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you'll lose your ability to get erections

It's not healthy.

Your a loser for caring what peoples opinions are on your diet. You let your meme diet be an important part of your boring personality.

>you'll lose your ability to get erections

is there any proof to this?


anything else?


Just saying wrong to the erection thing really does not prove anything.

burden of proof, how does it work?

no, but saturated fat and cholesterol that you get a lot of as a meat eater does decrease your blood flow.

Grains convert into the same things after the body processes it with out cholesterol you die Not only that but plants have lectins that are toxic to people.

All plants produce toxins that could be harmful to people.


>enjoy a burger every now and then

It's much more challenging than a regular diet but only a little more rewarding in terms of overall health

when eating out with friends (hopefully you have some) it can be very difficult to find vegan cuisine, making the evening awkward

Because fish can be a pretty good bang for your buck calories and proteins wise, with none of that animal cruelty involved (You can raise your own if that's an issue anyways.)
Same thing for eggs despite a bit of cholesterol, which you don't have to worry about much unless you're eating 20 a day or are a fat fuck.

There OP, two reasons not to go vegan.

Because if you became a vegan some intersectional vegan feminist would smile, and allowing them any happiness is just not okay. Also because vegan restraunts are insuferable and you will be stuck around bad smelling self important assholes.


Because no one bothers to cook beans. Cooking beans destroys lectin and we wouldn't want that.

really makes you think, huh?

I was vegan for 3 months. DO NOT DO IT. You will feel hungry all the time, gain weight, became a addict to sugar (any plants), put yourself at risk of diabetes, wreck your good gut bacteria causing you to become depressed and a misanthrope to society. Plants don't digest nearly as well as animal products. We get 10x more nutrients from meat and animal fat. It's just the way humans are designed. Plus you will have to take drugs or as vegans mask it "supplements"

except when you eat meat all the time you increase your risk of diabetes and cancer WAY MORE... the animal fat and hormones and shit cause diabetes not sugar or carbs. and your risk of cancer is way higher from eating meat especially processed shit like sausages, hotdogs, pepperonis Mcdicks etc.

The world is a shithole which is going to be over run by Muslims in a couple of generations. They're going to kill and torture so many animals and shit all over human culture and the environment that it doesn't even matter.

So then eat lean non hormonenon steroid meat.

Most of that is fearful vegan dogma if you buy good quality meats with no hormones, chemicals, sugars this won't happen

it tastes sour

where the fuck do i buy this shit. im not a vegan shill all i eat is chicken and ground beef im just spooked because of some documentary I watched last night that revealed the true jew nature of the meat industry.

All I want to know is if the ground beef and chicken I buy from Costco is safe to eat. I cant find any answers on the internet.

i dont get why you guys are even bothering trying to talk this retard out of going vegan. Let him ruin his health.


>became a addict to sugar
What did he mean by this?

The true new world order diet is veganism. They have turned most plants into sugar balls. 1/3 Americans will have diabetes in 2050. You can buy some safe meats and dairy that are labeled organic from grocery stores. But the healthiest of health is meat and raw dairy from a farm where the animals are free and feed properly. Literally what (they) have made extremely hard to get so humans can be ill and addicted to sugar

>1/3 Americans will have diabetes in 2050
Its not the plants, its the processed meat, meat in general, dairy (americans eat much more meat and dairy than the rest of the world) and the sodas. Most fat people i know dont even like fruit let alone vegatables


Proofs? No blogs as source plz

I really don't give a damn one way or the other, user.

The point

Your head.

I mean why the fuck would vegans be more addicted than people that follow the SAD?

Yep it seems like the jewish drug companies, fast food industries and the very people telling people what to eat (USDA/FDA) are trying to fuck everyone up and make them dependent on drugs and shit food for life. I think I will grow a lot of my own food and hunt for meat when I have a place of my own.

Yeah its all meat and dairy including eggs in general but especially processed meat that is causing diabetes and health issues


It's the sugary cheap carbs which Americans consume wayyyyyy more that will lead to diabetes.

its not. carbs and specifically sugar do not cause diabetes. Sugar will however entice you to eat more of whatever your eating (cookies for example) and all that fat causes the diabetes.

VG is not someone to cite either. He is a horrible victim of veganism. Currently fat lethargic castrated misanthropic and a supplement drug addict(shoots b12 in the veins)

That is what i meant bro, a good reason not to go vegan.

"Sugar does not cause diabetes". Not debating you anymore. Ruin your health.

>atkins soccer moms actually believe this
No. Our carb consumption is slightly hogher than the worldwide average but our meat, dairy and eggs is WAY up

The only thing more wrong than your reply is that autist with shit tier bro science blogs posting in every vegan thread.

Eat more. simple as that.

>gain weight
stop eating bullshit. Vegans- even couch potato vegans have bmi's comparable to ultra marathon runners.

>addict to sugar, diabetes

Yes, because insulin resistance and problems with blood sugar are caused by plants and fruit. No, you fucking retard, type 2 diabetes is caused by fat build up in your muscles, liver, and pancreas. Gee, I wonder where all that fat comes from- definitely not meats, dairy, eggs, and fish. Go back to your anime you brainless fucking healthlet.

>wreck gut bacteria

Wrong. Fiber and resistant fiber feeds your good gut bacteria. Meats, dairy, eggs, and fish metabolize -in meat eater gut biomes, vegans don't have the bacteria- into TMAO. TMAO alters cholesterol metabolism in the intestines, in the liver, and in artery wall. In the presence of TMAO, there is increased deposition of cholesterol in, and decreased removal of cholesterol from, peripheral cells such as those in the artery wall. Gee, I wonder why TMAO and animal products are linked to cardiovascular disease and all cause mortality.

>become depressed and a misanthrope to society

WFPB vegan diet cured my depression. Head over to /pol/ see how many are vegans. Head over to stormfag website- see how many are vegans. Head over to ISIS webpage- see how many are vegans. Really makes you think, huh?

>plants don't digest

What does it matter? A cup of kale has 1300% rda for vitamin K. A cup of carrots has 500% vitamin A. The sheer amount of vitamins and minterals in vegetables more than makes up for "inefficient" nutrient extraction. This is classic fucking bullshit anti-vegan propaganda.

B12, and D3. are all that's recommended. There are plenty of sources of B12-fortified foods, nutritional yeast etc. D3 comes from sun- not needed, recommended if you don't live near the equator.

Animal products and obesity cause diabetes. Sugar just makes it worse

Im mostly plant based but i eat yogurt a few times a week because it has always helped muh digestion. Is this bad for my health or no

You proved my points even more lol. Suffer on plants gentile.

If the jews wanted us to be vegans why is all fast food meat(especially red meat) based?

everyone thinks that you get diabetic because of carbs. carb consumption is found to be inversely related to
diabetes development meaning the more carbs you have the less likely you are to develop diabetes (on average).
Carbs do not make you fat, when you eat carbs you either store it in liver and muscles (glycogen) or you burn it. On the other hand meat is strongly correlated
with diabetes. When you eat fat it goes straight to your fat. Your body cant turn carbs into fat unless you are eating way over your maintenance.

Its not that sugar is good for you... most of that will be stored as glycogen or burned off.

please explain to me why animal products cause insulin resistance

ReadRlly makes you think

Most foods in vegan diets don't leave you full and obsessed with food. For example almost every vegan channel with tons of recipes, mock meats followed by over eating. Carbs makes you fat because your body is now running on fake food and sugar rather than fats and your own body fat. Plants digest like shit in the human body and often cause leaky gut and malnutrition if on a vegan diet for too long. Nice political comparison. Also fucking lol at justifying plants digest followed by justfying taking drug supplements.

add a decade to your life

who the fuck wants to add another 10 years to the piss stained end of their life. is this what cabbage and quorn is all about?

Dunno. But "pro biotics" are a meme. The real way to feed your gut is to have a diet filled with fiber. Oatmeal and beans are good so are legumes, potatoes and rice.

A good way to rip your intestines up and cause nutrition blockage. Don't listen to the vegan sociopath

Honestly depends on your goals, for me the biggest barrier is convenience. It's a good option for people trying to lose weight, but for someone that needs a high caloric intake it's inconvenient to remove dairy, eggs and meat from your diet.

who eats that much meat? i eat chicken and fish every day and beef maybe once a week. plenty veggies and carbs etc.

holy shit, meat is seriously not that bad. what, do you walk down the street with a mask on too? wouldn't want to inhale any unnatural fumes amirite?

Bad gut flora (a meme to this fucking tard )is actually a reason humans lack dopamine going to the brain and a cause of depression.

I disagree. If you want to lose weight eat low carb high fat diet and watch the fat fly off your fucking body because you'll be running off your own fat. If you're trying you bulk eat lots of carbs

why is it so difficult for you people to eat in moderation rather than be vehemently one-sided

you don't need to be vegan just because 'the average american' eats way too much red meat. we know that, just by taking an interest in your own fucking health you're no longer an average american. you can eat the odd dairy product, egg, or whatever and it won't ruin you, it doesn't have to be so cut and dry.

inb4 some autist posts some one-off study where any animal product consumption caused a 0.01% increase of (((diseases))), not taking genetic factors into account.

>nice non arguments.

Carbs don't make you fat dipshit. Starch based populations aren't more obese than the U.S. and as starch based populations (Asians) increase their meat intake- they develop more cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. On the contrary, nations that stick to their starch/carb based roots and have zero to little animal products in their diet- they have no heart disease or diabetes, cancer, or any of the other diet related bullshit Americans die from.

>leaky gut

We know in mice, we can feed them a high fat diet- consisting of lard- and their guts get leaky. Those mice develop diabetes. Same is theorized to be true of humans. Our own gut bacteria leaks into our blood stream when we eat high fat meals- which causes an inflammatory response. In humans, we don't see these inflammatory responses with glucose (sugar water), OJ, or water- but we do see them with cream.

>keto meme

you're only burning "your body's fat" if you're at a caloric deficit. Every fucking keto, paleo, atkins bullshit high fat diet shows the same fucking thing. People lose weights on those diets- because they're at severe fucking caloric deficits. Read the fucking studies you retard.

>drug supplements

You need to learn how to fucking write a coherent statement, you illiterate, retarded piece of shit.

I eat meat every day. The last two years Ive eaten about 8lb of ground beef a week. My main concern with meat is the way its handled. The drugs and unsanitary handling of the meat and the hormone shit. If it was an animal from the wild and it was raised the way nature intended I would know its safe to eat and I would have no problem with it.

You sound just as misanthropic and angry as a vegan so much for saying veganism cured your depression. Makes a lot sense, hunger does that to you. A lot of what you claimed is nonsense and quite the opposite but not point in arguing with a sociopath who puts himself at the bottom of totem pole.

I wouldn't dispute that you could consume animal products in such a low quantity that it has no detectable effect on your health. But the same is true of smoking- do you go around telling people it's okay to smoke in moderation? What about heroin? Maybe we should do heroin in moderation rather than being so vehemently one sided....

It's safest to just avoid animal products. Just like it's safest to avoid tobacco and heroin. Only, most people here don't understand the health risks of animal products- and they do understand the risks of tobacco and heroin. It doesn't matter to me what anyone eats- so long as when they reach for animal products they aren't deluded into thinking they're healthy and without risk.

except it isnt 0.01% increase its more like 50-60% increase specifically in cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
I agree that a healthy diet can still be achieved with meat and dairy but people need to cut down on it. It doesn't help that the government and big companies are out to get us either. There is nothing worse than greed and corruption in those who hold power. They should be tortured and gassed. The world is controlled by a small group who do not have the people's best interest in mind.


don't you have 8th grade math homework to do?

Proving my point more. Break yourself down right now and analyze yourself you will see that I'm correct. Not to late to quit the vegan religion.

Head on back to slaying your anime pussy. Us vegans will stick to 3d.

You've mentioned anime 3 times and posted a asian woman. Turn back before you turn infettile and reliant on "anime pussy". Peace.
