
Am I wasting my time with bodyweight fitness if my goal is this look?

if you have access a gym and weights. why not do both?

>am I wasting my time with body weight fitness?



I'm an industrial climber and working 10 hours everyday, literally zero time for gym, I'm only able to use this freeletics app for 3 days a week

mmm if you're doing at home. you can probably buy up some weights and maybe a bench.

bodyweight takes longer especially if u have average genetics. for aesthetics.
invest in dumbbells slowly if you wanna get to your goal faster.


Think about how retarded it is to use calisthenics. The leaner you are, the lighter you are, so the less resistance every move has.
Why would that make you leaner and muscular than weights, which have no maximum resistance independent of how lean/light you get?

> What about this guy who's ripped but only does calisthenics? He's even vegan too!
Just a hint, he's on gear. Get real my dude, this shit don't make no sense

Look up FitnessFAQ, Kinobody Bodyweight Mastery (torrent it),

If you want that look as a natural, then any form of fitness is a waste of time.

He's on gear. You can do fucking any stupid goddamned thing(zyzz workout, starting strength, occasionally getting off of your couch) and get those gains if you're on the right gear.

>bodyweight takes longer especially if u have average genetics. for aesthetics.
>according to my ass
Resistance is resistance; your body can't tell the difference between bodyweight and free weights. Don't be a broscience retard.

>Why would that make you leaner and muscular than weights, which have no maximum resistance independent of how lean/light you get?
What makes you think that 99% of gymgoers are hitting their "maximum resistance"? It would take probably 8-12 months of bodyweight progressions to hit the point where you're having trouble stressing your muscles.

I don't think I've ever seen a single person who posts this horseshit that actually tried a bodyweight routine and was dissatisfied with their gains. Usually it's morons who think that "bodyweight" means 100 pushups a day or some obviously useless garbage.

I did a whole 8 week program with freeletics last year, so i can talk from experience on this one. I'm a milfag and had a cushy posting for a while and needed to get into shape. I was already fairly fit.

You get well conditioned with freeletics, so your CV levels are pretty good, however i would put this down to the insane amount of burpees you do.

You also get quite flexible do to the amount of different movements you do.However strength gains were minimal and whilst i looked a bit slimmer, it wasn't a massive marked difference.

However. The lack of increasing resistance will not get you to look like that. You do your bodyweight the entire time and 250 burpees in one session 3 times a week will not equate a bench press at 80% 1RM for 3x8 For 3 times a week. Its totally different training.

I follow a strength program now 3x a week with some of the HIIT workouts freeletics has 2x a week and have had much better results as they compliment each other.

TLDR, no, freeletics will not make you look like that unless you include actuall weight sessions.

>your body can't tell the difference between bodyweight and free weights.
thats true. but the resistance he'll do bodyweight especially as a beginner will be inferior to simple loading up plates or increasing your db weights.

if you and OP would rather do bw be my guest. maybe he'll get his goal body in no time and im wrong. its up to him to find out.

how did I get big traps from BWF

>but the resistance he'll do bodyweight especially as a beginner will be inferior to simple loading up plates or increasing your db weights.
Again, according to what? Bodyweight is generally BEST for beginners because your strength is low relative to your weight, which makes even simple bodyweight exercises (like a pullup) excellent for both strength and hypertrophy. You're straight talking out your ass. The only thing free weights are objectively superior for is isolating muscle groups (which beginners really should not be doing anyways) and legs.

>if you and OP would rather do bw be my guest
I don't do bodyweight, but I also am not a complete fucking retard who thinks that my way of doing things is the only way that works. Stop posting awful advice

How are weights not also superior for compounds, as you can maintain optimal leverage with no upper limit on poundage?

>you're talking out your ass

being hostile and condescending doesn't make you right

Yes. Lifting weights is way faster and more practical

because the upper limit on weight is irrelevant until you're well progressed into resistance training. most people will be taxed by a simple bodyweight progression for many, many months in exactly the same way that they would be by weights. sure it eventually becomes impractical but you literally have no basis for what you're claiming

>optimal leverage

This; and:

Red Delta project and Al Kavadlo (pictured).
Purely from body-weight.


No. There are some amazing looking calisthenics practitioners. Functional strength > isolation exercises.

The Kavadlo brothers are a perfect example, see:

> functional strength is better than isolations
> most lifters here use all compounds and no isolations
> calisthenics moves can only get harder by being more isolated

>maintain optimal leverage

The most important thing to progress in muscle gain and strength is Adherence.

If it is much easier for you to adhere to a good calisthenics routine, because you enjoy it or it fits your schedule much better, then do that.
The same applies for the opposite, if you enjoy the simplicity of weights in the gym more than that will be easier for you to adhere to and you will get much better progress.

>body can't tell shit
Well the only reason why I'm doing squats and not some weird chick weights is because the feeling of blood coming down my veins makes me feel strong and my frame wider.

A lot of the HUGE dudes that you see doing calisthenics are on steroids because they're pushing a brand/lifestyle of fitness that anyone can do, so they have to have the edge of steroids to appear to have mastered it past a point that any average person would be capable of.

>calisthenics moves can only get harder by being more isolated
Not true. They are made harder by increasing leverage.
Example: Pushups with elevated feet, pull ups with your legs held up in front of you (body in an L shape)
t. gymnast

Just post your body, man. I want to see what this huge, overwhelming amount of intelligence can produce aesthetic wise.
Also, most beginners can't even do a pull up. Pull ups/chin ups are actually a staple in most lifters' routines, it's not like anybody would disagree with you on pull ups being great for beginners.
Almost nobody gets big in a couple years of doing calisthenics naturally, meanwhile most lifters look better within 8 months. Just look around at every calisthenics person on any social media.

>no delts or lats at all
>huge traps
Roids/calisthenics/meme diets were a mistake.

All of your shit is fucking stupid and wrong.

>Also, most beginners can't even do a pull up

So happy to read this. I just started lifting and if I can do three pullups I'm happy.

don't be mad bb I'm just calling it as I see it
What's your routine? Do you know anybody that does calisthenics? I'm not saying that it won't build muscle, just that it's a slow process. I remember when TheFortress first started on YouTube, I thought he was huge. He's still a big guy, but he's been training for around a decade. Same with FitnessFAQs (but he also lifts). He's also able to do one armed pull ups for reps, planche push ups, and any sort of core exercise. It takes years for most people to get those down flawlessy, and it's at that point that they begin to break out of DYEL mode.

>bodyweight fitness
>pic related has no lats

here's my anecdotal evidence:

i could do 250 push ups in a day, no soreness and barely any gains after 5 weeks

bench press for 15 minutes 3 times a week, soreness, massive gains, can feel the muscle tearing down and building up stronger. bodyweight fitness is a waste of time and fucking retarded

Of course, my dude. Just keep training smart and be consistent. You'll be repping out sets of 10 on pull ups in no time if you keep with it. good luck bb

well. yea. you wouldn't go to the gym and do 250 bench reps with barely any weight and expect gains.
pushups aren't the pinnacle of difficulty for bodyweight stuff, of course doing hundreds of them didn't do shit

>don't be mad bb I'm just calling it as I see it
I'm not him.
I'm just saying that everything in your post is stupid.

You're a bloody moron. Weights will always be superior to bw. Including for beginners, you can't do a proper full body routine with proper linear progression with body weight. Gtfo and go back to /r/bodyweightfitness/
Yes you are.

Fortress lifts too you fucking idiot. He's talked about it, and has videos on it.

as somebody doing tje reddit bodyweight routine for 3 months, i definetely had strength gains
you can make good progress, but for some muscles you will plateu fast, especially legs
doing memes like countless normal pushups is obviously a waste of time

Yeah, because doing a dumbbell row with 10lbs is more productive than learning how to do an inverted row or negative pullups.

You don't need linear progression, you fucking retard. You just need progression. Do you even know how leverages work? Or the difference between grips?

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