This is a compression thread for Tinder, Kegals (rolling), social/dating questions and stories, and PE..
Sexual Fitness General
Dry Orgasm
The best way I'm finding a DO is going light at an 8-9/10, squeezing large muscle groups (this pulls blood to those areas), and maybe lightly contracting/pumping the PC muscles. It seems that a main property of the orgasm is getting blood away from the genitals, keeping oxygen flowing. This is why breathing is so helpful for lasting power.
Things to watch out for are..
>trying to hit a 9.9/10 and super-squeezing
Unless you have practice and really good (30s) Kegal strength..
This is probably the biggest beginner tactic I've noticed, but it's rooted in overall masturbation technique; so if you're already breathing in pace with your strokes/thrusts, reverse flexing your obliques and pelvic floor, and keeping it under ~1k strokes/min. (slight sarcasm), this point might seem under control / clear.
The best advice I've read after Kegal strength / endurance and breathing / flexing is setting a goal for 20m and just getting past 5m. I really like prioritizing the upward stroke, for a pump, sort of like jelqing.
Erection quality supplements are welcome. I'm finding garlic w/ vitamin C really helpful.
When's the last time you had sex, lads?
> had sex
good one bruv
18yo Virgin here
Gonna fug gf in a week.
What do?
Should i nofap?
Should i noporn?
I'd say no porn, try getting hard using just your imagination/ memory.
And just imagine what your going to do once you're there.
Foreplay is important for both, you may be used to getting hard in 2 seconds with a porn video or just a thought but once you're there you might get nervous or performance anxiety or whatever that will leave you soft.
you won't come as quick as you think if you focus on getting her off. You'll last longer and she'll have a better time so its a win win.
Have no expectations but to enjoy it. it's OK if you're far from perfect. You might be afraid to fuck it up, but nothing could fuck you up more than trying to be perfect.
Also, no porn.
Might fuck a girl on her period today. Any tips?
do it in the shower
I'm horny bro
and don't tell me to just jack off because fuck that
Cardio, hard.
Just don't go down on her. If it is in your bed put some sheets down that you don't care about.
Make sure to gargle the period blood after you go down. It's good protein.
Don't do nofap. You'll fucking blow your entire load immediately.
>tfw sex isn't so great anymore
should I finaly get a GF and stop banging hoes I have no attachment
Here my dilemma lads: im 18 and i a birgin, i have kissed one girl in my entire life and its not because im unattractive im just beyond nervous. i have gotten chances with mutliple girls but i just end up having an internal panic, it doesnt help that im not entirely sure what the hell im supposed to say or what to do.
so in short how do i stop being so pathetic?
I was actually in a very similar position as a teenager.
I read the Kama Sutra, the Yin Yang Butterfly, and a book called "Intended for Pleasure". I basically educated myself on sex, sexual positions, foreplay, and all the things that happen inside both my and my partner's body. By the time I went all the way things were a lot more natural because I'd satisfied my autistic need to know what's going to happen in advance.
Prostitute will solve your problems, trust me.
this. It's prob different for most people but I swear my confidence like doubled after losing my virginity. I didn't get a hooker though. Just drop a few hundred and go to a bunny ranch or something. theres milfs that specialize in first times I hear.
make sure She goes down on you first. helps with stamina. Also I find that if a girl rides me first I can go forever afterwords since theres not much pressure on your performance in that position you dont get anxious.
i'll look into this, i think if i know more it will certainly help
i dont really want to lose my virginity to a hooker, but i'll consider it if it will help