My vagina when he:

my vagina when he:
>uses pussy pad
>does low bar squats
>does sumo
>uses wraps
>uses belts
>uses mixed grip
>uses gloves
>wears basketball shorts in the gym

pls,sweetie, if you do any of these things, don't go tocity athletix gym and mansion fitness gym in LA, thank you

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Isn't this picture more representing your sexuality, young man?

What's wrong with sumo? I


At least you're realizing you have a vagina, sir.

Bro what's wrong with basketball shorts.

Oh look, it's another pointlessly elitist Veeky Forumsizen with arbitrary criteria as to what is proper training despite probably not having surpassed the intermediate stage. Sign me up to the newsletter.

>implying using straps is a bad thing

Oh sweetie

How much of a giant pussy must you be to get that much sand stuck in there.

>being sexually repulsed by the way someone holds a barbell


Mfw I'm doing leg day wearing basketball shorts and there's nothing you can do to stop me

How did this sweetie meme start?

reddit tier trolling.

Dat pic

>what's wrong with wearing basketball shorts when I'm not playing basketball
These are the social autists I take tinder advice from.

The real joke is expecting women to know half of what's on your list. They just expect results.

Yeah everyone talks shit about it being bad for your grip strength but I think that's bullshit. One time I forgot my straps and had to use chalk + hook grip, lifted my current 5rm of 445 no problem on deadlifts but it hurt my hands an incredible amount due to never doing it.

Unless you're competing I see no reason to get imbalances with mixed or go through the process of making hook grip not be a pain in the dick.

I got a girlfriend already bitch. Seriously considering gloves for rack pulls senpai. I will try chalk first before I go full gay boy and get gloves.


>when she goes to the gym
just fucking lol

a girl was miring me hard yesterday while i took turns with her on squats, she was using the pad and i took off to do my reps, doing 250lbs for 10 reps, after my first rep she said "wow" and mired my whole set, i literally saw her nipples getting hard, she complimented me after i finished and i asked her out, in couple hours we're going to grab couple beers and probably going to my place to some fuck

I want to see you die in a fire. Fuck you.