Militant vegan stories? I'll start
>Be me, 7/10 in college (ten years ago now) decide to skip the dorm and answer a “looking for roommate” ad for a house near campus.
>Roommate is an 8/10 fairly fit chick named Carrie. She’s ok with me renting the room >(score) she mentions that she’s vegan I say I’m not, she says “Oh I’ll win you over”
>fat chance, My main source of protein is chicken.
no you wont
>things start off ok, she asks that I don’t cook bacon or smelly meats,
>I actually start cooking more vegetarian so that we can share meals falafel, lentils, beans, no tofu.
>One day I make Pea hummus, She runs to the bathroom gagging, I’m not sure what she thought it was, but apparently she can’t stand peas.
> I think that’s odd coming from a vegan, but I’m a carnivore and I can’t stand liver.
>not replying with "Wait till you try my beef"
You had one chance
>with my change in diet, she see’s weakness. Begins really cracking down on me, trying to get me to stop eating animal products.
> I sit through all kinds of hippie documentaries, she’s constantly ragging on me for my eggs and chicken.
>even starts a “sin jar” cooking meat is a sin. So Every time I do it I have to throw a buck in the jar.
>I start meal prepping, pay a dollar a week. So she ups it to thought crime,
>I’m not allowed to talk about any animals or their food products until I stop “sinning against nature”, or at least triggering her fragile psyche.
>It is a lot harder than you think. Call a fat person a pig? Word sin, throw in a buck, call a dollar a buck? Word sin, throw in a dollar.
>im a carnivore
no you're not you fucking retard
>well this whole time we’ve been lifting at the university gym, it’s almost worth all the bullshittery (word sin)
>she’s gotten even more hot and likes to torture me by walking around the house in a towel or in her underwear.
>I’ve made a few advances but she “wouldn’t be able to date a carny” My fantasies are insane.
>every evening we lift, take turns in the shower, and then eat and watch Netflix.
>I’m beginning to crack. It seems like it would be worth giving up my evil easy protein to be able to share the shower.
That's just how she refered to it. I know i'm an omnivore. but she refered to meat eaters as carnies.
>then we watch this docudrama horse shit (word sin) about vegan body builders and how amazing they are and all that tripe (word sin)
> I call bullshit (word sin) and challenge her to vegan vs carny lift-off.
>She chooses the lift and we see who can progress the fastest. She says no way, I call her chicken and throw a dollar in the jar.
>We eventually agree that whoever can add 20% to their max squat first gets to choose what we both eat for a month.
>She thinks I’m going to make her eat chicken, fuck no bitch (word sin) you’re getting peas in everything for a month.
>She chose squat because I’m a youngfag who hates leg day, and she’s a chick who’s been working on a tight round butt for years.
>be me vegetarian in college
>at friend's house
>he's vegan
>his vegan gf comes over
>ask if they want pizza
>they say yeah
>I buy a veggie lovers pizza
>they get one without cheese
Pussy, ironically the most efficient way to turn men into girls. See Caitlyn Jenner for more details
>I still have the advantage, because of test and meat, or so I think. She’s at 190 lbs and I’m at 280 lbs. (fuck off I know, My squat is 405 now) >so she’s got to hit 228 and I’ve got to hit 336. >We go at it. I start squatting every other day, and limping from class to class every day. >Epsom salt baths every night, start taking creatine and an extra 60g of whey protein every day.
>But she’s still keeping with me neck and neck. The only reason I hit my 10% benchmark was because she had earlier.
>It was one of those old lady panic strength type lifts.
>My squat stalls, I’m just not able to recover fast enough, I’m trying DL to boost my squat, she’s just marching toward her 228lb mark. >Then like a month after we start. I’m still stalling out at 310. And she says she just hit 225.
>I’m demoralized, beat. I get up early, take my cold shower, and give everything I have to hit 315. (actually burst a vessel in my eye and blew my lifting plug out)
>I’m ready to admit that the vegan lifter has beat me, ready to say goodbye to my meats and grow man-tits on soy for a month.
enjoy being bald faggot.
>I get home and walk in the door. it's only like 6:00 am. She thought I was still in my room asleep.
>And that’s when I see it. My protein powder jug is open on the counter,
>she’s standing there with her shaker bottle and a milk mustache (word sin).
>Carrie on my whey (word sin) there’ll be peas when you are done.
Eating at Subway. Lady comes in with a kid, this kid couldn't have been 5 years old. Orders two veggie sandwiches, turns around and announces to the whole store, very loudly, several times, "because we're vegetarians." Zero fucks are given by anyone in the store.
Maximum teehee
>be normal person
>move into apartment
>one of my 4 flatmates is vegan
>i cook chicken and good meat regularly
>i also cook non-animal-based foods because i am a normal human bean
>talk with him about good and tasty recipes
>live next to each other as friends
Horrifying, isn't it ?
Exhaled air through my nose and smiled
for fucks sake
don't you cry tonight
>I'll start
You done good op
you're actually a herbivore eating an omnivorous diet
Legit lulz
This. I'm vegan and I don't think it's ever even come up when I lived in dorms or shared flats. Normal people don't comment on each-other's food that much, and they certainly don't pick fights with people they live with.
I don't believe you.
Fucking hell lost so hard
not even mad
Bravo OP, turned a shitty cringefest greentext into a solid 10/10
Have a well deserved (you)
OP pls make her go to mcdonalds.
Thanks guys, can someone who knows how screen cap? Took me forever.
Thanks user i think you just saved me from suicide tonight
Militant vegan stories? I've got one:
>everyone who ever told anyone they identified as a vegan.
I mean who fucking CARES what you eat? The only reason people announce their vegan-ness is to try to sound morally superior. Fuck vegans. It's much smarter to make the best decision you can every meal, whether that means a can of beans, or eating the ass off a bison, raw.
Also, being hyper-selective about food used to be condemned as being fussy. Now it's worn like a tiara lol
this is usually when the bait gets harder and you're just posting for guaranteed replies
i dont get it
A vegan drinking milk.
This retarded fucking story. I thought you were retarded OP, turns out you're a fucking genius.
It's a song. Carry on my wayward son
All of that effort and you couldn't even make it fit better than "sin" and "son"
>can't digest cellulose
>humans only became seriously intelligent when we learned to cook our meat, developed agriculture second
just stop. you're not going to convince anyone to go vegan by running your mouth about things you don't understand or posting studies and hoping no one takes the time to actually read them. nor will you convince anyone by screeching at us about how we're awful carnist murderers because we kill animals for food. animal products are an essential part of the human diet and even if the entire world went vegan animals would still be slaughtered on a massive scale for the thousands of non-edible products derived from their skin, bones, meat, milk and fat.
this is a board for people who want to leave humanity behind, we need more protein and vitamin B and essential nutrients than your diet provides.
your charade was the event of the season, op.
absolute madman
and whey isn't vegan either you moron
you gonna shitpost, at least do it right
Would it kill you to read the op? It said militant vegans you illiterate fuck.
Why tho, I thought vegans could eat only plants. Why cant they eat whey?
>I don't think it's ever even come up when I lived in dorms or shared flats
I call bullshit or you never cook together. You're just going to let them cook food for you without telling them you're vegan?
Or they didn't question your dishes when there's never any meat or dairy in them?
I did laugh, but h*ck you.
Vegans choose not to eat (or use, or otherwise come in contact with) anything that's derived from animals. What's whey?
>Why tho, I thought vegans could eat only plants. Why cant they eat whey?
Disregarding that your definition of vegan is wrong (see above), if we take it to be correct, they wouldn't want to eat whey because it's not a plant.
You're not too bright huh kiddo
Whey comes from milk you mong
>we need more protein and vitamin B and essential nutrients than your diet provides.
Agree with everything you said but this last sentence is false.
Vitamin B (all of them really) are very easy to get with supplementation or nutritional yeast.
All essential nutrients are easily found in vegetables too.
Protein is piss poor easy to get too, they could buy either pea or hemp protein powder (both cheaper and whey and have nigh complete amino acid profiles, heard they taste like ass though) or eat seitan (no soy and similar macros to chicken breast) or fermented soy like natto or tempeh (more protein and far less phytoestrogens).
Humans aren't herbivores and I personally don't think sentience is very important, I think we value it because we are egotistical and project our own mortality on our pets and in some cases every living thing.
That being said a vegan diet can easily give you the nutrition and protein you need.
Im sorry, but we all got it all wrong. English isnt my mother language, so I make mistakes often. I confused ''whey'' with ''wheat''.
Sorry, my bad.
Quit splitting your gay ass story into multiple posts you fucktard. I'm not even going to bother trying to piece your shit together. Way to ruin the thread
Only a weak willed, agreeable beta faggot would ever agree to put their money in some arbitrary jar for breaking rules you never agreed to. Well, I guess you did agree to them, and that's precisely what makes you so gay. How could you let yourself be pushed around like that for nourishing your body how you please. All respect has been lost for you.
Nutritional yeast is healthy and tastes great, but does not contain bioavaliable b12 naturally (though some brands are foritfied with it).
I've never seen nutritional yeast without B12 fortified desu.
Not a vegan but I do use nutritional yeast in different dishes.
I was expecting walking dinosaurs. But not this. Never this.
This reminds me of pre '08 Veeky Forums. Now I'm sad.
desu I see more militant anti-vegans than vegans
God fucking dammit
>being this autistic
Militant anti-vegans are almost always skinny-fat retards who worship roiders as fitness experts.
Veeky Forums has the best memes
Don't know what I expected
Include me in the screencap
This pretty much. Not even vegan but you are suffering from cognitive dissonance if you don't think most people hate vegans because they worry that they don't have a good argument against them.
Personally, I just don't give a shit about animal suffering.
my god
you dishonor our clan sasuke.
shit wrong tab.
But did you fuck her?
put me in screencap (no homo)
No, you big dummy. She doesn't even exist. It's all an extremely long pun...the best kind of pun.
Where the fuck did you learn to greentext and why are you splitting it up into a million little posts
Jesus Fucking Christ. Fuck you man. Well done
Heh, now that makes it even funnier.
Jesus christ
Upper left corner of screencap pls
screencap pls.
>Personally, I just don't give a shit about animal suffering.
I don't really give a shit either, but I'm still vegan, because I recognize that it is wrong to cause suffering needlessly.
I shall be i the cap.
>girl tries to shame me into eating less meat
>"just shut the fuck up Kaylee, nobody fucking cares you fucking stuck up cunt, the only reason anybody puts up with you is that their standards are so low they think you're unshockable enough to put up with your shitty personality. just fuck off you fuck cunt"
veganism didn't come up again and she moved into a different dorm
You had me for the longest time, bravo.
>lifting plug.
Not so subtle bait there
this thread is one big shitpost
holy fucking shit you shitcunt I was so invested in this
can we get a screen cap? I don't have Photoshop.
>watching vegan documentaries
>putting money into a "sin" jarW
hy are there so many betas on Veeky Forums?