What happens if I skip SS and go right into an intermediate routine?

What happens if I skip SS and go right into an intermediate routine?


you'll make the same gains as you would on SS but at a much slower pace for a few weeks, after which you kill yourself from the super high (compared to what your body is capable of) volume

You might not look like a dinosaur

oh well kek


>considered to do SS

kill yourself

Stay mad, cuck boy.

>falling for the SS/SL meme
>not starting on a PPL with slightly lower volume

This powerlifting dad is fucking retarded.

u might look like big Z on accident instead of a beta boy with a feminine ass

U dye

By intermediate routine do you mean something with just more volume? That's fine as long as you're not cutting and you make sure you get enough rest. But you definitely won't make strength gains as fast.
Or maybe you mean a routine programmed for intermediates, which would be absolutely retarded because then you would just be slowing your progress for literally no reason.

I'd recommend canditos linear UL strength / hypertrophy for you. Nice balance between strength training and volume work, even for beginners.

Is this just a PPL routine

No it's an upper lower split with 2 days strength training and 2 days of volume work.

Is this a reviewbrah thread?

Post your rarest 'brah

>Forgot pic

Just end it already

big Z? you say?

Best case scenario you get injured, worst case you completely fry your CNS

you will waste your time

i'm gonna do it anyway

these are the guys that call you skinny at 6'0 200 pounds to justify them looking and being a fatass.

I started with PPL and ended up fine. I've been wondering this though.

It's great for college where you can go to the gym after class. Hottest women there too.

Kinda sucks with a typical work week because you dedicate an hour a day to the gym instead of 45 mins 3x a week.

PPL is great for you spergs with no life.

This, I'm scared to move to an intermediate routine because I already spend my life at work and the gym on SS. I can't imagine 6 days a week.

New OC

what is so bad about SS?
my grandfather told me SS was the greatest thing he ever did.

Never lifted before, started SL 5x5 2 months ago
5'10, 190lbs
I do 5x5
145lbs bench
190lbs squat
205 dead lift

my stats are shit arent they
when should i quit 5x5

>not recognizing three of the four strongest men on the planet
...DYEL, tho??

>when should I quit 5x5
2 months ago, tbqh
3x5 for life.

You are too weak to need a deload. So if you still have trouble progressing linearly, use greyskull's model for progression

how lean does big Z look these days. I use to live his big guts lol. u haven't seen him lift since he lost the weight, hours his lifts going these days?

You make slower and inferior progress in the long run. Even in the short run. Probably more injuries, less likelihood to continue long term lifting.

Get a base, get experience with the basic movements, do SS

Your grandfather was a Nazi you fucking dope

If you do an intermediate routine, you are by definition intermediate.

So you should probably be able to squat around 3p8 after like a week or so.
Don't know why everyone wastes their time on beginner programs when they could just be intermediate by choice