This movie is bullshit right...

This movie is bullshit right? I was watching it and nearly everything they say seems to contradict all the research and other documentaries I've seen.

I feel like they're just trying to push a vegan agenda.

Other urls found in this thread:

make some examples of mentioned contradictions else we don'treally have anything that enables us to judge.


Without having seen it. I'd guess it's sponsored by some shitty food lobbyist group. Most of these edutainment things are. Really fucks normies up cause they assume it's real science etc...

>shitty food lobbyist group
oh, the lentil lobbyists?

you want someone to comfort you that you're not a shithead or what is this thread?

>oh, the lentil lobbyists?

Being this naive.

you got me buddy

Well meme'd

>brawndo: it hath ewectrowites 2; vegan edition

you got that one

>everything they say seems to contradict all the research


Did I misread this or it this some shit attempt at sarcasm?

I mean, Carl the 290 pound fat ass I work with who eats 3 fulls size Snickers bars a day and washes em down with Mt. Jews along with other shitty habits. His type II is to blame solely on the meat products and fat in his highly processed meals??

>Who the fuck knew it was so simple, avoid meat and fat?
>kys the movie

nice anegdotal evidence, faggot

Wuh? I'm just saying it's so clear to me now. Just avoid everything that isn't natural and eat what big companies tell me is health.

Wasn't' providing any evidence, just an example where a poor co -worker obviously didn't' now the dangers of meat and fats. I'll educate him when I see again. Poor guy will need to eat more sugar to cure his diabeetus probably.

All of the sources are >10 years old.

did I hurt your whore feelings? yes some carbs like sweets, rice etc spike insulin levels, but also does meat and other animal products, but some veggies lower it
not an argument

>His type II is to blame solely on the meat products and fat in his highly processed meals??
It's a combination of animal products and overeating. Overeating alone can produce diabetes in some individuals, but it's rare.

Are you saying human biology has been radically transformed in the last 10 years?

>>I feel like they're just trying to push a vegan agenda.


the guy who narrates it is such a fucking faggot oh my god

>going through the website
>theyr advertising meat products on alist of health foods
>"whaaat the heallth?"

the parts where he interviewd the doctors were productive but that sperg alone is reason enough to not watch more than 10 minutes

especially the parts where hes calling diabetes support line and saying shit like "so why are you recommending meat" talking down to them like they're responsible it makes me so fucking mad

also the part where they have cigarettes on a pan and they're pushing it off the skillet onto the kid's plates fucking stop this scene doesn't need to be here and it's used multiple times like stock footage

A friend killed his diabeetus with Grape therapy and fasting.

Euclidean geometry is 2.5k years old, you colossal faggot

Agreed, that line was too cringy and I turned it off shortly after. I didn't need to watch it anyway because I'm already vegan