Post more ripped cunts from your teevee/movie screens
ITT: Veeky Forums movie/TV show characters
he looked liked christian bale with his hair cut short
I don't remember watch that shit, but even i know that hafthor would be your only choice
for you
>posting Gendry
>over Chad AKA Dickon
I remember thinking Gendry was swoll as fuck back in 2012
He's fucking massive in Black Sails. It gets even more impressive when you take into account that he's like 6'5 or something.
The guy who plays Billy in Black Sails
Sorry we dont take in fatties with no self restraint when it comes to food here
Sorry, we don't accept manlets here my man
Tommen realy had a King's Landing
4/10, best I can do
HAHAHA le XD le le le le le
only fags watch gay of dicks
I kek'd, have a (you)
Same here. I wasn't even lifting back then. Now i see a dyel fgt.
I sure it's Cockon
Kek. Gonna steal that one sorry.
it's insane how much height completely overshadows any kind of muscles. those two guys are complete dyels compared to thor but make him look small because of their height
RIP Dickon
This dude looks like Matt Seracen from Friday Night Lights, but jacked instead of a lispy, stuttery faggot
Tbh he still looks lispy, stuttery, and faggy. But definitely more jacked