Do people treat you better if you lift? Talking about in a work place environment.
Do people treat you better if you lift? Talking about in a work place environment
of course. they respect you more
I get away with tons of shit that lesser workers get called out for.
Then again I do have to carry the team every now and then so it evens out.
> Male bosses love me
> Fat female co-workers hate me, pretend to like me
> Constant back handed compliments
It's about 50/50, but it's honestly funny listening to their weight loss struggles.
yeah, dude
you command respect without even saying a word, which is fine by me, i fucking hate talking and socializing
treat you better? When I worked at a clothing store a couple of the girls would seemly make it into a game to rub their tits on me a new way each day.
My friends do
Definitely. Randos on the street, friends, colleagues. People just listen more attentively.
if blowjobs in the lunch break mean getting treated better than yes
My brothers and uncles
>wtf user did you get AIDS from the but secs
>hey lay of user just cause he puts in the effort to look good for his BF you don't have to make fun of him
At work
Boss >wow user nice work with the weight loss but now you look like a child who is dressing up in his dads work clothes
Colleagues >how did you do it user show me how. (Ignoring everything I tell em)
Grills I know
>wtf user did u get taller nice
So yeah totally worth it
i wish more dads came banting on here
dad humor best humor
no because i'm a manlet
the only way for me to get respect would be to shoot up the place
Sadly this.
you can be rich, swole, etc. but the average person will still only see you for your height
> Get along with most people
> Get along with the Muslim men
> Muslim women mostly avoid me and I can tell they're intimidated
So what's stopping you user?
now that you ask that i honestly don't know. i'm tired of being treated like a child just because i'm 5'8.
watch your back. maybe i work in your building.
Eh, I'm 5'9, have a small benis and a hairy back. I give exactly two shits about things I can't change.
I carry pic related so that we don't shoot our own, although you may noy be able to see it from such a low angle
A family worth its Bants I see.
Lee Harvey Tallswald
when was the last time you were to IMAMAN (International Monthly Alpha Manlet Association)? they are now advising everyone to keep their cards in easy accessible and fast to reach places because of sharp increase of manlet related crimes of passion.
they are also planning on changing cards on monthly basis so people who grow above membership requirements can't fool the system
What you gonna do, 'lil fella? You can't even reach the gun.
Yes. And women are nicer in everyday situations. Even if they're paid to do it like in the service industry they actually start giving you good customer service, smiling etc.
Images searches aren't giving me anything. Source?
Buy high heel boots LMAO
>Be fat piece of shit.
>Get new job.
>Job requires fitness to a level, but I wanted to go higher, push myself.
>Everyone in my new job has seen my weight loss progression and treat me the same regardless of my Ottermode.
>No shit jobs given to me, no getting away with things, no easy jobs given to me ...just... an equal employee.
>It's nice.
>Have to go back to previous job for a week covering, in the area so meet up with some old work colleagues.
>All fawning over me, compliments and mirs left and right.
>These are the people who couldn't give me the time of day 18 months ago.
>See how vacuous they are, start pushing the limits of what I know they would have called me out on before.
>They follow my lead and agree with everything like beta orbiters.
>Get propositioned by two of the ladies separately that day.
>Tell em to fuck off in the nicest way along the lines of "now I'm fit you've got the time of day for me? Don't think so basics".
I felt that if i turned up at a place Veeky Forums from the start I'd have an easy time. If I turned up looking like something from a /FPH/ thread I bet I'd be shat on from a great height.
But going from fat-to-fit all at one place, I feel like people respect what I've done and admire me for it but know I'm just the same as any of them.
Never change.
> so people who grow above membership requirements
So filled with hope yet still so insecure.
Just be glad that literally every car designed by man is meant to perfectly fit someone 5'8 and make them comfy
>engineering student
>shit grades
>can't into social
Everyone treats me as "that dumb meathead"
John Wilkes Boosterseat
>Oneitis of 2 years
>Friendzoned hard
>She only likes asian guys (WF)
>Start lifting to get her attention
>She notices
>Asks me to date her younger sister
When we have sex, I whisper her sisters name under my breath
Close enough
>shit grades
>not a dumb meathead
Pick one
No, they want you to lift all the heavy shit and act like they're doing you a favor.
Are ya winning son?
>caring about grades as long as you pass your courses
are burgers really this cucked?
>Wanting to do the best you can in your pursuit of education is being cucked
This is why europe is shit nowadays
Women are touching me more often while talking.
Older women (like 35-50s) tend to put their hand on my shoulder/bicep for a second or two when they are done talking.
Younger women (20-30) tend to do really soft punches between my chest and shoulder whenever I say something mean in a playful way.
"""Alpha""" men look me in the eyes and laugh at my jokes, and """betas""" avoid eye contact for too long and tend to agree whatever I'm saying.
This never happened before starting to lift.
Yes, I'm borderline autistic with social things.
>she only likes Asian guys
Never heard of this desu
Nah m8, I am from Europe and I need good grades at uni to even get employnent
Not in boston.
I was a skinny fat faggot for 3 years when i was working at this place i'm working at now. Finally started putting on decent weight on my lifts, my looks clearly changed and all the women at my job are just threatened by my presence until they get to know me. Then they either blatantly disrespect me or love me.
Overall it's more negative than positive daily interaction.
Literally the only thing any employer will ever look at is that you've graduated and then your work/apprenticeship history or other projects you've made if that sort of thing is relevant to your field. Grades count for literally nothing.
People treat you better if you are fit. You are obviously committed to self-improvement, and a lot of bosses will look at your gains and think you are a hard worker.
O fuk I carry that too
In shitty office jobs I've noticed a number of advantages, especially since a very, very small minority of office workers are anything but skinnyfat/fat
For reference I'm not shy but naturally quiet and don't like smalltalk. Normally this would get interpreted as shy and/or autism, but instead gets interpreted as standoffish/strong but silent with muscles. As a result:
>In toxic office jobs I purposely acted standoffish (not socializing with people, never bothering anybody unless absolutely necessary, looking people straight in the eye with neither a frown or smile whenever I was being talked to.) As a result, no one ever asked me for anything leading to a smaller workload, in meetings my suggestions/comments were taken very seriously, and I never got yelled at (as other people did at the two jobs I'm referring to.) Heard later from both that my coworkers thought I was "kind of a scary guy," and that a few of my male superiors were legitimately afraid of me.
>At nontoxic office jobs, did the same shit but with smiling, which had the weird effect of making everyone like me and make attempts to get to know me outside of work. Also always asked to do any minor physical labor from office ladies, who would always thank/apologize way too much for the task. Always legitimately excited to see me despite me not saying more than 100 words each work day.
>A commie shithole doesn't appreciate self-improvement
In other news: water, wet
PhD student here.
No one cares.