So all my life I have been a skelly kid, but got into lifting about 6 months ago and have been making pretty good gains

So all my life I have been a skelly kid, but got into lifting about 6 months ago and have been making pretty good gains
>5'10" from skelly 140 to toned 150

Is it possible for me to become a fat powerlifter, and if so how long will it take? Not bait, I just want to be massive

if there's anything i envy on fat people are calves, forearms and quads

3500 calories is around 1 lbs. gaining weight (fat) is super easy. building muscle takes time if you're natty

10lbs in six months is good progress, what are your lifts like?

Also, sure, you can. You won't be a world class powerlifter, most likely, but you can get stronger than 99% of the common population by keeping at it.

to be a ipf tier /large lad/, all you need to do is eat. if you want to look like a lolfed SHW (like your pic) you need drugs

All my compound lifts are done in 2 sets of 5 and then if I can get above 5 on set 3 I add 5lbs for the next week. I kind of did pussy work in the gym learning how to do everything right from sept-february but listened to my body and wrote up a program for myself that seems to be working well. I only count the last 6 months as serious lifting...

Also I sprained my rotator cuff in early may so I took a break for a month from anything seriously engaging shoulders

>ipf lifters are natty

What kind of drugs? I think I'm to early in the game to be considering anything, but once I max out natty wayy down the line I'll be looking at other options

I mean other than test, I know nothing about lifting drugs I'm just addicted to peanut butter

never said that, but theyre on less. wierzbicki will get popped soon and when he does I'll be there for the lynching lad , dont you worry

test. dont worry about it now tho. you have years before you should start thinking about drugs

Because I hurt my shoulder I only do dumbbell presses

DB Press 60 3x5
Squat 200 3x5
Deadlift 225 3x5
OHP 110 3x10
15 chin-ups on days that aren't back day, then I do 30-45