fellow employee hasn't been to the gym in almost a year

> fellow employee hasn't been to the gym in almost a year

> started going back a few months ago

> is suddenly making huge gains despite falling off the horse so hard

> face and upper back are broken out and he looks like a fucking teenager, had clear skin before he started going back to the gym

I'm still a newfag at all of this, but, he's on gear right?

None of your fucking business loser.

Oh yes he's definitely juicing.

>normie thinks he can judge if someone's on roids
You don't have nowhere near enough knowledge or experience to tell. A normie saying someone made huge gains, might just be a dude who got lucky and made some good noob gains.

Also, after I first started working out when I was already 22 y/o I had the worst acne break outs I've had since high school. Increase hormone production as a response to resistance training is a thing.

Slap him on the ass in the break room and say "Looking thick, tight, joocy. Where do you get your gear bro?"
You'll get an answer guaranteed.

>hasn't been to the gym in almost a year
Well it's easier for people to regain lost muscle than it would be to just gain it

>fellow business employee
>reddit spacing
> spaces after meme arrows

What the fuck is reddit spacing?

Why do you care so much about what people put in their bodies faggot?

are you jealous because he's making better progress than you?

>Join new company
>Steve from finances does some kinda 6 day brosplit
>find this program called SS in a Mongolian weaving board
>do it for 6 months
>do PPL for other 6months
>Finally see Steve, guy keeps telling me to hook him up
have I made it fit?

Or he's getting noob gains and isn't showering after the gym and the sweat is making him break out.

Why not just ask him if you can train with him sometime/get any tips instead of automatically assuming and being a snowflake about it?

>everyone who makes better gains than me are juicing


You fucking retard.

It's a very common thing where after typing something out, instead of a single line break, they use two.

It's pretty obvious because it's an extremely common and widespread thing on reddit, as you'll usually get le downboated if you don't do it.

Thus, making it second nature to ledditors to write like this. I've even seen a few /s replies too. Another thing ledditors do is calling it posts or even calling other boards "subreddits"

>bench 2 pl8 in highschool
>stop working out for 10 years and lay in bed all day being depressed
>start working out again and on the way to bench 2 pl8 by end of year

Pressing return twice between new lines.

Redditor here, I'm ready for the downvotes /s

The reason why double line break is used, is because it doesn't register a single line break. If you use only one, it gets displayed as a space. When you use two, it actually starts a new paragraph.

to be fair, you can get pretty big in a few months with intense training, harsh diet and probably a bunch of other supplements.

Probably, although yes, from what I understand, more people are on steroids than we actually think.

Maybe he is,maybe he isnt;

I'll tell You one thing - focus on your own progress,because comparing yourself to others all the time,will give you nothing mate.

I have never in my fucking LIFE been to reddit, but I write like that sometimes just because I think it makes reading easier. Should I stop now that I know I accidently did a reddit thing?

The sudden acne is suspicious, especially if he's not usually prone to it/clear skin.

However muscle memory is a real thing and you can recover muscle mass pretty fast if you were jacked before but for whatever reason stopped lifting.

Its a thing they teach you in school. In like 2nd grade you fucking literal retard

>your face when you realize that 4channers are so retarded they think paragraphs are a reddit thing

do you think we can tell if someone is using gear based on your greentext?

do you think we can tell if you are a fag based on your post?

Feed these lies elsewhere

a single sentence does not a paragraph make, fucko. just say you space it out for readability instead of following the formatting schema of reddit

I can say with certainty that he may or may not be juicing.

Both juicing and just regular exercise can have significant effects on a mans harmones, which can cause the development of acne until his testosterone levels stabilize.

Furthermore as he was previously an avid gym-goer by your testament, his quick muscle growth could be what people here refer to as muscle-memory.

It's possible he's juicing, but it's also possible that he isn't. Maybe you should ask him, and if he likes you he might tell you the truth.