Who here got 16"+ forearms?
How did you do it?
Who here got 16"+ forearms?
How did you do it?
Other urls found in this thread:
I have a 17" for arm
It was easy
Step1 fap
Step 2 fap a lot
Step 3 gains
>Focus of flexor work (way bigger than extensors but throw extensor work in occasionally so you don't get fucked up)
>Getting a good grip is NOT enough (See the bugeyman)
>Progressive overload like anything else.
Shave that shitty facial hair.
>doesn't know the alpha to whom he is speaking
>Î’eing this new that you dont know Alpha
>beta destiny
I'm going to stop working everything but my neck and my arms, people will thing I'm huge if I always wear jeans and never take off my shirt. This is some Tim Ferris next level lifehack shit
>omega fate
>delta destination
>Le Alpha XDDDD
LMFAO did he actually write this?
this can't be real
are all Veeky Forumsizens this autistic? holy shit i thought it'd be a good idea to come here to learn how to get fit without wrecking my knees any harder than they have been but i'm leaving
yep. here is part two. he isn't a Veeky Forumsizen though, just a YouTube faggot, though it is possible he lurks here sometimes
another one
I had a giggle once I saw that
Manlet god
it all depends on your frame size. a dyel friend of mine has 17" arms and massive forearms because he has a large frame. his wrists are over 8". he's only 6'1 but dwarfs people who lift. i always tell him he would look insane if he started lifting but he doesn't care.
I've got the same sad chin as alpha, am I going to make it?
>calling yourself alpha when you post shit like this
Im a machinist so im constantly using my hands and my forearma are pretty juicey
>and then they all stood up and clapped
>I'm 5'5"
>girls giggle when they see me
got really fat
if this nigga doesnt wanna look like a little kid why doesnt he just get on tren its not like hes natty anyways
Please tell me this is fake. I can't believe someone unironically wrote this
>Negative canthal tilt
I KNEW there was a reason I thought he looked off.
He lurks here. He started a lot of the early Threads about him.
If you have smaller forearms than Alex, then you can't talk shit, can you?
>I might be weaker and smaller than him, b-but at least I'm cool!
>it's another episode of retard spouting lookism bullshit terminology
you can't be smaller than a 5' 5" jester of the manlets to be fair
>5'5 manlet
>retarded haircut and pedo-cowboy facial hair
I swear manlets are really fucking annoying.
It's very real and all on his website
>you have to bulk up to 45% body fat to maximize your size and create illusion of being big
>no alcohol, no cigaretts
That's my method.
the lemonade is my favorite part, I love this. I can picture this little muscular midget arguing with some landwhales about how attractive he is while sipping his lemonade.
>negative canthal tilt meme