*blocks your path*
>"going somewhere nerd?"
*blocks your path*
>"going somewhere nerd?"
Other urls found in this thread:
What do they weigh? 120?
>no matter how much I lift I will never be as alpha as Georgian judokas
Illias give me strength ;_;
*pushes through*
>outta my way Pablo fucking shits!
You wish nerd
Guy on mid is 5 ft 8-9
Both judokas here are 5 ft 10+ and -90kg (comp weight)
>*gets rekt*
>gets ZA WARUDO!
>y-y-yes i was go... going to go watch some r-rick and m-morty... and play fallout new vegas
Yeah in your moders pussy pendejo
come get some,midgets
>cant fight like a man
Lol pussy!
lol, they think they're actual men.
yes in the direction you just blocked
no disgusted face/10
what gear do professional judokas and wrestlers run?
>Place the palms of my hands on their foreheads and watch as the little guys desperately try to reach me enough to land a good hit.
Nah, just being tall around town.
That's my jam, being tall standing around.
Man all the wresting, juo, jits, kickboxing, boxing, mma, etc fags I know are super friendly. Some of them play dnd together after fights.
they would kick your frail lanklet ass and fuck your mom, you fucking nerd
man, PED testing is the biggest joke.
depends which country
>"I-I have nothing going on for me b-but atleast im a few cm taller...fucking m-manlets..."
I hear it tends to be mostly deca, HGH/IGF1, and/or insulin.
Except I do, keep coping.
Nice obvious androgen use and your 5'6" frame with muscle past your genetic potential. You look like clowns and I bet you lick icecream off eachothers balls on the daily. Now move both of your shitty BJJ black belts from walgreens before I pull out my CC and put 4 in each of you.
Judo is such a fucking joke, I've been doing kickboxing and wrestlin for 3 years and I would ruin both of these faggots in a fight.
But I'm a brown belt in BJJ. I can just lay flat and pull guard.
thats great but a judo olympian is a judo olympian
*blocks your path*
>only 6'2 can enter this gym
>not a joke
Kek. Is that why practically every top UFC fighter has a wrestling background?
I doubt someone who has been doing glorified cardio classes for 3 years could take on two Olympic fighters who have been training pretty much their entire lives.
user no need to get angry about this.
How do I unlock this mode?
Good bait
ayy lmao
>get lost manlets
Judo is aikido tier, someone who has been wrestling for 1 year could easily ruin those fags.
I'd pay to see Kyle dake or Jordan burrows vs some judo black belts
I'd pay to see a 60yo scabby iranian manlet wrestler against judo black belts, at least then they would have a chance
Who knew fit was this retarded
>zero successful judo practitioners in mma
>olympic gold medalist, ronda rousey, could barley compete with mma-athletes with full-time jobs
>gets btfo by kickboxer with zero takedown-defense
>meanwhile almost every UFC champion has a background in wrestling
Really makes you think
>Really makes you think
Does it though? Judo is just Jiu Jitsu with all the good parts removed.
Even Jon Jones has a wrestling background (but more importantly he's an absolute freak)
Chloe is as strung as the Hulk, can stop time for 2 seconds and can turn herself into a fridge whenever she wants. These guys don't stand a chance
>calls martial art a joke
>does wrestling
>t. watched bruce lee movies and goes to aikido practice on the weekends
mirin legs
you've been wrestling for 3 years and you're still fat?
wrestlers always dominate in ufc
please die
stfu, Miocic and Woodley are the only two current champions out of 8 divisions from a wrestling background.
I thought judo didnt compete in mms, and focused on its own tournaments? Only judo people who go to mma left judo
No for real you must be a shit wrestler lol
Post pic of your body
>trains in how to rub own body against other mens sweaty body
>m-muh judo is useless!!1!..
how can a wrestler be this chubby? All the wrestlers I knew at least had visible abs, lol, most were ripped as fuck.
What's your diet/cardio regime like?
cmon user, you can do better.
DJ - background in wrestling
Cody Garbrandt - not a wrestler, but #1 contender in the division is a wrestler
>Max Holloway- not a wrestler
>Khabib/Tony Ferguson- wrestlers (Conor is not the real champion)
>Woodley - wrestler
>Yoel/Whittaker- both background in wrestling (Bisping is a fake champ)
>Jon Jones - background in wrestling
>Stipe - Background in wrestling and boxing
Tonnes of wrestlers are a lot more fat than that guy, do you guys know nothing about wrestling? Daniel Cormier, Rulon Gardner, Thomas Johansson to name a few. You people seem to know nothing about the sport.
yeah and they all get beat by leaner fighters you fucking numbskull
lean = efficiency
fat/chub = lazy inefficient training
only exception is fedor and thats only because he fights euro bums
>Bisping is a fake champ
>Conor is not the real champion
Cormier has almost never been beaten by a leaner fighter except Jones, but he shouldn't even count because he's a fucking genetic monster and on roids as well as coke.
Looking small Chloe, skip torso day again?
>>Conor is not the real champion
So that's why they're doing an interim belt fight between Lee and Ferguson (two wrestlers)?
Also, remind that Conor has never defended a belt in the UFC
We're talking about MMA, not wrestling you dweebs.
>competes in the single most effective martial art to ever exist
>muh judo is useless
I'd pat on their heads and proceed with my business
There's only an interim title fight because Dana is desperate to make shekels while Conor is away. Conor would destroy both of those fucking cans, don't even pretend like you actually think that he wouldn't. The only real threat in the division is Khabib and maybe Gaethje. Diaz doesn't count.
no need to be salty
I like how you list anyone who incorporated wrestling along various other styles into their training as having a "background in wrestling".
I like how you know nothing about MMA. Also that's the gayest pic I've ever seen.
gayness is in the eyes of the beholder fatty
I bet I could take you down.
You the guy who's been wrestling for 3 years lol?
You started training as an old ass man, you can't mop anyone mister
You're not really the one to call other people fat...
Wtf what kind of fag says "I bet I could take you down" after seeing a pic of another half naked guy?
I do
No homo bro
>replying to the wrong guy
I'm 18, 6'3 and I weigh 230-235 pounds. I would mop the floor with you in a fight.
>neck theory strikes again
The two of you should find a room. What a gay fucking thread.
Prove you actually train anything instead of posting pictures of yourselves in underwear fucking faggots.
Belo Horizonte Open semi finals, blue belt. I'm in blue gi yes I lost, but what have you got to show apart from your vapid homosexuality?
>calling other people gay
youre literally a fat fuck who makes being dumb obvious from a single sentence.
Breh I'd mop the floor with you in a fight too.
Sadly I've run out of pictures to post.
aren't we all going somewhere
>ctrl f (You)
>24 hits
Feels good man
Probably walk the other way.
If you're above the age of 21 getting into fights is pretty pathetic.
>Being this naive
To your credit a lot of judo schools are filled with big dudes who are stiff and slow.
I know of wrestlers who went to a dojo with national players, it didn't end well.
Unless you compete nationally and have for some time (6 years) then you are probably shit.
>anecdotal evidence
Woosh, totally BTFO'd me there senpai, Judo is truly an effective martial art
You have the "I failed 7th grade two times" aesthetics
you'll never be as poor as georgian judokas either
not being from a 3rd world shithole has its advantages
when you subtract debt they're richer than many so-called first world countries lel
>thinks Gold medal Olympians are poor
theyre probably not rich, but Im sure they make more money than most of Veeky Forums
Ilias is actually sponsored by Adidas Im pretty sure so Im sure he makes some money
>t. basement dwelling nerd who reads self improvement 4-hour work week scam books while jerking off to futanari on his fat man tits and trades dogecoins all day
Go outside and take a class mongrel.
Jon Jones to Daniel Cormier the first time they met. That's what started the rivalry.
Anavar since it clears your system in like 8 days. Insulin is hard to detect too. But soviet block countries can just blast whatever between major tournaments because it's so hard to track them down in their shithole mountain villages. For example all the international russian wrestlers all come from dagestan nowadays because it takes like a week and three donkey cart rides to get out there and by that time they get tipped off WADA is on the way and can cycle off/secure clean piss from their twelve year old brother.
That is fighting like a man, rather than an ape.
just run away. They won't risk their gains with cardio