What are Chad's facial characteristics?

what are Chad's facial characteristics?
Can lifting help me achieve it?

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To accentuate your jaw and cheekbones, drink water.
If you're not well hydrated, water builds up (i forgot the correct word) in the cheeks and makes them look faster.

There are also plenty of stretches for your neck, chin and jaw. They seemed to help me but I have a naturally strong(ish) jawline.
I stopped because I got lazy and I still have quite prominent cheekbones but my jaw isn't as strong as before.

Also, remember to sleep and stay well-nourished or you can go from Chad to methhead real quick.

Potentially, if they are there through genetics then lifting will help remove the fat so they can be seen, if not there are some surgery options. Now stop being such obvious bait

But basically, I don't think lifting will have any real effect on facial characteristics.

*flame thrower your DYEL ass*

Shiit. this picture is woke.

NECK THEORy IS LEGIT LOL. A thick neck will make you a chad.

that rally and protest was cringy desu. but that guy looks aesthetic.

Holy shit triceps over there just spraying them like cockroaches

You can literally get all the stretches you need for your jaw and chin with a quick google search and for your neck I would recommend a video made by Shane Fazen of Fight Tips.

equal 1/3rd ratios
strong jaw
prominent chin
brow ridge
positive canthal tilt
hooded eyes

if you don't know what these are, google them. The more of them you have the more aesthetic your face will be, objectively speaking

you can EASILY get the chad appearance by working out your neck to make it thiccer.

someone post comparison photos

Why are white nationalists and '''''''communists'''''''' such a bunch of dyels while Black nationalists are so muscular and Veeky Forums? DYELs were despised in the Soviet Union and if you were out of shape in Nazi Germany you were considered üntermensch, also
>Mixed race American hillbillies believe they're Aryan

the guy from the OP is a white nationalist tho
from the Unite the Right march

pick one

>wears a belt
>still sags pants

what the fuck

He's more of a chad than any of these cherrypicked white "masterraces"

that black guy is dyel as fuck too

is this from one of those nazi rallies?

there's clearly a black guy in the background

A lot of those guys are just LARPers, the Golden One has long stated that you really can't be a proper White nationalist and not maintain a proper aesthetic. Being in shape and dressing well is paramount.

Post a picture of your tricep and compare the two mate get fucked. dudes jacked

pls stop with that fucking meme
you just need an average/somewhat thiked than average neck


Honestly Chad doesn't give a fuck about politics at all. If you care about any of that you are NGMI

because there were more than white nationalists in that rally

That's debatable

How can you have time to care about politics when you're drowning in vagoo?

Hitler & Goebbels sure were Veeky Forums

owait they were scrawny little manlet bitches


mussolini was fit as fuck

Idiotic statement.

No, bone structure determines "chad features" and what you can do is lose weight to make it better visible.

If that doesn't help you are not attractive. You coudl still gain a lot of muscle and be better in that way.

This. The only Chad political position right now is apolitical.

None of the Nazi party except for Reinhard fit their own ideal, lol just lol

>not fascist

The fascist chads only seem to exist on Veeky Forums

(read: they don't exist)

>inb4 a black and white pic of some guy with a good jawline who died decades ago

>>inb4 a black and white pic of some guy with a good jawline who died decades ago

>nipple piercing

>inb4 a black and white pic of some guy with a good jawline who died decades ago


thank you for pointing it out



Yeah nah. Those racists looked like sweaty dyel uggos


Hitler was pretty fit when he was young serving in WW1 as a messenger. But specifics of people who shaped the ideas of the past are irrelevant. The future is to be founded on these ideals that were set forth. A modern fascist should be in good shape and dress well.


First one says nothing about testosterone or facial structure, just width of face you fucking ardvark

It's pretty funny. The spray can was one that they threw at him, and he was shielding the older man from them.
