Lifting when older FUCKING SUCKS

lifting when older FUCKING SUCKS.
I don't get DOMS or anything like that anymore, instead afterwards it feels like your soul is being crushed and sucked out of you, like a Dijon is banishing you to the ether, and you just wish He would hurry up and finish you.
Anyone else know these feels? Any suggestions? Also gray hairs

I think you have bigger problems than the gym

>a dijon is banishing you to the ether

I'm 31 and after lifting I feel like a baller.

Not sure what's your issue.

Get bloodwork done and get your test levels checked. Go to an anti-aging clinic or whatever the fuck they call it. Get a prescription for TRT. Solved.


Doctors don't give a fuck about lifters.


Go to your doctor and stop being a bitch faggot about it.

Do you know what doctors say when you say "doing X hurts"?
They say, "don't do X, just jog instead". Doctors are harm avoidance tools

bluff on

My name's Dijon. I don't remember banishing you.

But yeah, grey hairs suck.

(inb4 "Your parents named you after a fucking mustard?")

>like a Dijon is banishing you to the ether
Why would Mustard have such an issue with you to the point where it would steal your soul?

lol why even fucking try, life ends at 18, you should just LDAR, srs

Lifting when older is great

I'm in my 40's, and I already have friends and co-workers that have a foot in the grave.

The downside is I'm not 20 anymore. Squatting needs a warmup that include loosening my shoulders up and rolling my calves and sometimes quads. I have to watch my grip strength; right now I have trigger finger in at least two fingers on my right hand. I'm fighting the doc to get cortisone shots for that.

You never feel 100%. You always hurt somewhere. But in exchange, you're not fat, diabetic, or already on 6 different drugs for life to manage the effects of shitty habits.

Not that bad of an exchange

>a Dijon
I am French, and find this offensive
Nothing personal, Yankee...

lower back hurts all the time...

Just turned 40, basically the same experience. Everything's a little creakier, healing takes longer... but fuck it.

Also if you're 20 and Veeky Forums you're in the top 5%; if you're 40 and Veeky Forums you're in like the top 0.5%. Feels real good.

[spoiler]What the fuck am I still doing on Veeky Forums?[/spoiler]

You goddamn kids get off my lawn. 50, recovering from a stroke, back to lifting after a couple years off.

Yeah, everything hurts. But even if I didn't feel ten years younger it still beats sitting around in a nursing home drooling at the wall.

I'm 39 and pretty much this - as long as I keep proper form. My advice to younger Veeky Forumsizens is to be careful with their back, because no one leaves Snap City - excepted in a bodybag.

Don't forget, you're here forever.

>T. 33

Probably same thing I am.

I never get bored laughing at unrestrained stupidity, and I happen to work with enough younger kids that it helps to know some of their injokes

Veeky Forums is like that group of potheads you knew in high school. You're just waiting for them to provide the entertainment, but you hope you don't have to explain what happened to the cops

I'm 38 and don't feel too sore or creaky,but I do wish I'd lifted more when I was younger since it feels like gains are far too slow in manifesting

well I'm 34 with bad posture and a bunch of kids so I feel old. I was just at the physical therapist and flirting with a hot redhead high-schooler half my age. I feel totally rejuvenated and motivated after that I highly recommend.

True. I'm only 35 and healthier and in better shape than everyone I work with including the teenagers and early 20 somethings. I don't spend all day at the gym either, literally do about an hour workout everyday except weekends either cardio or lifting and I watch what I eat.

If you have money get a safety squat bar. Unless you compete in powerlifting there's no reason not to use on as you get older.
>easier on the shoulders and elbows
>improves upper back strength but not as much as front squats

Same age and I was a degenerate pos from highschool until now. Lifting makes me feel amazing

You need to up your recovery and maintenence game.

39 year old user here. Never getting DOMS is great! As for the soul crushing thing I get that too but it only lasts 15-30 minutes. Not a bad trade off for looking better than your peers.

One of the most memorable things I've ever seen was in the gym I went to as a teen. An 83 year old guy regularly did sets of one arm chinups (proper "one hand on the bar, the other behind his back" kind). I'm going to be that guy.

49, just got back to the gym after 10 year layoff. Doing some HRT and feel pretty kick ass. Body takes a while to warm up, but once the sweat starts dripping, its all good.

Your parents named you after a fucking mustard?