Redpill me on Through the twisting nether
>basement gym
>only does meme lifts
>can rack pull alphadestiny's 1rm for 20 reps
Redpill me on Through the twisting nether
Dude is a nut
/x/ if they decided to get fit
also nether rows are legit. felt doms in my rhomboids for the first time in years
when someone that jacked trains that dumb they gotta be on steroids
then again he does 1 inch pin squats with 1000lbs and his legs are tiny
>trains that dumb
Guess you're a dyel, m8. Conventional lifts are not the only gainsmaker.
>loading 1000lbs on your spine is smart
1000lbs rack pulls are much much safer than even 400lbs deadlifts
BIG BLACK ASSES! Thats how. We've been trying to tell alex this for years but he wouldn't listen. Now this alex jones worshipping faggot can rack pull a small whale due to his ebony waifu. Pic related
how fucking delusional can you be
I can't make any reason for him to juice
>I can't make any reason for him to juice
maybe maybe he just wanted to get ultra jacked like he is now
not fucking natty lmao
hes 260 lbs lean
or 230 i think, there is no way this dude is natty
why would he lie
The same as every vegan fitness personality - roids. VG is more or less confirmed not natty, Clarence isn't natty, this guy's not natty... veganism is suboptimal for gains.
For the same reason that any of the other hundreds of fake YouTube natties lie. This shouldn't be news to you mate.
it doesn't matter what he says. you can not achieve a physique like that naturally
not that i am against roids i love them just saying it as it is
Any prove that Virgin gains has lost natty card?
anyone who thinks VG isnt natty is a retard
he does not have any signs of roiduse, which are for example(there are more):
>insane trap/neck/delt growth out of nowhere
>insane progress in general out of nowhere
>sudden facial changes
He's looking too huge these days, and got there very quickly in comparison to his previous years of training. Couple that with his decreased YouTube revenue and it makes sense that he'd turn to roids to try to straighten things out, especially if it converts more people to veganism.
he does did have very noticable neck and trap growth and suddenly lots of progress after years of lifting.
He just got fatter
yeah but he went from a pencil neck to a normal neck, roiders usually get a huge neck without any direct work
and his bench went from 95kg to 110kg its not that big of a jump really since a 95kg bench is still novice tier
>5 wedgies were deposited o your account
>roiders usually get a huge neck without any direct work
Actually, no.
You're wrong.
One of the easiest ways to tell a guy is roiding is how thin their neck is compared to the rest of their body. it's called bitch neck.
I disagree
Show me 3 people who are known to be on steroids and have thin necks. I can show you plenty of dudes on steroids and they all have huge necks. It's not something I read somewhere or pulled out of my ass, just something I noticed. Pic related a classic example
he had already been lifting for 5+ years in the top picture
if you still think he is natty you're retarded clown
you know nothing about steroids and youve obviously never used them
there are people blasting grams of gear with not many negative side effects
Because they all trained them.
the guy in your pic?
He also did god knows what else to his body.
Guys who just do drugs and little else? Like Zyzz and the average insta swole natural and youtube lifter?
All have pencil necks.
I need concrete examples dude youre too vague
I have been on DMZ for almost a year.
My neck was pretty big before, thanks to genes,,, just like the veins in my hands, and forearms,,, but none in my biceps.
I also store all my fat fat fat between my collar bone and my crank. (zero abs).
Once I got on DMZ, my neck got a little bigger... along with everything else (except for THAT).
>t. Lands End shirt size 20 x 35, if I want a necktie,,, otherwise 19.
Looks natty for me
>t dyel