Why do dumbbell chest flyes get such a bad rap?
Why do dumbbell chest flyes get such a bad rap?
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They don't
The only one giving accessory workouts bad reps are fat "powerlifting" who can't stop sucking Rippetoe's dick
high risk of injury(compared to other chest exercises)
it is not that it doesn't build the muscle.
my rotator cuffs hurt just looking at that pic
You have shitty shoulder mobility
actually theyre hypermobile, and it sucks
Because a lot of idiots have injured themselves doing the exercise incorrectly.
this. they're a stupid exercise. there is ZERO benefit to doing it this way since it doesn't work your pec any more than something like a standing cable fly, but it DOES significantly increase the risk of tearing your pec.
they dont work the chest properly
because barbell flyes are superior
where did u get ur PHD brah? im really impressed
Why can I never feel them in my chest?
because they're a shitty chest exercise, einstein
Try using a cables with a low weight, focusing on the contraction of your chest
Do them on cables instead. Constant tension (even at the top), longer rom (can cross your arms at the top, which activates more pec) and it's safer.
Probably my favorite excersise, so satisfying when dumbbell gets over that point/angle it continues up easily
The strenght curve is retarded.
Cables makes it a bit better, but they still suck compared to machines. With machines you get good tension throughout the whole ROM. You dont even get close to that with cables or DBs
I prefer doing them with cables or in a machine. Doing them with dumbbells on a bench just presents so many wears to fuck it up, and I always feel like I can't do a good weight for my chest because I'm limited by what I'm willing to hang on my shoulders like that. With cables/machine it's a lot easier to just focus on the muscle contraction and actually get a good weight.
That's not how you use that, newfriend
because i fucked up once and relaxed my arms and got pretty bad acute tendinitis on my biceps for like 2 weeks.
now i just tell everyone not to do them
Because people use double the weight they should be using, awkwardly get the weight up with their elbows bent, and then let their arms drop with the weight in freefall without controlling the weight and they tear their pec. Use no more than 10% of your bench 1rm per db and do 5x10-15 slow reps with a stretch at the bottom to get a bit of a pump and fatigue your chest after you've already worked it with bigger movements.
because it's a stretch, not an exercise, and making it into an exercise can injure you.
yeah but at the same time any dumbbell that's
Because there's literally no reason to do them. You have to do them with bitch weights or else you'll fuck your shit up. Progression is almost non-existent. If you want a good stretch, do db bench press instead
I really like db flies. Give me a huge pump and make me very very sore. Never had any problems with it or thought they were really dangerous, just harder.
Guy in the red shorts is kissing the mirror, and the black shorts dude that's standing there is like, wtf am I looking at?
I do chest flyes standing with bands, feels pretty legit.
People go too heavy and fuck their chest. They perform it as some sort of a hybrid pressing exercise, when the exercise is suppose to be done with lighter weights and focusing on the stretch and squeeze. It's an amazing exercise that will add a bit of extra size to your chest, if done right.
DB flies are against gravity meaning when your hands are close together at the top you're barely working your chest at all and when you're at the bottom of the rep you have a shitton of resistance.
I think the entire idea of chest flies are a meme though if you're gonna do it you might as well do it right with cables for constant resistance throughout the entire rep.
cable crossover is a much better alternative
Is this my babies first gym?
Very easy to lower weights too far, causing injury. Next question
I get a way better squeeze in my chest with cable flys
It has very limited potential for progressive overload, and even if you tried your risk of injury would shoot up. There are so many better alternatives that it's only real use is for 5th graders having flexing competitions in the change room
What are better alternative to bench press? I keep getting shit form, either my arm gets all wobbly or i only feel it in on my shoulders
first off, learn how to bench press. while there are other ways, unless you have a disability that prevents you from doing it then you're better off having a variety of workouts to explore and use as needed because you won't be doing the same workout every week forever. i incorporate barbell bench, dumbell bench, inclines, weighted pushups, weighted dips, cable flies, etc depending on my specific needs at the moment. for example, the bench press is a good overall upper body mass builder, but if i feel like my chest is lagging, i might do dips instead for a little while, or use cable flies as accessory. i have several puncture wounds in my side so i've been incorporating unilateral dumbell press to help even it out. never become dogmatic and never drop something just because you can't get the hang of it at first. i could go into the mental cue's and other things to help you bench press properly but that's another post, for another thread
>they don't hit chest as well as other exercises
Well then why did the man with the greatest chest in history do them? Maybe there's a little more risk of injury than cables but that can be said of all exercises that can be replicated on a machine.
I don't think he ever went super heavy with them
Barbell fly masterrace reporting in
he's like a slightly older version of the black boy that burned something in the mircowave
Its really idiots that do them on a complete flat bench, without experience, and with sloppy form. 3 factors that will guarantee a boo boo followed by qq. Make that 4 if they a ego lifter and start doing the excercise with a heavier weight before conditioning their muscles with lighter weights followed by progressive overload.
You have shitty shoulder stability
Cable flyes are much better anyway. Not sure why you'd even waste you're time tbqh.
Lurk moar
fuck how can a chest like this be physically possible
I laughed out loud. Thankyou user.
I have been lifting about a year and do these lying on the floor at the end of my main chest exercises.
no wait- pec flies. pec flies from the floor.
Theyre retard if youre in a gym with proper weights, but if youre a home gym fag then I guess theyre handy.
it's easy when you're a manlet
Literally just do them on the machine. Adjustable ROM. Just watch your form.
I'd personally shoot for sets of up to 20
As for people who think it's hard to do any progression on them, do negatives. Press DB up, lower the weight for 2-4s, bring them back into the chest. If you're hitting them 1-2x/week, adding 1-2 reps overall adds up
Once something like this stops working, rotate it out, use a different movement or angle
I dare you to put flys as a major workout in your routine. Check back in a year if you can still use your arms.
No, but it's apparently still summer. Welcome new fag.
Who fucking cares what you look like
Fuck I want to be big :(