Unracking with one foot forward


I unrack with my right foot forward. I squat in the 400+ range so pretty heavy for some people pretty light for some people (W/E)?

Today I was squatting and I went for a 415 squat for 1 rep.

Thing is Ive always been unracking with my foot/leg forward and the other one about 7 inches back. So Today I decided to be a /fitbro/ and unrack like everyone else. On my 415 as I unracked the weight I felt my spine being compressed. This NEVER happens when I unrack as I always do.

Inb4 you prolly unrack wrong xd

No you fuckhead. I know how to setup for an unrack regarding leg/torso/back positioning. The only difference Ive made today was that I unracked with both of my feet parallel to each one another. That's it. I felt my spine compressing pretty bad + when I reracked I felt a slight pinch in my upper right back.

Once Again - I never have those problems when I squat my way. Also I don't have any problems with unracking the weight with my foot forwards.

Am I wrong? Is the way I unrack REALLY that bad? Give opinions. Would appreciate feedback from someone who really knows on this topic.

TY in advance



My potions are simply to strong for you traveler

Also, no it doesn't really matter that much, you're just fine.
If you're running the risk of hurting yourself doing it with your feet parallel then obviously you should do what works for you.

I am going into battle, and I MUST have your strongest potions

The way you unrack is shit and if your walkout is more than two steps you need to stop taking the barbell for a hike.

Fuck I haven't seen that video since my grill at the time showed it to me. Thanks for the nostalgia bruddeh.

everyone has different physiques, maybe one foot forward is the best way for you

You're a faggot who probably never broke a 3 plate squat

Brace your core before you unrack and don't relax your core until you've settled after walkout, ya fucking tool.

Dude. I didn't start squatting yesterday. Do you think I'm retarded? I already said, in the main post. that I know how to set up before the unrack.

fucking brainlet

I warm up with a 3pl8 squat.

It sounds like you don't squat if you can't unrack the bar properly you weak faggot lmao

> properly

This guy natty?

Manlet exposed

You did a movement you've never done before with a heavy weight (assuming you just decided to try on your work sets) and something unexpected happened. This is surprising to you but really shouldn't be. Any changes to technique should be tried out starting from your warmup so you get used to it. Even small changes like how you unrack should be done with caution.

I don't think there's any particular problem with either way of unracking, given that you're used to that way and you have no problems. You weren't used to unracking with your feet parallel and did something wrong. It's not the theory of the technique that's wrong, it's your execution of it that's wrong. I bet you'll feel as comfortable unracking with your feet parallel, if you kept doing it that way for a few weeks. Not that you need to, your old way ought to be just fine as it is.

put that reddit spacing down and no one will be harmed.

You don't have to make a new line every sentence faggot kill yourself

Actually I'm 6'2" and 222 lbs.