Fit careers

>What do you guys do for a living?
>Does your job get in the way for you to make gains?

I got a small desk job a hospital and I was told that the hours would very long, but I'll be getting a few break for my shifts. What kind of snacks should I bring so that will keep me full for hours?

Also I've seen a lot of really fat nurses. If I did leave the desk job and actually go into nursing or even x ray tech, will this be my fate?

I'm a student now and for the upcoming 4 years. Idc about working yet. Enough time to make them gainz. I think when I get a job later I just cut down my training to like a 3 times a week full body intensive routine.

For snacks just get protein bars, those will fill you up

I'm a cop. Shift overlap and permission from the chief is such that I can go to the gym for the last hour of my shift. Works out pretty well.

>What do you guys do for a living?
I work for a printing plant in a massive multichannel marketing company. I'm currently part of a development program to teach me the operations side, but I have tons of specialty print knowledge and so I get tasked with a lot of r&d type work. And I dabble in sales since I can get commission.
>Does your job get in the way for you to make gains?
It's the best thing that's happened to my gains since I graduated college. My gym is 3 minutes from my office, and my boss lifts there. So I eat a salad at my desk at 10am, a small lunch at 11:30 while I work, then I go to the gym at 12, lift till 12:50, then shower and go back to work. Been lifting 5 days a week for 3 months and making all kinds of gains.

Enjoy killing innocent blacks in Charlottesville officer?

I work a desk job at my local college in a portable building outside of the main campus. My coworkers give me stuff to run down to the main campus a few times a day because I'm basically the part-time assistant, and it usually adds up to 2-3 miles of walking by the end of my shift. Not significant cardio but at least I'm not sedentary.



I'm teaching English in Japan. If I were Japanese I'd have no time for the gym, but my contact protects me from being overworked to the point of suicide (which is a serious issue in Japan).

18+ site kiddo

care home worker...and nah. A job only gets in the way of exercising if you have a baby.

Apologize please mister

Nah. Haven't done anything. I love you, buddy.

And i make extra dinner and take it to work, along with flapjacks and a shake.

Military. I get paid to go to the gym 3 times a day

If you love me keep giving me You's

>ignoring the fact that blacks commit way more crime than any other race despite making up a minority of the country

Full time student and part time Intern at an insurance company

Company is big enough to have it's own workout room free to all employees which includes interns so no, It doesn't get in the way of my gainz

Okay have one. You gonna come over later or you just gonna tease me all day?

and shitpost of Veeky Forums?


I work for game and fish, in the fisheries department. 40 hour work weeks allow me to do four tens and get between 2 and 3 hours of work out in a day. 3 day weekends are always a plus.

its a pretty active job, theres not too much sitting and i take advantage of that by offering to carry the most equipment to and from the waterbodies we sample.

I'm on a 2 weeks vacation at the moment, otherwise I dont touch my cellphone till the end of my work day.

Right now? Unemployed, but I'm on the doors tonight just covering for a friend.
But if you're interested let's rewind my life story.
2010 I start training muay thai while working as a window cleaner.
2011 I started lifting (mostly powerlifting) and travel to train in Koh Samui, Thailand.
2012 I join the infantry reserves.
2013 I become a personal trainer, at this point I'm training and working as an assistant coach in muay thai, I'm working in the gym so I'm doing a lot of powerlifting, but I'm also keeping on top of my cardio with the army.
2015 I move from London up to Manchester, it doesn't work out at the new gym so I lose my job, basically everything I'd worked for career wise up to that point. I stop lifting heavy because I'm no longer in a gym, but I join a new martial arts gym and start training BJJ.
2016 I get my door supervisor badge (UK) and start working in security, because it's quick and easy money and I'm obviously pretty qualified for it. I compete in a BJJ tournament and then transition back to training muay thai.
2017 I've been on a close protection course but have yet to get the badge through from the SIA.
Basically what I want to do with my life now is move to Tokyo and start working and training over there, but I'm in and out of shitty security work getting fucked over because 90% of people who run security firms are a bunch of coke-head cunts, excuse me, so I'm seriously struggling to make any savings.
Such is life, ups and downs. I feel like I'm definitely on a big downer at the moment as I only have about 15 months left to save and almost all of my prospects are shit, however I'd be a massive hypocrite if I didn't get my life together and work my ass off to achieve what I want. You only fail when you quit!

Mailman. Basically 9 hours of cardio per day. Deliver mail and packages for 8+ streets per day. Have to walk around at a speed where my sides achieve liftoff and tow around crates of wine for rich retired people who learned to internet. Muscle and joint pain gains skyrocketing.


Medfag, currently in my 4th year of medical school. I'm going to be a pediatrician. I love taking care of babies and kids.

>What do you guys do for a living?
I'm a botanist.
>Does your job get in the way for you to make gains?
Not really atm, but it might do after beginning of 2018 all the way to May. To much work then.

How many thai fights have you had? Kickboxing is cooler btw, none of that clinch bullshit

I build bombs and missiles in the Air Force.

Thought it would be labor intensive, but we forklift 90% of the munitions we move

Economist here

Work in office but no real supervisor so always get up and walk/stretch anytime been sitting too much

9-5 and hit gym everyday on way home

Also rower in basement (pic) for morning cardio (if its not with the wife). Other thing is her pilates shit

I've had three fights, low level amateur bouts, nothing special. The last one was back in 2013!
>clinch bullshit
Haha, yeah in my second fight I twisted the guy over to his side and kneed him in the head, good times.
Since that BJJ tournament last year I've been back on my striking with a renewed vigour, my entire style has evolved to something completely new, I desperately want to have another fight before the end of the year.
I used to have this attitude of "Oh I'm not sure about having a fight just yet, I need to improve this, and I need to work on that." always comparing myself to the best around me, but now I've realised that I'm never going to be as good as I want to be, I'm always going to be striving for more, so I need to just accept the reality of where I am and test myself, not to place such a high regard on having a 'fight', when really it's just hard sparring.

1) Work on ships where the schedule ranges from 11-15 hours work a day in split shifts.
2) On one hand you are exhausted after work but I slam black coffee then walk to the gym (2 flights of stairs) which is well equipped because Cap'n is old gym rat and corporate health and fitness policy is huge. Another plus is the rest of the crew are indian or flip flops and so you have your own private gym.
Another negative is if the ships rolling in a storm for a week you cant do shit beyond calisthenics.

How often (if ever) does shit just explode when it's not supposed to?

Practically never. You can drop a 2000 pound bomb with no fuze and all it will do is bounce wildly.

Interesting, thanks.
Stay safe!

At what age is it too late to turn your life around?

I've been going through some career problems lately. I've been working at this shit retail job for years. I feel like I will be here forever because I have no idea what I really want to do in life. This job is killing me and I want out.

I've tried college, but I don't think its for me. I've thought about getting a IT cert, but idk.. its still in the back of my mind though. I don't want to do trade because I don't want to do labor when I'm still in my 50's. I've been told the arm is good, I don't think the army is right for me because I'm not that fit mentally/physically.

I'm 24, so I guess I'm still kinda young, but I know time is running out. I need to pick something or else I'm fucked for life.

Is this pasta? I've seen post with that picture in every career and feel thread in the last few weeks.
Just get out there and try something dude, Jesus.

I'm currently becoming a cop but I plan on doing a degree on something (probably law) to beef up my career.

Have worked two IT jobs at my college now; at both of which I hardly do anything. Pay isn't great but I can do my homework/fuck around at work which is nice.

Engineer. Electronic engineering in my job, but I also trained in mechanical.

Jeff this is Steve what are we doing later

That's pretty cool, seems like you're really into it. I've had 5 fights between kickboxing and boxing, but I'm kinda burnt out with training for a little while. You should get more fights under your belt, it'll look better to the people you're training. The Thailand shit is cool tho

"I've tried college, but I don't think it's for me."

The fuck man, do you think people just LOVE going through college?

The whole point of a goddamn college degree is showing that you can stay committed to grueling shit that you hate long enough to produce results.

If you want something in life, you have to work for it. Otherwise, you are going to retire as a retail supervisor that got passed up for promotions for the last 30 years.

Quit being a pussy.

I study and teach ancient literature and language at a pretty big American university. It's a comfy life with decent pay and access to a gym far nicer than I deserve.

that sounds awesome. what do you like day to day for your job? also checked

I'm studying mech eng yahooo

>The fuck man, do you think people just LOVE going through college?

.....yes? did you live at your parents house during college? LOL

I loved the work i did in college btw. haven't done anything nearly as satisfying since. I guess it isn't for people who, you know, don't belong there and never would've gone if it didn't become some socio-cultural necessity

That's awesome user. Keep up the hustle.

28 and I'm a senior banker at one of the big 4 in the UK. Pay is great. Work is easy. Hours are meh but I either go to the gym before work at 5.30 or have my PA block out an hour so I can go to the anytime fitness close by.

And you post on here. Sure..

You'd be surprised at the kind of people who post here. I'm in private equity and I know a bunch of colleagues who lurk.

>hours are meh

Do banks work differently in the U.K.? Financial institutions are about like 6 hours a day here.

>What do you guys do for a living?
Private equity

>Does your job get in the way for you to make gains
Hours are long as fuark. I have to literally sneak out of the office while the partners aren't looking to get a gym session in. But I get a free Equinox membership so that's a plus.

About to begin my last year's LL.M in Tax & Corporate Law

Don't know if i can snag a good career out of it or what will it be like

If you're not at NYU or (maybe) Georgetown you might as well drop out now and save yourself 60k.

I'm not an american.


Not really, I meal prep and gym on my off days, some times after work as well, can be difficult with 12h shifts +OT but I make it work.

Yeah man, will do.
I got that burnt out feeling a bit too, after my last fight that's when I started competing in powerlifting, then I moved up here and did the BJJ thing, then when I came back to muay thai I had a completely renewed enthusiasm for it, it is and will always be my base, but sometimes you just need to step away and focus on other things for a while, I'm certainly a lot stronger now!

Thanks m8.
I'm 23, by 25 I'll be done with my development track and I've already turned some heads at cooperate at the last conference with my sakes and ops knowledge, so I want to be managing a team (of creatives, hopefully since I used to be a designer for a packaging company) in the next 5 years. It's what drives me.

any wolf of wall street shit go on?

fellow Ambulance based?

Literally zero niggers were killed you retard

I work in a kitchen as a line cook at a nice upscale restaurant and I fucking hate it. The work is not bad and I like cooking, but the people holy shit... everyone I work with is severely overweight and they all smoke cigarettes and drink every single night to blackout and they have to nerve to complain about "feeling bad" and having no energy so they drink 7 sugar Red Bulls per night. I go work out after most shifts and every night I watch these fuckers head off to the bar, and not to party and get laid and be cool, but to drink away their pathetic miserable lives because they are in such emotional and physical pain for simple reasons that their tiny peanut moron brains just can't even understand. They honestly think they aren't doing anything wrong and i don't even know just life itself is betraying them somehow. It blows my fucking mind.

I can't wait to find out what I really want to do because these fucking losers just hurt my autistic brain with their whiny bullshit I mean how stupid and self deluded do you have to be, in this age of information, to not realize that YOU ARE THE REASON that you feel like shit because you EAT SHIT and DRINK 9 GALLONS OF SODA EVERY NIGHT. Then they sleep 5 hours and get up to watch their favorite instagram accounts post whatever the fuck social media idiots watch...

People are just garbage it blows my fucking mind. I just want to move off into the middle of nowhere and get a job building stuff with my hands in a national park or something. Clean air instead of kitchen grease pleaseeeee... and no fucking fat shit humans around me.


God I have to work in an hour and it's all I can do to not throw up.

put a rack in there

How do you like that rower? It uses actual water right? What are your thoughts on the concept2 compared to the one you have? I live in a cold region (during winter) so i wouldnt be able to have something water based in the garage, but it looks cool.

It all comes down to if you quit taking care of yourself. The job can have stress and make you tired. If you eat to handle these items, you're going to turn into a hambeast. Add in a kid(s) at home and it get even worse for them.

Either learn to channel the stress or die a hambeast.

PS. all jobs can be stressful, learn to fucking cope in non harmful way.


i feel like a dead man.

money is not what was promised.

i only wish to remain muscular and wear good clothes.

I'm taking for the LSAT in September and living off my remaining uni grants and loans. It doesn't get in the way of my gains.

I'm a cook at a casual fine dining restaurant, and I have side work at a pub. Looking to get back to finishing my degree.

The job makes it a bit harder to do the gym, since most of the food is not really healthy. I have been bringing in my own meals before my shifts and cooking them, giving me less urges to eat at work. So far so good.


Get out of that kitchen dude. There are better places where people actually take care of themselves and the food they make.

Kitchens are like families, they have functionally drunk ones and good ones. Its a bit of luck to get in with a good ones though.

You may not be cut out for the service industry if you are already so bitter. Then again though, maybe you need to have some vision and plan an end goal.

Gainz the food truck. All we serve is protein and cruciferous veggies and maybe complex carbs. We hang outside of the gym.

I'm about to go into law. Is it as bad as everyone says it is? Is there no way to find meaning in it?

Bonus question: do you have a plan to get out?

I'm doing a masters, work in a research lab during the week part time, pick up shifts as a bartender for a catering company or at the circulation desk at the library if I need some extra cash.

It's simple, but it's not a bad life.

Go to business school.

Attorney here, we're over saturated with people and the pay is shit unless you make it into the big firms.

P.S. To make it to a big firm, you have to come from Harvard and know people in the business. If you didn't clerk, work as a legal secretary before, and/or have a family with connections in law, you are SOL.

Also once you get in, you'll eat shit working weekends too and eventually burn out or become a smeglord partner with your connections.

You have to love the law to make it man (like you are reading the SCOTUS blogs and decisions), if you don't love it, don't come. We don't need you.

plenty of ways to find meaning in it, but fwiw my college advisor (who was an attorney) steered me away from it pretty quickly once he got to know me. I think it's probably really rewarding for some people, but I was not one of those people.

Used to be in finance... got stressed/burned out working 100hrs+ per week minimum. Made a decent amount of money and travelled for two years.

Now I'm working on a computer science degree and looking forward to going into software development... 40hr work weeks and a six figure salary sounds really nice.

Does it get in the way of my gainz? Finance did for sure. No time to do anything except work and sleep.

Studying computer science has been a breeze so far though, really enjoying it.

As to the person who asked if any wolf of wallstreet shit goes down. Yes. The reality is far crazier than that movie.

That's a majority of people in food service. Other line cook here. It's hard to find people in the industry that don't follow the stereotypes. Look at them like family, but don't stoop to their level. When you are the one who doesn't have hangovers, crushes energy drinks, and look like shit in the long run, you'll be the victor.

I want to do the same lad.
Or emergency medicine, not sure yet.

Man I would kill someone with my bare hands to get a job on a healthy food truck outside of a gym, it would probably be better pay too

Nah I want to be a public defender. I don't give a shit where I take the bar or go to school. Actually I'm basing my decision around where my wife wants to go to graduate school and she's taking the GRE next month too. Thank you for the tips though it's always nice to get some perspective.

>When you are the one who doesn't have hangovers, crushes energy drinks, and look like shit in the long run, you'll be the victor.
Oh I feel pretty superior to everyone all day but that doesn't really make me happier. I just need a better environment this shit is depressing. I am overly empathetic too I feel genuinely bad for these idiots killing themselves every day..

I write code. No real issue with gains, they have an on site gym that I go to after work

Vision son, if you want to work at a food truck serving healthy foods to fitizens you gotta do it yourself. There is no one that is going to save you except yourself.

Plan it out, see how much a truck is, how much is renting one out, what dishes can you serve fast? What are the profit margins? How many do you need to serve a day to break even? Is there a location? Are their competitor? How much are they charging? Etc?

Don't go day by day dragging yourself towards death. Have a fucking vision and run towards it.

Cmon nigger that's some low tier bait

How old are you?

Are your parents rich? You can't possibly pay for law school on that salary. Life afterwards will be hard too unless you or your wife has a trust fund.

Also, have you had exposure to the public defender's office? It is a whole different client subset when you're dealing with criminal defendants. Did you have a taste of it yet? Please make sure you do before you spend three years at law school pursuing this.

There is no money in it and the work is hard. I hope you have an incredible passion for this work.

To be a good trial attorney the job has to be on your brain 24/7. Practicing opening statements, closings statement, cross-examinations, and a lot of this work may not pay off because many cases will settle or adjourn to a later date. Your clients too may be hostile and/or nasty, even the time and work you've done.

Please step back while you can and consider it. The law is not a job for those without passion. If you come here, mark my words, you'll likely replace that needed passion with substance abuse, a lot of self-loathing and depression.

Step back while you can and really think about it.

you have plenty to learn and learn and learn and learn. After a while you feel useless. The world around you is falling apart and you are sitting there, reading your shitty books.

I have no plan to get out. I am too far in. Younger women around me are earning 2,5k / month doing human resourcing (shitting around in an office) while i'm struggling to get by.

Same thing goes for my gf who studied chemisty. Harsh matter, no help, financial struggle.

I'm gonna tack on here by saying if you're interested in opening a food truck: post up outside an active construction site. We got 30 minutes for lunch and the food truck that rolled up with this really good Salvadorian food that could fill you up for like, $6.

I bet they did close to $750 in sales per day from our site alone and that was from ~15 minutes. Hit a couple of those and then open up for lunch/dinner near a park and you're set.

>Please step back while you can and consider it. The law is not a job for those without passion. If you come here, mark my words, you'll likely replace that needed passion with substance abuse, a lot of self-loathing and depression.

This man tells the truth. I had no passion for law and snorted cocaine to work 60h a week. I could barely lift anything for that time. On weekends, I ate three chocolate bars alone. Gone are the gains.

I'm fresh out of undergrad and I make 50k a year in the printing industry with a degree that amounts to slightly advanced trade skill. After 2 years I have a guaranteed promotion (end of a development program) and I'll be making about 75k or more. Go into an obscure but large industry like print. It's the third largest industry in the world and everyone is aging out of it.
Average age of a sales rep? 55
Average age of an operations rep? 57
In 5-10 years there will be massive gaps in the command structure waiting to be filled with sharp young people.

That's extraordinary. How did you get the idea? Did you have guidance of some sort? What's your work like? Are you happy?

Teacher starting back in fall. Hope to be a good role model by showing respect to my health and body.

I'm a part time cam whore/bartender and also a full time nursing student. Finding time to work out is pretty rough. Since I don't eat like shit, I tend to stay pretty thin, so I guess its not too bad.

I have been offered a lot of money from my followers to get fat. I've thought about it, but I'm not sure if the money is worth it.

I'm programmer, have fluid schedule so I can lift whenever it's convenient for me

Severely underrated post. I'm a IBEW electrician and whenever there is a good truck on site it has a line. A long ass line.

If you diversify and sell welders caps you will also make bank. Ones with American flags, or camo sell out immediately. Had a truck on the last site that couldn't keep them in stock long enough to meet demand. It's a cash cow.

If I didn't love my work or make what I make this would be something I'd look into.

No my parents collectively make around $60,000 a year. I realize I'll barely make $40,000 a year and that I'm going into a thankless profession, but the feds will pay for the remaining loans if I practice for 10 years. I used to feed homeless around my area and I used to be a pretty shitty person so I'm not afraid of deviants. I really want to help people. I want to be right in the eyes of God and to elevate my social status. I'm a bit of a brainlet, but I have convictions. I can't live with disappointing my wife, my parents and all they have sacrificed, and myself.I appreciate the scope, but failure simply isn't an option.

Fucking why not? Military fag here as well, it's all we do all day

Honestly I thought "graphic communications" was the same as "graphic design". Turns out the two are only tangentially related, but I fell in love with the major because I just love making shit.
Graphic comm equipped me with detailed knowledge of all the software, hardware, and business practices involved in all the different varieties of the print industry (packaging, large format displays, publications, mailers, variable data, etc. Even things like printed electronics). From there I did a few internships, one in the creative division of a food packaging company, and one doing project management for a point of purchase and signage printer. Its a lot of very niche knowledge, lots of laboratory time, but a very easy major on a cerebral level.
I love my work, I do a lot of project and workflow management, and I get tasked with a lot of r&d type work to solve problems on our little digital press we use for small orders of promotional goods. I'm also getting into the management side, overseeing kit packing and production work, and helping run numbers on profitability and such.

Diesel mechanic working on buses, not at all.

Also to answer your question, only if you let it