Something kinda weird happend yesterday, I though I was starting to look better...

Something kinda weird happend yesterday, I though I was starting to look better, went from 60kgs last year to now 73kg and this was a major chance since im around 6'2"

Now I know im still meh but I though id atleast be able to send photos to normies without getting ridiculed by now, but I kid you not last night a girl I work with wanted a pic of me and i sent her this with the text "Passabble or gross"
and she replied with 0.3/ gross and a string of fuck off, go away's and blocked me.I wasent even comming onto her lol

I know im still not looking great but fuck me, its been almost a year and im up about 12kgs now, am I really still a discusting spoopy skeletal?

>wasnt even comming onto her
>sends a very near nude pic
user plz

Things that never happened: The thread

You're one creepy dude

Tbh I cropped the picture so it was just my band and above tho, how is that worse then being on the beach or at the pool?

Why do you say that, this happend.

why :/

You dont look bad, you should bulk and you need some legs

i was going to say your big old bulge probably sexually excited her and triggered the "dont perv on me" response.

maybe shes trying to quit porn and you made her relapse?

Did she ask for a lewd pic or just "a pic"? She probably just wanted to add you to a group portfolio thing for or something for work you nerd.

uhhhhh..... she opened the convo by asking me do I want ot have sex, and that she was drunk.

This is why that reaction confused me so much.

See above

She probably saw your chicken legs.

Neh, cropped, fair point tho

Why would you send a picture like this to someone you work with who has access to your boss and all the other people you work with?

Include me in screenshot

Because I remember last time you posted this same shit with a different picture, and the person who's picture it was noticed.

Post proof of conversation

Thanks for getting a half chub

>I wasent even comming onto her lol
You have a buldge, also nobby knees, no quads, fucking 0/10

Asking her 'passable or gross' made you look insecure. Girls get turned off by that shit.

Lesson learned.


Only legit reply here, must be this. But to block me zzzz

Stop sending pics to my little sister you pedo

don't ever talk to me or my girlfriends husbands children ever again

Judging by her reaction she didn't actually want that shirtless pic of you, turboautist

if this is true then you put her off by asking her if you were passable or gross. that comes off as insecure. always assume youre hot shit even if youre not, confidence is everything.

lose some fucking weight? lol

Always assume youre hot shit even if youre not

Like saying always beleive in an afterlife when one does not exsist.

lol we cant all be delusional

>falling for the 'ss is shit meme'
>not realising you look like a fucking caricature when you don't train your legs

ok then think of yourself as an ugly faggot and see how that goes.

You don't look bad, just skinny, but you have abs which chicks like

Did you send her anything other than the pic? Seems hard to believe that whole story happened.

>and you need some legs
everyone needs to be Ronnie Fucking Coleman to look good. Fucking dickhead, his legs are fine. I'm so fucking sick of this "he skipped leg day" or "he's got no legs though" shit. No girl would ever look at that body and be like, oh he's lean but you know his legs aren't fucking within 0.0001 proportion to the top of his body. Do us all a favour and never come here again. Stupid cuck

You like fine to me user. That girl must just not like you