Everyone always says you need to "pull your scapula down" for pullups

>Everyone always says you need to "pull your scapula down" for pullups
>Still don't understand how to do it despite watching every video on it

Please explain!!!

depress your shoulders u troglodyte

thats the feeling youre looking for

I know but Im not able to do it. Is there any good practice for this please. How do I do it!!!

>Everyone always says you need to "pull your scapula down" for pullups
Bleh blehbleh

Bump pls

Pretend you're arching your back for a bench press.

Just keep that position

Squeeze your traps up, then pull them back, then pull them down.

It'll look like your rolling your shoulders back then pushing it your chest

How does that change anything tho

I understand this but how can you do it when hanging from bar?

Changes the rotation of your shoulder into a more advantageous and less dangerous rom

Can you find example of how this looks

Focus on it. It's not easy at first, but it gets easier


grab a cable machine and practice on some light weight, let your scap and arms stretch out then pull them back in and squeeze

Changes can be seen in the muscles involved. You will be pulling mainly with your lats and not your biceps. Another change can be observed in the matter of months. You will notice that you still have functional shoulders and haven't totally annihilate dem rotators.

do you keep your scapula down the whole time?

Just imagine trying to touch your shoulder blades together. Thats what does it for me

Hang from the bar, without bending your elbows, pull your body up as much as you can. This sensation is the scapula depressing into your back creating the desired stability for many lifts.

This movement is actually pretty goat for shoulder health (rotator cuff health) and warm up anyway, so do it.

I mean mechanically... is there diagrams for this shit?

That's what it looks like.
If you can't hold that throughout a pull up, find the assisted pull up machine do you can start smashing that there upper back.
Or, hold that form as you do pull downs.
Or do both.

Should be doing that when you bench, too.

You'll know you're pulling your scapula down properly if you can keep your arms straight and tilt your chest up with just your lats. Think of a straight arm lat pulldown,

You probably look like the guy on the left. If you can look like the guy on the right without too much effort, you're very likely pulling your scapula down correctly

Not OP here, my shoulder suddenly hurt

I've literally never done that and everytime I try I cant seem to do it

I even watched a jacked girl on YouTube show it just now but I can't seem to grasp it

It's possible you're simply weak. Post back or video of you attempting

My pendlay row is pretty good though, almost intermediate

Fucking pullups I swear

shoulders down and back