/af/ - Aeshethic Face

Can we have one of these so we don't have to be spammed with 10x different face threads every day?

So I was thinking that these threads could include everything related to face and facial gains. Think neck training, chewing, mewing, skin care, hair, neck hangs and redpills related to face.

I think these videos are worth watching:

youtube.com/watch?v=ijFkcLMmSJI - Mike Mew
youtube.com/watch?v=iqlxAdmky10 - Mike Mew
youtube.com/watch?v=TY3bIMRKil8 - XL Mew (1 hour long but worth it)
youtube.com/watch?v=EFnJMPQow7A Redpills (recommended to watch all three)

Neck training:

Other urls found in this thread:


When they say teeth together, is it in a chewing position? Chewing position, your bottom teeth will be a bit behind your top ones.

Or should i align the front teeth?

The first thing everyone should do is reduce their bodyfat to between 10 - 12% to reveal their facial structure.

None of these matter if you aren't prepared to get surgery (which if you're reading this, you need to be attractive). Ofc these will help supplement if you're willing to go the distance but don't bother if you aren't.

Mewing is good in that it can fix weak chins, asymmetry (if you max out what it can do) and widen the palate, but it isn't going to give you a diamond cutting jaw if you haven't got one already. Neck training is important but it's more the icing on the cake rather than a major improvement. All the rest you mentioned are essential but won't turn you into a slayer on their own.

The most important thing to remember though is that only the top 1% of men are genuinely good looking. None of this '/soc/' said I'm a 7/10 so I must be good looking' horseshit, I'm talking about the sort of man that gets regularly complemented by women on his looks. Women's standards are simply higher than men's.

They should touch slightly in a resting position.

The end game for the majority isn't being a slayer. It's being better than you was yesterday.

>Women's standards are simply higher than men's.
That's because the vast majority of men are morons.

>That's because the vast majority of men are morons.

No, it's because women can have 1 child every 9 months. Men can have many children in that same period. Women have to be choosier because they have more limited time and must invest more resources per child than men. This is deeply ingrained in women's perception of male attractiveness and has carried over to the modern world.

>The end game for the majority isn't being a slayer. It's being better than you was yesterday.

I suppose it does depend on your end goal. If you're only interested in being treated better than you are now by people in general than you can just settle for the non-surgicals but radical change is impossible without invasive surgery. It will also depend what you're starting with.

Well, I think one major difference between me and let's say, lookism, is that I find pleasure in building and ''tweaking'' my body. Perfection & details, no matter what I'm working with.

I still think most men are desperate morons who get pussy whipped to easily. I'm not denying women's standards.

>Well, I think one major difference between me and let's say, lookism, is that I find pleasure in building and ''tweaking'' my body. Perfection & details, no matter what I'm working with.

Once you get past the rampant shitposting, that's essentially what lookism is about.


>it's all about confidence

Lol I'm def not top 1% and people compliment me frequently, stop putting people down. If you put in some basic effort you can look good enough to score regularly.

What makes a man's face attractive in the first place?

Cat eyes, prominent jawline, good chin (both wide and narrow can be great), good maxilla developement, good eyebrows (shape and thickness), full head of hair, general symmetry, balance between each 1/3, etc.

Masculine with a tbsp of feminine.

What all these guys have in common is solid eye area.

Nobody gives a fuck about your jawline or whatever in the real world, just stop being a faggot that obsessed over the way he looks. Lift weights, eat healthy, and do stuff that makes you happy instead of comparing your face to models. Christ

It's not about one particular area by itself, it's about facial harmony.

>Nobody gives a fuck about your jawline or whatever in the real world

If you aren't fucking ugly it's probably the 2nd thing women care about.

t.22 yr old european women


>including mr. asymmetry himself

Just be yourself

Woman do care if you are a chinlet and prone to double chin

This. The virgins on this board seem to think that by lifting enough weights that one day it will all just suddenly change and they'll start slaying left and right. The truth is that once you get to a certain point (abs, decent face, good haircut, well dressed/groomed) it's all about how you act.

I'm 5 foot fucking 6. I'm well below average height, which fags here seem to think is the end-all-be-all for being attractive and honestly once you start being social and stop being a bitter, angry powerlifter, you'll get laid. Hope you guys find what you're looking for.

This guy is right.

Which look suits me more?

this one faggot

how gay can you be? Did you really think that stupid face and filter made you look good?

>solid eye area
not ryan gosling, still very handsome though

I'll dump some stuff. The first meta-study is really outstanding, 267 sources cross-referenced. Goes into depth on symmetry, averageness, skin health & color, masculinity, Facial cues associated with personality attribution, social, temporal, environmental context. Skim it if you are interested.
Facial attractiveness: evolutionary based research
>Face preferences affect a diverse range of critical social outcomes, from mate choices and decisions about platonic relationships to hiring decisions and decisions about social exchange. Firstly, we review the facial characteristics that influence attractiveness judgements of faces (e.g. symmetry, sexually dimorphic shape cues, averageness, skin colour/texture and cues to personality) and then review several important sources of individual differences in face preferences (e.g. hormone levels and fertility, own attractiveness and personality, visual experience, familiarity and imprinting, social learning). The research relating to these issues highlights flexible, sophisticated systems that support and promote adaptive responses to faces that appear to function to maximize the benefits of both our mate choices and more general decisions about other types of social partners.

True. Had a "manlet" teacher (5'7" at most) that was previously obese, but he lost weight, gained muscle, dressed well and was such a charismatic dude that all the female and gay students worshiped him.

Apart from the obvious faggotry of the second pic, you look better like that. Your skin isn't as wrinkly, your beard is trimmed, your skin is clear, you look like you paid more attention to your hair and clothing.

Another meta-analysis
Two notable quotes, just so you know attractiveness did not increase in importance after the internet age but has always been a powerful force in human relations
>Beauty is truth, truth beauty - that is all
>Ye need to know, all ye need to know on earth
Keats, Ode on a Grecian Urn

>I cannot say often enough how much I consider beauty a powerful and advantageous quality. Socrates called it "a short tyranny," and Plato "The privilege of Nature." We have no quality that surpasses it in credit. It holds the first place in human relations; it presents itself before the rest, seduces and prepossesses our judgement with great authority and a wondrous impression."
Montaigne, Essays

Maybe somebody can post this study, because I don't have it, but basically they had a bunch of frat Chads be rated by a bunch of sorority Stacies based on facial attractiveness, height, bulkiness ( IE muscle and frame) and vocal masculinity, and the found that although height and face were the main factors in determining attractiveness, it was dominance that actually determined which men had the most sex, which was determined by size and voice.

It was alot more complex than that though, saying things like if you have a feminine face you need to be bulkier to be considered attractive and vice versa. Pretty interesting shit.

Men are more likely to overrate their looks than women.
Judging attractiveness: Biases due to raters’ own
attractiveness and intelligence
>To evaluate self-perceived attractiveness, participants rated, on an eight-point scale, how sexually attractive a given individual would find them.
>To evaluate the attractiveness of others, participants rated the “natural beauty” of others in the study.
>They found that men’s ratings of self-perceived attractiveness were higher than women’s ratings; however, looking at others ratings, women were rated overall as more attractive than men.
>This is consistent with previous research showing that men tend to overestimate their own level of attractiveness while women don’t.


>Researchers put 96 male and 103 female undergraduate students through an exercise where participants spent three minutes talking to each of five members of the opposite sex.
>Before the exercise started they were asked to rate their own attractiveness, and after each chat with a potential partner, they ranked that person's appearance and how sexually interested they believed the person was in them.
>The experiment showed that men who mistakenly believed they were attractive were more likely to overestimate how interested women were in them.
>Men who were actually rated as attractive by members of the opposite sex did not make the same errors in judgment.

>""Essentially, men who rated themselves high on attractiveness were more likely to overperceive women’s interest. The more attractive they actually were to women, however, the more likely they were to underperceive."

this sounds hard to control for in one study. You sure it wasnt a cross-examination of multiple studies? Was the study linked or an article discussing the findings of the study?

Here's a good one, researcher on facial attractiveness, for years at major university, published in the field
Lots of gems in there. Here is his take on why prominent cheekbones are attractive
>Prominent cheekbones & other "extraordinary" features can be attractive for a few reasons based on evolutionary psychology.
>First, there is a theory called "costly signaling"* that means that if you see someone with high, broad cheekbones (or any "extraordinary" feature), this means that their body had to go through all of this extra "expense" to build and support those cheekbones..and this person has more "reproductive fitness" (better genes). I don't know if it applies to cheekbones, but it's a theory that's fairly convincing for a number of our traits (and animal traits too)
>Second, cheekbones support the eyes - so broad cheekbones and wide set eyes (on a man in particular) indicate that he is probably a better athlete / hunter than someone with sunken cheekbones and poorly supported eyes. The cheek bone (and orbital rim - which it is attached to) was also important in supporting the eye during injury - which is crucial for survival. Also, the cheek bones (in the front) surround a major nerve that comes out of the face - and stronger frontal cheek bones protect this nerve. This last part (the protection factor) - I think - is probably why they are so important.
>Someone should do a study on female cheek bones and hormone levels and waist - hip ratio to see if these things correlate. My hypothesis is that you'd see some correlation, but the study has not been done.
>Cheekbones have different levels of attractiveness in men and in women -and the ideal shape and size differ. In men, the "population average" cheekbone is the most attractive. In women, the "population average + slightly feminized" is the most attractive.
>I hope that made sense, but ask a follow-up if it did not.

I am quite sure, and they did discuss the findings in the article. I tried looking it up but I can't seem to find it.

Not doubting, Im interested in seeing it as well. However, the way these studies are conducted is to control for as many variables as you can to not have unrelated ones influence the outcome. So if facial dominance is researched, they have the same haircut/crop it out

Also, save what I dumped, its a goldmine. Sooo many references in the studies

I'm a girl and in my opinion Ryan Gosling is ugly af. Him and Nicholas Cage have the most punchable faces in cinema.
KJ apa has the ideal male face imo. Perfect mix of cute and hot.

Bradley cooper is ugly too. Idk

Thats probably because you are ugly and are intimidated by more masculine guys. My stacy roommate says Chris Carmack's face is pure beauty and said there are two types of attractive guys. The "come hug me" and the "come fuck me" type. According to her Carmack is both, she doesnt know of anyone else combining the two

>research on attractiveness
oh so someone who actually understands you need to do research to get data and results
>links to reddit
never fucking mind, you goddamn moron. if you're going to link "research", you need to link to the actual research, as in the pages of the academic journal the research is located in; with a introduction, materials, results, etc. sections. linking to reddit just shows
1. you're a fucking redditor faggot on Veeky Forums
2. you're an idiot who doesn't know how research/knowledge/information works

another straight fem user here, also find ryal gosling to be fairly ugly. nicholas cage is so ugly and unlikable i truly dont understand how he ever became an actor.
however I will have to respectfully disagree on that pic you posted, hes like 6/10 imo

Whats with the hostility? I was the one posting all the studies. I realize the people here never read the studies anyway, so I link something more easily digestible as well. If you had taken a look, he links lot of studies, refers to research, makes clear whenever he is inferring something, isnt absolute in his statements where he cannot possibly be, outlines theories etc. The medium through which the information is transmitted doesnt take away from the information itself.
Read it for yourself instead of dismissing everything because a website's name isnt to your liking.
Do you have a more convincing explanation as to why cheekbones are attractive? If so, I'd like to hear it.

Lol wtf. I don't like to brag about looks but I'm far from being ugly. Also it's younger girls that like guys that are slightly feminine looking guys not ugly girls. (not that kj is feminine)


Its the same way emaciated, ugly guys are very vocal about preferring nerdy, less attractive girls because they are intimidated by classically beautiful, high estrogenic women.
The hotter the girls Im friends with are, the more blunt and honest are they about their preferences in men. Coincidentally, the higher up those same women are in the social hierarchy, the more they prefer all around dominant, handsome, masculine men.
Im not saying you are wrong in being attracted to feminine guys, just that your preferences reflect on you in way you never considered

f-frame theory?

>she's so ugly
>Id never date her if I got the chance
>too skinny


You should be worried if the chick isn't like this at the wedding.

tfw 8.5 with stubble but 6 without.

I am 3/10 bald babyfaced chinlet with shitty vision, fucked up teeth and islets of facial hairs similar to pubes, but if I could choose I would prefer pic related aesthetic thant this boish look

he had several facejobs + hairs trainspalnt

you should be worried if you are ever the groom at any wedding m8

>had a girl that used to look at me like that
>she would hug me in public and refuse to let go for 20 mins
>she got under my skin, cute and kind
Fast forward few years after
>user we're breaking up
>"what, why?"
>i dont know, i love being with you, but i just dont love you in the same way any more
>proceeds to instantly be with in relationship with some new guy

Breehs, with every new girl that falls for me i have the same deep fear
>"I love you user, i never loved anybody so much"
My instant thought is
>you say this now, but when will it change? How will i know when it changes? How can i stop it from happening

More somebody loves me, more i fear for when it will vanish. Anybody have that same fear?

OP here, great posts.

this is so gay, you guys cant be older than 19

Dated a girl for 4 years, near the end of our relationship she met a guy who would drive 2 hours just to come and see her at her parent's place in the middle of the fucking night, she became more and more distant until I called for a break because I was moving out of town for college. A month later she was in a relationship with the guy, and always said that she never cheated, nowaday she is married to the guy and I couldn't care less about her life, but now that I am in a relationship once again I realized how it affected me for good, I've become kinda paranoid and I don't trust my own girlfriend at all. Part of me just assume she's gonna go for someone else eventually, guess I'm enjoying the time with her until it's over.

Dunno if it's the way to go, but playing pretend is the only solution for me right now. Best luck broseph

kek that gif



Tfw 8.5 face but 6'0" manlet

Looks theory proven right yet again. Ryan Gosling is a psl 5/10. He sticks out like a sore thumb between those models.

Aren't they both models?


right one is completely mogged by the left one, but is still above average. I don't know if they are models.


It's ridiculous how much Nessman & O'Pry mogs that other guy. I'm convinced they include him there just to make them stand out even more.

kek nice one.

request; do you have the pic with pic related and a number of other 0/10 faces who are "ripped"?

it shows painfully how the Face is everything, followed by Height and Frame.

O'Pry looks a bit comical though. his face is almost overdevelopped.


I have this feeling that girls would prefer the guy to the right.

1. Lighting makes his jaw visually smaller than its in reality
2. He fucked up teeth occlusion that was untreated before age of 22.

hahah, true
nah dude, i have some other pics tho


>Solid eye area
>Ryan Gosling

I can't

just go and talk to her haha :)


>"Essentially, men who rated themselves high on attractiveness were more likely to overperceive women’s interest. The more attractive they actually were to women, however, the more likely they were to underperceive."

that's fascinating

Really? That's intuitive thinking.

Then how will a guy who has low self esteem know if he's attractive or not?
I'm autistic as fuck and don't really understand social cues very well.

High / Wide Cheekbones + Good brow ridge >>>

what's the nameof that beard growing thing?
is it safe to use?

also, how to get rid of eyebags

What do i use to trim my beard
i'm brown so i'm trying to be a chadjeet

Wtf is "come hug me", "come fuck me" type. What does that mean. Who's saying that? The guy?


Its actually very sensible that men who are less attractive over-perceive their actual attractiveness and interest from women. It's reasonable for males to be ignorant of their own shortcomings because they are the ones that have to INITIATE mating. You can't do that if you're convinced your ugly, combine that with the fact that approaching women is hit or miss even with attractive males, having realistic self-confidence means less men even attempting to reproduce.

The woman, it's what women "read" on their faces, very masculine men tend to elicit a more primal "fuck me" vibe, that is, women perceive them as sexual objects, rather than emotional ones.


I'd go gay for him



Have an oldschool 15(!) year old Ned Kelly.

This guy posted on /pol/ the other day. Living version of the chad meme

That's nice and all, but you should leave some advice/content, too.

he just needs bigger hair

leave your lips slightly open like you're going to blow a spit bubble

its called a Sparrow Face and literally all the models right now do it

well what can I say? Height Face Frame, that's all there is to it.

but you can go for looksmaxing.

if you suffer from low confidence, take phenibut.

take minoxidil(5%) to combat receding hairline and to get thicker eyebrows, or to shape proper beard form.

obviously get fit but not Veeky Forums if you know what I mean.

if you aren't a teenager you are probably too old for mewing to have an effect.

i had rabbit teeth, so i asked the dentist to saw away a piece(2mm) of my two front teeth, so that made me stop looking like a retard.

improve posture. sedentary lifestyle gives a lot of people a retard posture. fix your protruding neck, keep your stomach flat, flex your glutes.

train your neck directly, don't know if genetics, but it increased my by 1.5 inches.

increase your social credit. I was Always lazy and shy, so I resolved to say yes to anything that was asked of me. wanna take the train(eurofag) to party in another city? yes. wanna come to boxing class? yes. wanna go and trip on lsd? yes. you get the point.

the most you can do is cope though. accept that you aren't a chad.

still, I went from a hopeless neet to a somewhat adusted student, lost my virginity multiple times, and have a decent circle of friends,



My face is slightly unsymmetrical is there a way to make it more symmetrical?