I'm going to college tomorrow (UTA in Texas). What is it like? Any tips? (Ik it's not fitness related, but Veeky Forums is my home board and you guys are the least retarded people on this site.) to keep this fitness related, how do I go about joining the college gym? Thanks guys. Pic related, me.
>how do I go about joining the college gym?
you take your student ID, and walk in.
often a gym pass is included in your tuition
Try to make as many friends as possible in ur dorm m8
Hyde park gym will be the closest "real" gym to campus.
Top zozz the big guys at your uni gym are gonna have a field day with you OP. God I remember bullying the freshman DYELS that came to the boneyard when I was an upperclassman good times. Nothing like watching a twinks legs shake when you tell him your gonna force feed him some lifting chalk for squatting bitch weight in your squat rack.
Arlington is kind of shitty.
they're the spanish speaking, tejano listening, cowboy hat wearing type too
Join a fraternity. Seriously. Find a group of guys you like hanging out with, and rush them. Pledging isn't easy but I'm sure as hell a lot more accountable and goal oriented now than I was as a freshman.
sounds lit desu senpai
Mfw I'm a far right, all Mexicans should get deported regardless of citizen status-tier, trump supporter. I'll call ice on anyone that wants to play that game
This is really valid advice.
>Be me
>Inc sophomore at UMich
>Nerdy Lifter
>Didn't join a frst, got two bids
Biggest regret was not joining a frat. They are not the dumb bro jocks that are normally portrayed, normally, they're really cool guys that are just as desperate to find friends as you are.
UTA in Arlington? I go there, my friends and I go to the gym every morning. You staying on campus or commuting?
See how it turns out when you call ICE on legal citizens.
>frat larping
>What is it like?
like highschool but with more alcohol
>keep this fitness related, how do I go about joining the college gym?
you walk in. wave your school id, tip the receptionist and go do your workout.
>be me
>incoming sophomore
>want to join a frat
>got 2.5 gpa last year so I need to do basically perfect this year
>pretty sure joining a frat will prevent me from doing that
Hey I'm transferring to UMich this fall. Moving into an apartment in AA in 7 days.
Any tips/advice? Not worried about making friends I already have a lot there
Current student at Umich as well!
1. If you want to go to a few games but aren't interested in football enough to buy season passes, don't worry because you'll have a lot of opportunities to get random tickets for free. People give them away all the time in order to rack up points and get better seats.
2. Printing money runs out faster than you'd think, engineering friends come in handy.
3. Ratemyprofessor is surprisingly accurate.
4. Make sure you like the culture of a club before you commit to paying dues. This might be my most helpful piece of advice.
5. Sleep more than you study and study more than you party.
6. Participate in as many extracurriculars as you can without hurting your grades.
You're either fapping or getting 0 calcium because some bones look really out of shape. Watch your diet
Are you me?
I think you call the police on legal citizens
>how do I go about joining the college gym?
You've got one shot and one shot only to put out a message to everyone who pulls the strings in that gym. I would seriously recommend a solid chest - swastika tattoo (ala American History X), and you walk into the gym without saying a word, take your shirt off and display that swastika proudly while you walk over to the nearest squat rack and bust out a set of OHP's like you own the fucking place. They'll bite. Trust me.
On campus. @ Brazos house
I moved in a week ago. I'm a freshman at Bama. I walked around the rec center like a nervous autist for 30 minutes before I found the weight room. All you need to do here is show your ID, the gym comes free with tuition.
Best advice
I'm a rising junior. I can tell you my biggest regret is not going out, partying, and drinking my freshman year and not being more social in general. I was trying to be straight edge but after my sophomore year and this summer, I realized I was a retard. I didn't meet many people that way but college has been a bit more enjoyable, social-wise since. As long as you don't drink too much per night you go out, your gains and grades will be fine. Just live a little and have fun some fun but not too much fun, user. Good luck.
Bama represent. Do you go to the rec or the witt?
>unironically going through the UT system
Rice, SMU, TCU, Trinity, and St. Edward's are better than any of our state colleges. Why aren't you going to one of our private unis?
Poor fag who can't afford going to a private uni
>2.5 gpa
bruh, do you try to succeed in school, or just use Veeky Forums?
Does anyone on this board actually lift?
It's like highschool but worse, and full of Asians and brown people
no, but I can run 2.4km in 7:50