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>What is this thread?

A place for people to ask questions and get answers about injuries, barriers to progression, working around roadblocks and managing your physical health. Ask questions about aches, sprains, pains and strains, and I'll give you the best answers I can, circumstances permitting. If you have any questions about exercise technique, sports-related injuries, or just want a comfy place to post, you're welcome to join in.

>What is this thread not?

A substitute for medical or clinical contact. Please remember that this is not a substitute for actual diagnostic or clinical contact with a physician or IRL PT, and that ultimately you are responsible for your health. That being said, I will do the best I can with the problems you give me.

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my elbows have been getting sore lately, ive been doing heavy weighted chin ups alot. I use rings.
any tips on how to reduce this elbow soreness? exercises to rehab elbows?
pain only happens on pulling exercises

Scoliosis. What side do I train and what side do i stretch?

>tips on how to reduce this elbow soreness

best thing I can tell you to do is to switch up your exercises and deload when you're doing pulling. If exercise is aggravating the pain and you keep doing those exercises, you're going to keep getting pain.

>exercises to rehab elbows

Start off with unresisted flexion and extension stretches, make sure to hit the bis, tris, wrist flexors and extensors. Add resistance with 1-2kg increments or resistance bands until you're back at it.

Otherwise, you can try breaking down the compound chinups into a lot of smaller movements if you want to hit the muscles individually. The pain may be the result of instability or weakness. Give it time to resolve.


How bad are we talking? Are we talking a gentle tilt to one side or are we dealing with a rollercoaster spine?

>What side do I train and what side do i stretch

It's not as simple as that - you've got to train things symmetrically otherwise you'll worsen the imbalance. You'll need an individualised assessment of mobility and physical capacity - stick with lightweighted basic exercises for now, consult an EP, PT or Sports Doctor if you want to upscale.

I heard the base of my spine/pelvis doing deep squats, how do I rehabilitate the area?

ive torn something in my knee from judo ages ago, either ligament or meniscus, dont which know because never got mri.
I know somethings torn because if i play any sports that require running and changing directions my knee will give out in certain positions.
I can squat and still do, no pain.
Just wondering if i would need to get this fixed or not as i can still jog and squat. Is it likely im doing damage? am i wearing out my knee if i dont fix this?

Injured my back a few weeks ago, and keep being stupid and reinjuring my self.
first time I tried low weight squats
second chest supported rows
third overhead press

I'm just going to only train bench for a month or do. Can I just do it every other day?

I have a pressure pain around the elbow of my dominant arm for two months. a doc diagnosed joint irritation, another doc diagnosed golfer's elbow and sent me to a physiotherapist who said it might have been a bicep strain because he pressed on my forearm and I showed no pain reaction, but if he presses on my biceps it hurts. I got a upper body massage and there are more therapy sessions to come, but the pain is the same as 6 weeks ago (it used to be a sharp pain in the beginning). the exercises I used to do where squats, dl, bench, ohp, bb rows, chins and dips. I have trouble gripping things with my arm, I can't even hold a shopping bag. any idea what that could be?

Can you describe the pain, what aggravates it, how long it's been around, and what you've done to treat it, if anything?

The issue isn't that you'll "wear out" your knee, the issue is that the instability you're experiencing predisposes you to getting injured more severely and more often. Given what you've described it may be an internal knee ligament, but like you said, we'd need an MRI or soft-tissue imaging to be certain.

If you're not experiencing pain then you can sit on it, but I'd advise you to have a chat with your doctor about it seeing as the older you get, the less your capacity for healing and the more predisposed you'll be to injury.

Godspeed m8

You need to stop doing back related exercises for at least a week to give yourself time to heal. Then, get back into it with 50% of your working weight and scale back up until you're at your regular level. Can you tell me more about your back pain at all?

I should add that the first doc made xrays, but nothing special could be seen on them. he also made me go to the hospital to get my blood checked for inflamation values, I have an appointment next week with the doc to talk about the values.

Lower back, can no longer go into flexion apparently

That's a good start re the doc, but I have some questions before we get into it.

- Specifically where is the pain? is it on the front, back, or sides of your elbow?
- Is there any specific movement that aggravates the pain?
- When you're gripping, is your arm straight or bent?
- Are you still exercising, if so, how much?
- How did the pain come on? Was it gradual or abrupt?

my advice is to take some rest and once you feel more comfortable, try doing light flexion with no weight. See how you feel, and try and progress how far into flexion you're moving. Beyond that I'd say that if this doesn't get better, doesn't change or it gets worse, see your doc or an IRL PT.

The top of my kneecaps hurt when I squat. My coach says my weightlifting form is fine. Can weightlifting 4-5 times a week 'shock' your knees if I did simple shit like SS or Madcow before?

Calluses tore open and now those areas have calluses. What do?

Tell me more about the pain.
- Is it an ache or a sharp pain
- Does it come on just when you're weightlifting or throughout the day?
- Are there any specific postures that aggravate your knees?
- Is one knee worse than the other

>Can weightlifting 4-5 times a week 'shock' your knees if I did simple shit like SS or Madcow before

The issue is recovery. Are you resting your body enough for it to adequately deal with the strain of your training? Make sure your diet and sleep are on point before you keep it up.

>What do

I don't know a damn thing about callouses and skin health but I do know that from my experience, the fucking things will keep peeling off and coming back so long as you keep stressing your hands.

I think its a sharp pain. Happens during bodyweight squats or when I use only my quads.
It happens throughout the day. usually when my knees are warmed up they're ok, so I never really get any pain during training (only at the start a bit).
Yes, the half squat. It hurts most on the way down and up around that position. At the bottom it's fine. Just a bit stiff.
Both knees hurt.

I'm pretty sure rest is ok. I sleep about 7 hours a night. Could be better, I guess. I'm gaining weight so i should be eating enough

I have lower back pain that only bothers me early in the morning when I stand and bring my chin downward towards my chest. It's barley noticeable otherwise.

It started after a very heavy deadlift set over a year ago. I haven't stopped squatting or deadlifting but have recuced the weight quite substantially. It's not really a bother but I worry that it will become one.

What do?

Day after benching, my front shoulders hurt a lot for like 2-3 days. I figured it must be the rotator cuff, so I've started doing external rotations with dumbbells and the "full can" raise. How long should I do these exercises before benching again? And how often?

that all sounds pretty kosher. My advice would be to take a day off between when you're training legs just to give yourself time to recover. Right now I would suggest taking a week off squats before you get back into it. Give yourself time to get better before you start loading and monitor your pain.

When you get back into season, always start up with a warmup and stretch, and consider using supportive devices like straps and kneewraps if needed.

Can you tell me more?

- Where in your back do you feel the pain?
- Is it close to the middle of your back or further out
- Does the pain radiate or is it pretty consistent in where it comes up?
- Does it crop up at any other time
- For how long has this been going on?
- Have you had any other issues with your neck?
- Is it getting better or worse?

My right shoulder hurts Everytime I bench. Feels like the rotator cuff. Then the pain goes away after a day or two.

Any tips for chronic tight middle traps? My right side flares up sometimes (literally feel the knot) and it makes my whole upper back tight and it feels awful. always my right side

pic related, where it says 'middle' is where the knot is. like i said it fucks with my whole back. only relief is lacrosse ball but I'm trying to find ways to prevent it in the first place

could it be a lower trap inbalance? i read that somewhere so recently i've been trying to do lat pulldowns and really feel it retracting

>- Specifically where is the pain? is it on the front, back, or sides of your elbow?
It is more located on little finger side, and I would say in the crook rather than on the outside of the elbow, and it feels like it is deep inside the arm. I have no pain on the outside elbow.
>- Is there any specific movement that aggravates the pain?
I have to use a mouse and keyboard at work, and when I'm stressed and tensed I think it aggravates it a little. It is also aggravated by carrying boxes of, say 20 lbs or more (I can lift those when it is not aggravated). I also know that my recreational activites probably aren't the best atm, I did not talk about that with my physio and doc, bc it's kinda embarassing, but maybe I fap too much, expecially in my bed with my laptop, I'm on adderrall and fap sessions can become quite long, like really long (8h+), I tried to cut it the last month, but I don't always manage to do it. I know it's stupid. I do this for a few months but I had no trouble before.
So yeah, I noticed that fapping aggravates it, too (since it is there), and probably that unhealthy position in my bed when browsing Veeky Forums (I don't have a couch). I should probably change what I do in my free time.
>- When you're gripping, is your arm straight or bent?
Tt doesn't matter, the feeling of weakness is the same, both with bent or straight arms. I hope this was what you were asking?
>- Are you still exercising, if so, how much?
I stopped exercising about 1.5 weeks in after I noticed the pain. That was 6 weeks ago.
>- How did the pain come on? Was it gradual or abrupt?
The pain came over a time of 1.5 weeks, gradually, and it hurt during my rest times when working out. After 1.5 weeks I decided that it hurts too much and stopped and called a doc. I can't recall an incident that might have caused it. I recall having a slightly bent arm doing mixed grip dl but that was only 220 lbs, and it was in the time frame when I already had the pain.


Until you can do your bench without pain, I'd say. I'd also advise you to try dumbell bench press alongside barbell because the movement is different and you get better range out of it.

is it possible to get knee bruises and pain from overhead press?

I advise you to do rotator cuff exercises then, switch up your bench between BB/DB incline decline and flat, and do some stretches before and after your sets

Strangely, while working out with the pain druing my rest times, I could lessen the pain by pressing on the exact same spot that the physiotherapist found later.

Unless you're doing the exercises while kneeling on your knees I don't think so. Try doing them seated at a Smith Machine or using pins to hold the bar at chest level if your legs are hurting.

> really feel it retracting

Does that mean your pain is getting better or worse?

I'm on my feet doing manual labor 10 hours a day 6 days a week
Luckily I lifted for a few months before hand so I'm handling it pretty well
Every once in a while I'll yank on a crowbar too hard or twist my arm holding a drill and I'll get a really dull pain in my left elbow that sticks around for the rest of the day
I write lefty but do everything else righty so it's my weaker arm and I keep thinking it'll get used to it and stop but every few days it comes back
Wat do?

- Where in your back do you feel the pain?
>Lower left side seems to be the source but it spreads outward and I can feel it closer to the center too.

- Does the pain radiate or is it pretty consistent in where it comes up?
>Very much consistent to the lower left/middle back area.

- Does it crop up at any other time
>Rarely I will feel a twinge after a heavy workout. Not so much pain but a feeling that it's a little vulnerable and could burst into pain but it never does.But this happens very rarely.

- For how long has this been going on?
>About a year and a half now.

- Have you had any other issues with your neck?
>No issues with my neck ever.

- Is it getting better or worse?
>I'd say it's getting better/staying the same. It's definitely not getting worse. Weirdly I find it gets worse if I don't deadlift for a week or two.

All my joints hurt pretty much all the time, and it's not due to training

I might not have trained legs in 7 days, one day I will wake up with a sore knee for literally no reason

My elbows, shoulders, wrists, knees, ankles are all fucked

back day is the only day I can truly enjoy since I get to push myself pretty hard without my joints limiting me

I've taken all the common recommendations, any normal person would visit a doctor at this point

Okay here's what I'm thinking. It might have started off as golfer's elbow but given your activity and the fact that it's in your dominant arm, you may have caused inflammation around the site which is causing trigger point pain (this is why you're feeling some relief when you press down on the painful spot). This is trickier because inflammatory pattern pain has a different resolution prognosis compared to just regular old repetitive strain, and it's also an issue because it's your dominant hand.

Not to worry, there are things to be done.

First off, self-massage. Get an apple or a tennis ball and roll it down your arm from elbow to wrist, making sure to press down firmly. That's your warmup before treatment.

Next, stretching. Make sure it's lightly resisted, stop if it's painful, and try to move through full range. The reason I want you to stretch is so you'll eliminate the issue of tissue shortening with healing.

Finally, Cut down on your masturbation. Jesus Christ, eight hours? Really? Like, I'm honestly impressed but you've got to direct that latent sexual energy elsewhere. Do ballroom dancing, take up knitting, clean your room, etc.

Also, be kind to yourself. Take some anti-inflammatories (chat w. your doctor before doing this) and chill. Stress can worsen the time course of healing so you owe it to yourself to sit back, relax and breathe.

Just make sure to keep your hands where I can see them -_-

That's a protective muscle spasm. I used to work construction so I know how it can be tough to handle tools the right way all the time, but please stick to the OHSA and please don't do anything stupid.

If it still keeps coming on, talk to your doctor. Otherwise, good luck.

Sounds like you have a local muscle spasm which may be causing some local inflammation. My advice is to sit on it, be conservative with your progression in terms of weight, and if it flares up, gets worse, or you feel it might spike, talk to a doctor or arrange a sitdown with a PT. Consider doing some massage as well - that might help if the problem is muscular in nature.

>any normal person would visit a doctor at this point

Please do because this sounds like something a doctor would want to take a look at. You may have a generalised inflammatory condition or something similar to that - it'd be a good idea to get it checked out.

Thank you very much! I will do that.

I'd suggest watching your form more, and switching to a non-ring chin up. Elbow tendinitis can be caused by flaring your elbows out in one direction or another causing extra strain on them, so increasing the stability may allow you to keep the weight.

could be stress, I've had knots in my back from stress before

could also be the pec minor. If it's rotator cuff the problem is probably impingement and can be avoided by having the bar touch father down the sternum.

Do you live near a large chemical processing facility or some other kind of industrial operation?

I get some chostochondritis. I first got it doing dips, but I was also swimming and now swimming is the big thing aggravates it, as can sleeping wrong, i.e. "curled up" with my chest contracted.

I'm not sure if this is due to weak stabiilizers (started doing planks), normal stress from lifting, bad form (shrugging with deadlift?) or just a natural byproduct of my rib cage expanding as I become more muscular.

your experience with anterior pelvic tilt.
is it a big deal? if i continue to deadlift and squat without doing the corrective exercises will i die?
what is your treatment for it? should i drop the squats and deads while i fix my APT first or do i rehab and train concurrently?

First off, cheers for the contributions - always nice to see some more opinions in the thread!

My question re. the costochondritis is what strokes in swimming were aggravating it, and how has it progressed - better or worse I mean.

My thoughts are that it could be normal stress from lifting - I used to have a similar pattern of pain when I switched to purely weightlifting but I'd need to know more of your history to make a full assessment. Anything more you can tell me?

This is gonna be tricky because weightlifting always involves legs.

I usually start and finish every session with warm ups and stretches but maybe I'm just not being through enough.

I get light headed af when I stand up, I eat pretty normal do IF 18:6. Only started recently, been lifting for about a year do cardio everyday because I ride 20 miles for work commute. Quit drinking about a month ago too and it's about the same time the light headed episodes started happening.

Am I dying?

>is it a big deal?

Depends on the degree of the tilt combined with the loading imposed by your activity. Is it causing pain, limiting your movement, things like that?

>if i continue to deadlift and squat without doing the corrective exercises will i die

We're all going to die eventually. That being said, you want to be as stable as you can be in DL/squat and APT can introduce instability.

>what is your treatment for it

Depends on what you're doing specifically but here's a good shotgun-general approach that'll hit pretty much everything you need. If you've still got issues, speak to a doc or an IRL PT.

This post has some pretty good resources for self-treatment, not that I'd encourage it as a matter of course but it's better than nothing and you might as well have a plan of attack.

> should i drop the squats and deads while i fix my APT first or do i rehab and train concurrently

My bias would be to rehab first and then train, but that's because I'm very process oriented and I'm a shit when I tell my patients what to do, but if you think you can handle doing both then see if you can. If not, focus on rehab before training.

That sounds like hypotension brought on by postural changes. It could be from an array of things - low blood pressure, low sodium, not having enough fluid in you, standing up too quickly etc.

Do you mean you started IF recently? It may be that. Have you spoken to a doctor about this?

It's a slow-onset (later that night/next day) sort of thing, but it seems like crawl is the worst followed by backstroke and breast stroke is third.

It does seem to be getting better over time, with ups and downs depending on activity and how I sleep.

Been lifting for about five months, mostly SS-type "powerlifts" with some accessory work, bench, dl, leg press, just started doing goblet squats, glute ham raise, strict press, rows, chin ups, and before, dips. Also started doing more plants and some cable column downward chops. And face puls. And planks.

Before I would let my elbows come in and would "support" the bar for the overhead press by basically pushing inward on my ribcage with my arms. After the CC started I stopped that and it helped a bit. Oddly benching doesn't seem to hurt it much, but dl might.

I do also get stress/discomfort on a similar location on my back. Like those two spots are the ones where all the lines of force overlap so they get super stressed, or something.

I have a tennis ball and I also bought the green, blue and red flexible bars made from rubber (don't want to shill the name). I got these on my own, the docs didn't mention them. I used them only for two days. Would the golfer's elbow exercise with those bars be the stretching you were talking about or should I do additional stretching?
The doc who sent me to the physio also prescribed me a golfer's elbow brace but I haven't used it yet.
He also prescribed diclofenac but I was hesitant to take them because I read online -_- that it hinders tendon recovery. But I guess I should just take it now.
The physio recommended that I buy a brush (did that) and brush up the medial side of my arm (avoiding the crook area bc he said that this is a sensitive area) while it is wet using some force and brush back using little force. What is this treatment about?

Sorry that I'm mentioning this only now, I have tried so much already bc of this issue and forgot it.

If you do a lot of cardio you could have an incomplete bundle branch block caused by cardiac hypertrophy that causes reduced cardiac performance during low-exertion periods. Basically your heart gets too swole and the nerve signals don't propagate well through all the extra meat during wimpy non-cardio times, causing misfires and reduced output.

Something like half of all male endurance athletes have it.

ugh, to clarify that a bit, "plant" is "plank" and was included twice

Also the resting of the bar during the press refers to resting it on/near my chest at the start of the exercise.

I mean additional stretching - look up forearm flexor and extensor stretching and do the basic ones.

>What is this treatment about
Two things come to mind - he might be thinking of mobilising the tissues in the inflamed area, or he might be thinking of using tactile input to override the pain coming from that area. There's a lot of science related to that and if I go into it in any satisfactory detail we'll be here all day, but there's merit to his idea so give it a go for a week or so and see how you do with it.

Don't worry about forgetting things - my patients forget stuff all the time. It's normal!

That's a valid hypothesis, but given that the original user stated he's made a number of nutritional, exercise and lifestyle changes recently, suggesting BBB at this stage might be a little premature when compared to the other factors in his presentation. You're right that BBB is prevalent in male endurance athletes, but it's more represented in the elite cohort and in the older cohort. While I have no reason to doubt our user might be a high-level endurance athlete, I think the problem might lie a little closer to home than that.

Cheers for the thought though - always nice to see some other perspectives!

Given that it's getting better with time I'd say it could be a consequence of activity change as well as chest expansion, like you said.

Your presentation is pretty much precisely reflective of those people who present with similar issues soon after starting weightlifting. My advice to you would be to deload all the lifts that aggravate the pain down to 60% working weight, and drop everything that doesn't aggravate it down to 80% working weight. Sit on that until the pain subsides, then scale back up. Also, cut down your swimming. Inflammation heals best with a bit of rest and light movement so you don't want to be overloading yourself while you've got this going on.

I know the temptation will be there to push yourself but you've got to take your foot off the gas before you trash your engine. Give it time.


My knees hurt like hell when I hit hamstring touching calf depth. Why is this?

I never really had good mobility for squats but I can squat 315 below parallel.
However when deadlifting today I decided to start from atg and my knees felt like they were going to buckle and pop.

Is this the first time you've had that kind of pain on that depth or has it happened before?

Also, bear in mind that DL and squat place different stressors on different parts of the body - how's your form?

Not him, but i have a gentle tilt, and it seems rotated and causes my right rib cage to protrude and my left to cave in a little like a half carinatum and half excavatum, doc says it's just cosmetic. I'd want to do something about it but its hard to find resources

Alright, thank you.

I ended up hurting my left shoulder 2 weeks ago while incline bench pressing, and I'm not quire sure what it is. I have full movement and strength in my left arm with OHP and bench but I feel slight discomfort whenever i put too much weight on it. Am I gonna have to accept that feel of having to go easy for a couple weeks?

Is this pose damaging? Does it damage your bloodstream or hips? My father is far in his 60s now and suffers from his first hip problems, been sitting like the guy on the left all his life. He is slightly limping one-sided.
My little brother (23) is talking about bloodstream issues in that upper leg sitting the same way. Admittedly they're both unfit but so there are probably other factors. They refuse to change and dismiss broscience-articles and claim its such a minor habit of theirs. They blame genetics instead. They're bullshitting right?

Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg... and my arm... even my fingers. The body I've lost... the comrades I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our past.

Twisted my ankle yesterday, it's sprained. It sucks, man. I know that's not as bad as a real injury but damn, I can't do my cardio.

How do you even use the rowing machine? I guess that's my cardio for the week.

My advice is to talk to a specialist or a sports doctor. If you want a second opinion it's okay, but don't go doctor shopping. It sounds like you might have a mild midthroacic or lumbar muscle imbalance which could stand to be investigated.

[Donna Burke vocalising in the background]

How often do you do these threads user?
So...... A few years ago... Maybe 5~ now... I injured both my knees, but mainly my left one (to the worst degree) from a very retarded action. I was standing up from a chair, but i turned it and when I stood up I did so in a manner where i slammed my kneecaps up against another chair while simulatenously standing up full force, and moving them up.
So there was an up+down force on them because of me standing + the chair's presence.

I saw a knee doctor when I still had insurance and he told me my kneecaps were too high/misplaced basically?

He advised physical therapy to bring the kneecaps back into alignment, and at the time said if I did so surgery would probably not be needed.

But... I slacked on the therapy. And it's been quite a while from now.

Right now, I can't do a proper form jump or leap without a sharp pain in my left knee, and I can't really run consistently. I can just barely sprint for long enough to try HIIT I think, but my knees are extremely weak.

My posture has been affected from it too I feel, as I think I tend to lean forward more to compensate for the fact that I lock my knees a lot less due to occasional pain.

Doing things like squats can be difficult too. Well, as of right now, squats don't really make my knee hurt, but my knees tremble quite a lot from being weak in general (I'm a weak person, skinny, need muscle), but it's hard to exercise to correct it when I can't even really get into proper form because of body trembles or pains.

I also have general lower back pain from I guess having my back in a rolled position so much, but when I was in Florida and on flat land, I walked and stretched a lot and in a month or so I had healed my back (but it's regressed lol.)

I currently live in a very mountanous place, so walking has for exercise and therapy has been difficult...

Somewhere in my room I have a printed sheet of some exercises, but I think it was just the introduction.

Accept the feel, but work with it. You can deload and do DB BP instead of BB, and do some resistance band work. Think of this as an opportunity to explore new ways you can move your body without aggravating the injury. You'll do fine!

If you've had a hip replacement then yeah it can be damaging, but normally it won't be an issue. Your dad's hip problems are most likely due to a combination of age and bone degeneration. My ten bucks is that he may need a hip replacement in the next ten years. Your brother on the other hand might be a different story. Depending on their level of health, bloodflow issues to the hip can be deadly if you cut off the circulation to the head of the humerus. This is called avascular necrosis and it can really fuck you up.

Godspeed hipbro.

I've devloped inflammation in my right elbow, anything I can do about this?

Almost a year ago I started running a couple days a week, at first I could only run for 2km and 3 weeks later I ran 11km in under an hour. At this point I think I injured my shins. I couldn't run more than 2km afterwards, without hurting my shins. I've quit running for almost a year and I still can't run for more than a couple Km's. Even when I just walk for a long amount of time my shins will start to hurt. There is also a muscle that almost always hurts when I stretch it by rotating my foot down and towards the center. Do you know what I might have and do you have any advice for me? Thanks in advance.

>How do you even use the rowing machine

Look up a video on youtube, they're pretty easy to get the hang of. Do a 1km sprint. Go on. I dare you.

Think I might have shin splints (left leg) from running like a dumbbass on the threadmill the other day. Could barely walk my fucking dog earlier today from the pain and had to skip the gym. How long does this last for generally and how to fix pls?

My right hip pops when I'm doing ab crunches and Bulgarian split squats, is this bad?

I have scoliosis and when I'm standing my right leg is usually more outwardly rotated

Sorry for the absence, gf's cat gave birth. I'll bounce back in the AM. Stay safe, lads.

tldr: My doctor says it hurts when I run because I have iliotibial band (IT band) syndrome. She suggested I do some stretches, take NSAIDs, and bike/elliptical/swim instead of run.

Long story:
A few months ago, I tagged along run with my friend's running group on a 6 mile course. I had done 6 miles before, but not recently. I hadn't been running as much as I used to actually.

Around 4.5 miles, my left knee started to hurt a bit. I slowed down and focused more on my form, and it was ok for a while. At 5.5 miles though, it hurt a lot, and I shuffled back to the finish.

My knee was sore the next day, but the pain went away.So, a couple days later, I tried running again. This time, the pain came on hard at 1.5 miles. The time after that, about .5 miles...

That's where I've been since... every time I try running, it starts hurting between .5 and 1.5 miles and I have to stop.

I can ride the bicycle and elliptical without ANY pain whatsoever. But I don't want to ride the bicycle or elliptical... I want to RUN.

Please help. The stretches my doctor suggested haven't helped and may have made it worse. NSAIDs are good for soreness the next day, but not the accute pain. What can I do?

>Varicose Veins

I got ITBS in april and expected to start running in about a week. I soon realised however that it would take time to heal no matter what I did. I reluctantly stopped running but kept doing the shit in the video. In July it was fully healed and now I´m back to normal.

I get pain where the IT band attaches to the tibia when I squat, but my understanding is the main thing is to strengthen the muscles in the hip connecting to it. The guy in the video is "flossing" a muscle and doing weird shit...

That wasn't a serious question, there's like, a diagram right on the machine, and it's pretty simple

I've been doing IF for a couple months, didn't really change my diet at all just ate in one or two meals instead of through the day. I probably have a little more sodium in my diet than I need. I drink a lot of coffee at work but I stop when I get home and only drink water or tea.
I don't know how relevant it is to this, but I think I have a weird strong heart in that you can feel my pulse strongly if you touch me pretty much any where. Had an EMT friend try all over because she didn't believe me and was pretty surprised by how easy it was to find my pulse.

I'm getting a lot of pain in my left shoulder and I suspect that it's related to my rotator cuff. I've stopped benching and switched to a bodyweight routine but I tried to use the pec fly machine and got a similar feeling of pain in my left shoulder. As of right now, my shoulder doesn't hurt, but sometimes I'll get a feeling of pain when I raise my left hand straight into the air and above my head.

What should I do?