its ice coldening
Wow Genova says Piana deserved to die
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Is he retarded?
>A brain damaged drone saying someone died from brain damage
Its almost as if he is retarded
Oh wait
Genuinely laughing my ass off. Jesus Christ, what a fucking retard.
Lets be honest, many people would like to see piano man dead, only jason has the balls to openly say it cus hes not a COOKIE CUTTER
>many people would like to see piano man dead
Like fucking who?
Like me. He'd deserve it
bigmac truck
>he deserved to die because he never collabed with me
Jealousy is not your strong point you fucking faggot
The sithlord speaks the truth
wtf this guy's out of the autism scale.
Why is the bodybuilder community so fucking gay and full of drama? Jesus Christ you're worse than those Disney vloggers flooding youtube.
but wait
That's envy you retard. Envy is wanting what others have. Jealousy is wanting what already belongs to you (you're envious of your neighbor's wife, you're jealous over your own wife)
>jealousy is wanting what already belongs to you
Are you actually retarded?
so is the pannini man dead?
According to his gf Instagram hes alive and ok
flexing while saying piana deserved to die
it morally bankrupting, it's so piss
Why are pistachios so fucking smug? Like what the fuck do they know?
Are you retarded son, you sound like it. Look up jealousy in the dictionary you plus of shit.
>not taking the green pill
idk but that picture messed pistachios up for me, they really do look like they're mocking you right up until you pull their skull apart and eat them
>It's pitiful that he died from his death
No remorse, only piss.
The weak should fear the strong!
i know right what an IDIOT
I hope Rich Piana tries slap boxing him again. Piana is one good slap away from m'lord to leave humanity for good.
They are so high in protein and fiber, they can't help but look down on other nuts and seeds.
66 on dis nigga
He should order a 66 on Piana while he's in a coma. (or while he's dead)