

this board sucks and mods are faggots who leave this garbage up

ban boogie posters because boogie never did any kind of exercise in his life and this shit has nothing to do with fitness

redbull me on boogie. What is he known for?