So i'm looking pretty good, but i think i could look better

So i'm looking pretty good, but i think i could look better.

Mastic gum for my jawline bros? am looking to stay natty.

god damnit dude I know who you are dont post your face and name everywhere jesus christ people are gonna hurt you for real

>still has a double chin

We are number one



He never even broswed the chan to begin with. You guys made him go viral.


Peter this is your father. We disowned you for being a nazi and now I find you here on this fag forum. You need to apologize to your mother. She's crying for cripes sake!




Did you have to register your chin as a weapon?

You look like a video game character from a first person shooter


Is Moonman your father ?

my sides

David this is your father, stop pretending you have a family on this anime board and clean your room.

That isn't slightly funny. What the hell is wrong with you.

it is funny to me

First thing I though of. All my keks

Fuck you, this is a FUN ALLOWED zone

I don't get it

the chad Veeky Forums post

>none of the virgins in here realize abnormally long chins are exactly what women want






Who says we can't be both entertained and supportive?

Holy Shit.


So if we found chad then who is going to be the virgin ?

Is it even possible to do exercises for the jaw or am I getting memed

You can exercise your jaw muscles, but you can't change your overall jaw line

Include me in the screencap

Frank McGrath is just ridiculous.

What's the benefit then? I mean how does it change aestethically

it doesn't ,you will be able to stand a punch in the face tho

If you have dimples you can look like a chiseled god, your face is indented at rest. If you don't you can still look this way but it's less defined at rest.

Holy shit 8/8 would bunt saber tooth with

You will have these bumps at the side of your jaw, which might make your face look wider and your face looks more chiseled I guess.

>the virgin post


Super fun srs