Hey Veeky Forums, I'm a 22-year old virgin incel, and I'm just wondering: what is it like to actually have attractive women willing to have sex with you, and how much better does sex feel compared to just masturbatng?
Hey Veeky Forums, I'm a 22-year old virgin incel...
it's the most mind blowing intoxicating feeling in the world, as long as it's either a new woman, or one you love with blinding passion
>how much better does it feel than jerking
uhhhh its more of a psychological thing i guess...the best sex probably...approaches the level of jerking
So are you saying that masturbating actually feels better than sex? I find that hard to believe.
>I find that hard to believe
then you're stupid, i guess
Don't call yourself incel. Incels are just virgins who blame their team every game they lose in league/dota. Man INCELS are just that dumbass SF who goes mid and slurs his speech, thinking he's arteezy and deserves to win, and when he sucks dick and loses he blames ANYONE! ANYONE but himself. Because if they can't get laid it's OBVIOUSLY because of something they can't control, right? Please. Women WILL NOT approach you. You HAVE to approach them. And the sooner you realize a smooth guy (which is all in the head) can and will pick up more girls than the awkward good looking guy, that's when you get it.
I actually rarely play mid, I usually play supports, and whenever I lose I think about what I could've done better.
But approaching is just a dumb meme, because if a woman's attracted to you, she'll either approach you or at least signal that she's interested, and if an attractive guy tries to talk to a woman, she'll make it easy for him by making an effort to actually make conversation. On the other hand, if you're an ugly guy, women will avoid you like the plague, and if you try to talk to one, she'll think you're creepy, and give dismissive responses and make no effort to actually talk to you and get to know you.
Unattractive guys who approach women almost always get called creepy and end up looking like fools when they get rejected.
lmao @ this analogy
to claim that you are "involuntarily celibate" is social trench mentality. and as we all know, the only way out of the trench is to fucking grind. encounter after encounter, short conversation after short conversation; make eye contact; ask how someone's day is; learn to smile. you'll lose some and win some, but if you grind, and truly give yourself to the grind, there is no trench.
my question to you is this: so fucking what?
yea yea sure, the girl calls you creepy to her friends, you feel shame for a second, and then you realize: you'll never see that woman or her friends again. what do you have to lose in being reckless, in approaching any woman you ever see? you call yourself an incel; you claim that this is not your fault, that no woman ever could want you. well, how many have you fucking tried? learn to dance or something. pick up a hobby; see live music or go to a book club or something. anyone socially stilted enough to claim incel has just as many problems socializing with men as they do women, and you need all the experience you can get. finding people of either gender with similar interests to practice socializing with is all you need to get over your romantic/sexual mental blocks.
I am exactly this ugly; I am 5 foot 7 on a good fucking day, and never in my life have I been below 20% body fat. I have had two long term girlfriends and a few shorter ones. They've come very sparsely throughout my life, I won't mislead you. But I happened into these relationships by putting myself out there, and not believing that anyone shouldn't want me from the getgo. I know myself and know my worth. I like myself, overall, or at least tend to anyway. People pick up on that shit. What you need is to stop hating yourself, find your worth, and share that worth with people. If you don't believe you're worth a damn why would anybody else?
learn to dress up, talk and do your hair and beard exactly like jon snow
Goddammit, so today I'm walking out of the gym with my 6'5" homie, and I'm 5'11" king of manlets.
Passing through doorway in opposite direction as this absolute qt, doesn't spare me a glance ofc. Stares up at him and flashes the most obviously thirsty smile I've ever seen. He's not muscular at all. Not chadly, just tall with decent face I guess.
I've never even seen that kind of mire before. Here I was thinking maybe grills are subtle when signalling intent -- maybe eye contact is the most they give. Nope apparently when they're interested they can be clear as day, I've just never been the recipient. Feels so ass, dude
The anticipation and then the first three pumps are the best part, then it's a matter of attempting to make her climax before you go completely numb, the ending is worse than masterbation. Afterwords there's the odd question of 'so what are we now?' Then you make a snarky remark and pretend to be falling asleep while she cuddles you.. You wait for her to fall asleep or at least act like she finally does then flip on your side and wonder what kind of excuse you can make to get her to go back home tomorrow morning. Because you know that the duration of the time she stays in the morning is a measurement of the answer to the 'what are we now' question. And you just want to go back to watching the banalities of human existence through the distant telescope of de anima and pretending to not notice the chubsters following you around at the gym. Gay sex is probably better.. I would love to be jerked off while getting a prostate rub down, I might be gay, who knows.
>pic not related
Sex is really, truly, overvalorated.
not english speaker sorry.
No. Women do NOT approach unless they find you to be a 9.5+/10
Oh boo fucking hoo how UNFAIR!! Then how come these 7/10 dudes get to pick up girls but I don't? It's cause they approach first.
Now most incels have problems socializing alltogether, but start off talking to dudes if approaching women terrifies you. You HAVE to get out of your comfort zone. Even if a girl talked to you, then what? Would you suddenly grow massive balls and make big moves and flirt? No, you'd talk to her normally and when you didn't get laid you'd claim it's everyone elses fault you can't get laid
>No. Women do NOT approach unless they find you to be a 9.5+/10
I dunno, it depends on what you call "approach"
within minutes of starting a weightlifting class in college, this girl who I thought was hot bent all the way over, like 10 feet in front of me, and then looked back at me.
She didn't say a word to me, but it was an obvious "approach" of the type a woman makes...left for chads to find and incels to disregard I guess. I fucked her, and in the ass, and fucked her face btw.
It's like the last guy said, people who claim to be incel have a problem socializing altogether, and it's only exacerbated by finding the person to be attractive.
They assume women to be a hivemind that has ruled them out based on their faces from the beginning. They don't understand that women are individuals, and, if you're fuck-ugly, the only ones worth getting with, or even possible to get with, are going to be the ones who judge you based on character rather than attraction. That said, they don't believe such women exist, because they've never put themselves in a situation to find one; they have no hobbies, interests, or skills, and are therefore unable to socialize on any other human being's terms.
In my experience, sex isn't that much better than masturbation. It's a whole lot more work, to be honest with you. Most of the time I'd rather just jerk it and go to bed.
That's the physical side of things. Emotionally, there is nothing more powerful for me than a woman openly begging to be fucked. My current FWB is a lovely sub who will happily crawl across the room on all fours and then swallow my dick.
I dunno I wouldn't call myself a 9 or a 10 but my current girl approached me and got my number from me so who knows what these crazy bitches are thinking
And she's like an 8/10
Seeing you brahs teach this r9k faggot about being responsible for your own self improvement makes me so fucking hard.
I love y'all.
there's your problem
>tfw confidence is something that can't be taught
It's a smaller deal than people think, though I guess all my deals are small at this stature. People never believe my height when it comes up because I don't carry myself like a manlet. Once you stop believing everyone cares about your flaws, you find that they never really did to begin with.
If a bitch cares that I'm a manlet she's probably not worth getting involved with anyway. I don't mean to 'sour grapes' the situation, but I see no need to concern myself with someone that shallow.
That's kind of the best part though you can just do it
R.I.P. Eliot.
Yes it can. Again, NOTHING genetically is stopping you if you're an average guy. It's about stepping out of your comfort zone. Blaming your genetics and saying "i.was born unconfident" is the same as saying that it's impossible for you to lose/gain weight.
Think about it like this, you were at a party, but after the party was over, anyone who you didn't talk to disappeared from your life, and were never heard from again.
Inconfidence comes from fear of rejection and things not going as planned, and that's the best way to learn: by failing. You won't get anywhere by pinning your problems on factors out of your control. Cowards do that and that aint you!