>Haven't been to the gym in 2 years >Go back to the gym last week >Still able to deadlift 2,5 plate >Still able to bench 1 plate >Still able to squat 1,5 plate
Tfw I thought I had to start from scratch again. Feels good man
Luke Young
I passed my Master's defense.
Noah Butler
I just got my first gymbro > Hispanic/ white powerlifter is going to teach this skeleton how to make it I feel so happy because we have all the same interests
Ethan Morris
congrats >got my (phony) bachelor in health science, am now a physiotherapist >go from 10 bucks an hour to 28 feels good >also >spent 3 months last year getting my weighted chins up to 3x5 + 30kg >stopped doing them >back to 3x5 + 30kg after 3rd session today also feelsgoodman
Colton Cooper
>5'11" 300-200lbs >40-50lbs to go >almost able to do a single pull up
hehe... I'm gonna m-make it, right? My obese parents and siblings have made it difficult to lose weight (literally buy donuts for breakfast and I can't resist 100% of the time), but I think that evidenced by my ability to lose 100lbs proves I'm willing and able enough to lose the rest.
Nathaniel Walker
Keep going Resist the shit food with all of your willpower
Tyler Powell
>Lifting regularly for 14 months and have managed to lose 40 lbs of fat + put on 19 lbs of muscle mass >Ludicrous facial and confidence gains >Finally hit 275 x 5 squats on Monday >Both older and girls my age and starting to mire >Frequent compliments from people wondering how I managed to completely change my looks >Very close to finishing Bachelors >Parents left house in my name when I die >Just finished paying off my car >Have more energy than ever despite being 26 >Managed to get a date after nearly 6 years of never being on one
Life's good for a change. Crazy how I was suicidal most of my early 20s and had to be hospitalized numerous times. I'm off the meds finally and doing good. Still work a shit job but I'm working on changing soon. Daily reminder to never give up and that we're all gonna make it.
Ethan Barnes
Whoops meant to say *when they die.
Samuel Perez
How'd it happen
Levi Foster
This is going to sound stupid > be me > freshman in college > taking summer classes > notice huge guy walks in first day > target him to be gymbro > literally no moves until today > in elevator with him > I finally man up > " hey what sport do you play" > "oh I do powerlifting " > good I won't have to spout bullshit for an hour > we talk about excicise > go to college gym for about 30 min > get food and keep talking > crazy white guy talks about trumps and shit then leaves > exchange numbers He watches the same stuff as me and we're both kinda racist
Jack Brooks
He's hispanic, of course he's racist.
John Green
we all gonna make it
Luis Murphy
Hi choaboy
Lincoln Stewart
why is your deadlift so high compared to your squat and bench?
Jaxon Kelly
Nice, good job user. You make it sound like you fancied him for while and asked him out on a date though.
Nolan Allen
Kinda which is why I said it was stupid > no homo tho
Jace Jones
fat boy
Lincoln Kelly
Stopped following kpop a few months ago, is Solji back to Exid?
Christopher James
Actually I think you may be right holy fuck My heart has been feeling really light since > I swear I'm straight
Levi Allen
No idea familia. I've basically done nothing physical in 2 years.
Maybe manlet master race bruv
Noah Johnson
Don't think so, but Hani is the only on that matters anyway.
>tfw no hani
Ethan Phillips
Levi Harris
>notice I get stared at in my gym, mostly my ass while squatting >A DYEL asked me for how long I'd been lifting, turns out he's been doing it for longer than me >Got asked for advice on shoulder exercises >Got mired by friends >Been only really lifting for 3 months >Gained almost 4 kgs lean in that time >Good grades, very motivated at Uni >Getting better at handling autism, ready to get back to an actual relationship Good vibes lads. We're all gonna make it.
Matthew Campbell
>stopped following kpop a few months ago >asks about solji returning the day she does kpopfag for life you are liar