I'm a roider and this is unironically my stomach
I'm a roider and this is unironically my stomach
hehe this looks like my tummy
Is your stomach under the shag carpet?
hows life as a single 30 yr old
I'm 24
oh wow sorry
Why dont u cut
And shave ur chest+ belly hair u look diskusting
I don't need to. Roids will roast you anyways
Even worse
you guys really over estimate the standards of women.
How so?
Starting tren next week
9/10 would date you so I can cuddle with you
>all these faggots thinking body hair on a man is a bad thing.
Not everyone wants to be a twink like you boipussi loving queens
How do you get roids?
Gym receptionist hooked me up
Maybe because of that shit you're drinking?
Aren't roids supposed to make you muscular?
How would I even bring it up though?
Surely I can't just walk up to the Stacey receptionist and ask if she can hook me up with some roids?
Maybe he has a 6 pack under all that fat and hair
obviously on a chain gym it won't work, also talk to shady big guys, i literally talked to a dude on my gym for 15 minutes and we talked about steroids and he give me the number of the guy he buys his stuff from, i will also buy coke from him though
So roids increase your subcutaneous adipose tissue?