Are dips just a 100% ticket to snap city?

Are dips just a 100% ticket to snap city?

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more like gainesville

Of course not you fucking dyel, if your joints aren't strong too ywnmi.

Feels like too much pressure is on my collarbone when I jump off

the first time i did them my shoulders hurt like never before but they felt fine every time after. they hit my tricep hard tho, even chest dips, so hard my elbow hurts after. i don't flare my elbows at all. not doing them for now.

Bear it, cry bitch tears if you have to and bear it

It's not that bad and doesn't hurt when I dip. It's just when I come off it feels like I'm releasing a load of pressure that was on my collarbone.

I don't want costochondritis or something

Anyone got any good form vids?

if youre a bitch with terrible genetics and or mobility yes

I did weighted dips with 60kg for reps yesterday at 90kg bw while slightly going below parallel. Im completely fine

if you get shoulder pain that either means youre very inflexible(very likely) and or are going to deep. If you get sternum pain you might fix that by altering your form.

CGBP or dips for juicy triceps?

whatever you like more and/or is more readily available

stop thinking in terms of what is better, both are solid exercises


No, they are god tier lift

If you have shoulder pain you need to work on your shoulder mobility. This is the same reason people have problems with behind the neck pesses, poor shoulder mobility.
If you have sternum pain you're probably leaning to far forward.

What're some good replacements for traditional dip-bars for a really tiny apartment dweller?

none you nong, hit a gym

But I don't want to shell out a bunch of money for a gym membership. It's expensive, and there are people. I hate people. I want to get swole in my dark misanthrope cave, like a normal, respectable human being.

Off the top of my head, do some chair dips. Or buy a walker

Then get a new routine nerd

put a bunch of books on two chairs with square backs (to weigh them down) and use the top bar of the chair backs as each dip bar

>slightly going below parallel
>going too deep
Fucking retard, you're supposed to incorporate the full rom of the dip. No wonder you did 60kg dips, take off the weight and do proper dips. You're like these faggots that half squat 3 plates and say they have a 315 squat. Take that shit all the way down.

>I want to get swole in my dark misanthrope cave, like a normal, respectable human being.
Literally the best part about having a pump is taking it around for a walk while in the gym.

I hope people know this is trolling and don't take your advice. You could cause people to hurt themselves. Nobody should go much below parallel.

Those sound like equally unstable options. Maybe I'll just find some bars I can bolt into the concrete sections of my walls. Maybe one's that can swing down for storage and then lock into place with a heavy steel lug or something.

dips are not squats you faggot, never give advice on this board again

as long as you're not retarded it's perfectly stable, i did them when i was 260lbs

bar between 2 bookshelves with gymnastics rings hanging from the bar. Hope you can do ring dips pleb.

Get gymnastic rings and go to a park.

I already have a pull-up bar bolted across one of my doorways, so that'll work, I suppose. Thanks. I guess I'll just have to work towards getting enough strength to do those with good, consistent form.

I used to do them but I hurt my pec/cuff area twice (separate from dips) and so I stopped doing them but otherwise when I did do dips I think they gave me some meaty triceps

>bar between 2 bookshelves
you think bookshelves can even support bodyweight?

If you're a skelly you'll probably feel it most in your sternum when you do it correctly. It shouldn't hurt, should be a pressure like you described. It'll go away with time.

two surfaces which can support you and are at the same level

start out with a resistance band between the rings. keeps them from swaying out to the side. get rings and do all kinds of shit with em.

Acromio Clavicular Separation ruined dips and wide grip pull-ups for me. They hurt too much now. Wat do?

The more pronated your shoulders are, the worse dips hurt. Same thing with bench.

Get your shoulders back by doing rows and pullups, then you will be able to dip without joint pain.

Until then, just do pushups and practice squeezing your shoulderblades together at the top of dips.


I was a bit worried about that--I imagine it'd be pretty bad to suddenly have to rings slide sideways along the bar. Would it be best to get something of a static length, like a strong cloth band, or something elastic, like those bands they give you for stretching and PT?

not so bad for me with proper form, however any kind of shoulder raises ALLL ABOARD first stop Crack, Snapple&Pop City with our final destination to Snap City.

I changed dips for weighted diamond pushups and my triceps have been growing and getting alot stronger also scientifically diamond pushups hit triceps better then dips and save your shoulders

This user is actually right, dips are a bodyweight exercise, should be done all the way down and shouldn't be done weighted.

dip stands don't take up much room

>$160 for welding together a couple of pieces of steel



i mean, if you can weld your own then do that. or buy a cheaper one since elitefts is pretty overpriced

I like to do body weight dips as a finisher after my main triceps work is done. I don't bother with weighted dips though.

the dip station in my gym is in the corner where there's no mirror and I always feel like I put my arms unevenly and get paranoid that I'll snap my shit up

you're fucking stupid
>if an exercise legitimately hurts you then you should just fight through it

Rows and pullups save your shoulders and your posture and give you good gains. You can never row and pull up enough.

>dips are a bodyweight exercise
Don't do that.

Sternum pain can also be a result of shrugging your shoulders forward, directing the weight to the middle of your chest.

Remeber to thrust your chest out like you do when benching.

Never go below parallel

Anyone get chest pain after dips? I have a protruding sternum.

Craigslist is the way to go. I got a great dip station for $120.

yeah, I always get that too so I just stopped doing them after a while

>I have a protruding sternum.
Sick breh, keep it up

Enjoy your antibiotic resistant gonorrhea

Where do you lads fit dips into your routines? Most programs I see (PHUL, various PPL templates etc) don't include them even though everyone says they're the best chest exercise

For me personally absolutely yes, the worst thing in the world, if I never did them I'd be so ripped instead of pausing for years

yes since most people are doing them wrong

Where do you include push-ups and dips into your lifting schedule?

I have no idea how people can have uncomfortable pressures when doing dips and can only assume they're spooky skellingtons or complete fucking mongoloids with awful form.

I do them as my next excersize after bench.

Bretty good excersize imo, no pain and been doing them for years.

I do Bench -> OHP -> Dips

L-sits with your hands on the floor

for anyone taking this post seriously, I can go pretty deep nearly touching the bar

but doing it weighted, going that deep will cause pain. You\ll never see anyone who can dip that weight or more go that deep


>Fucking retard, you're supposed to incorporate the full rom of the dip.
full rom = full chest activation and full triceps activation, if your arms are a little below parallel you're fully activating your chest and triceps, anything beyond that is a waste of energy and is putting too much extra stress on your shoulders


I have a homegym and no option to do dips besides rings, but I watn to be able to do normal ones. Would it be a bad idea to simplay buy two of >pic related and put them in my power rack?

#1 reason people get injured on dips is swinging. don't do that and always keep your shoulders down and back and just go up and down. when you go up from the bottom look up, it will help you stay more vertical.

if you use belt with weight hold it in place with your legs so it doesn't swing and destroy your shoulders. people also start adding weight too soon and too fast. dips are relatively easy to do but you need to allow your other stabilizing muscles to grow stronger.

start with BW dips and work up to 20 reps. once you can do 20 reps at once, work up to 3 sets of 20. start adding weight after you can do 3x20 and don't add too much. 2.5 or 5 lbs should be plenty. you can always do more reps.

when the weight is heavy never go to failure and prioritize form above everything else even if that means only doing 1-3 reps per set.

Fuck that mess, overly priced metal bars not even aesthetic looking, just go down to home depot get yourself a few pieces of wood build yourself one with some screws and brackets for support

Gonna hurt like hell when you start going heavy. I guess you could wrap a small towel or something around though.

thought about some road bike bar tape.

Depends on the size of the bars and your hands, but I think you'd need something soft for the edges. You could put a small layer of foam under the tape though.

i get a weird pain/discomfort in my neck vein after dips. Like my neck veins are on fire and it sorts of moves above my right ear and turns into this really sharp pain.
It passes after few seconds but still, should I be worried?

I go all the way down and have never had an issue. I do them weighted too.