How fast does muscle grow back for a previous lifter?

How fast does muscle grow back for a previous lifter?

I used to weigh 200lbs 5'10 when I was lifting but got depressed and institutionalized for months and now I haven't lifted a over a year and have lost 70lbs

I thinking of just going the steroid option...

How long were you lifting before?

A few years of semi serious home lifting

It can come back pretty quickly

I was lifting pretty seriously for a year, made a lot of gains because I was eating a shitton and had a lot of time to work out

after not lifting for 2 years, I was able to get back to where I was after about 8 weeks

>got depressed and institutionalized for months

you okay user?

Institutionalized? Nigga what in the world happened to you?

just the typical shit, suicide and all that

Anything less than a year I'd say your noob gains could have came back. Don't take my word for it but when my anxiety debilitated me for a few months it was easier for me to get back to my previous state than when I first started lifting.

You get put on any medication or are you just sulking back into your previous cycle?

Makes sense. Welcome back to Veeky Forums

mental illness + roids is a bad combo. you'll kill yourself or someone else

Was on benzo's and effexor but they fucked me up, so I just pretend to take them to make them happy

I missed it

:'( looks like the hard way then


uh no dude

OP you're gonna leave humanity behind, but this time in a good way.
I believe in you babe.

Don't worry man. Just start lifting, ease yourself back into it. Your muscles are smart, it's going to take a lot less time to get back to your prior state than it took to get there originally.

The lifting will help regulate your mood and reduce anxiety, having a big breakfast every morning high in protein and fat will help as well.

Welcome back, bro

>but this time in a good way



Strange, if you have any follow-up appointments ask about SSRI's (don't listen to what you read online, they aren't terrible drugs) I'm on Lexapro right now and it's the most normal I've felt in years.

They helped me get back into lifting when my anxiety kept me awake for 5 days straight.

Does medication affect gains/test levels?

When I was on benzos I could hardly function, confused, dizzy, numb etc


They have a side effect of weight gain, but only because they make you crave carbs like crazy. Other than that I haven't noticed any change in my lift pattern or diet. But in all honesty, if they did have some crazy effect like stunting muscle growth, I'd take that over having to struggle with anxiety/depression daily.

Don't get discouraged if the first prescription doesn't work for you, there's hundreds if different types. I was lucky to get the right medication on my second try. Keep your head up user.

hmm, maybe weight gain would be a good side effect for me haha

I'll ask but my therapist doesn't really listen to me

I'm surprised they prescribed a Benzo before an SSRI. I went to my doc looking for more benzos and he told me it was weird for me to get Xanax without an SSRI first.

A heads up if you do get put on one; you'll need to take one everyday, I set an alarm for mine. You'll feel great but lethargic for the first few weeks. Don't think you need to change if you start feeling depressed randomly, that's just part of the human brain, we feel bad sometimes without explanation. Don't go overboard with the carbs, that's how you baloon and get crazy stretch marks.

Maybe different circumstances, they put me straight on them after I hung myself, pretty much everyone there was on benzos

Benzos are a good zombification drug, but now that you're trying to be normal and not drugged out of your mind I think SSRI's are the better choice


All is weird is that usually psychiatrists LOVE handing out SSRI's, almost as if they get paid to do so.

thanks will take this into consideration

Ideally give up on pills altogether though

Sounds like you need a new therapist

I'll just stop going soon