WTF guys
I started browsing Veeky Forums two years ago.
I worked out, dieted, made sacrifices, thinking hard work and achievements would bring me satisfaction.
I have never felt emptier than today. People tell me these muscles "look weird", that they just "don't suit me". pic related.
What the fuck guys? I don't like who I am today. Social interactions are much more complicated, guys get confrontational and girls just don't dig the guys who look obsessed with their physique (even though I'm not, I don't even get a chance to talk to them normally). A few sluts show interest but man, this is not what I signed for.
anyone else got that physique?
WTF guys
nah because i actually ate and gained proper muscles and disregarded muh abs meme
bulk, they'll look better proportioned if they're bigger
You look better than before.
nice hips, how many children do you have?
Newsflash. You forgot to build mass. See you in 2 years again
He cut down to the bare minimum. He may bulk at any time he wishes now.
yeah low bf% is trendy but I should probably get a bit thiccer
You may now use the bench. Its not for only powerlifters you know. Btw whats your cycle u gotta be roiding.
You haven't finished you just got leaner a few extra kg of muslces which will only hurt lankards with long necks.
fix your posture and bring it all together with a bigger chest/triceps/neck/traps. Throw your abs in the trash.
I don't have that big muscles, my body composition is not great but I just cut down very quickly while keeping mass with keto + fuckton cardio, that's my after picture
Why though ? What is the thought process ? "Hmm I dont have any muscles, bet I would look even better if i was even smaller and my upper torso was shaped like bag of potatoes"?
Kind of made me gag a little. All you did was lose some fat for two years.
needs more hair, less glasses and more smiling.
you look like some nerd photoshopped his face onto one of chad's pics
You're leaner but if you look at your arms, shoulders and chest they're pretty much the same size in both pictures.
Try again and this time actually lift. A haircut and contacts would also help.
>chads picture
You never gonna make it man.
Also get rid of that shitty tattoo
It's funny, because face on the left is way better than right. Also your tattoo is cringe as fuck and you should get rid of it as soon as possible.
Mens sane corpore sane: healthy mind, healthy body. If you weren't so fit you'd feel much worse. Now that you've made it, time to start unfucking your head.
Holy shit are you my Spanish teacher?
now that you burned most of your fat work on making more muscle. if you gain 10-15 lbs of muscle you will be a pussy magnet
my brother has the same problem
he is a landscaper and is unbelievable ripped, can lift me (230lbs) off of the ground easy, but he is twigman, so his muscles look odd. Not gross, but odd on such a small body
tldr; bulk. it's not that hard. you've come this far
>girls dont dig the guys who are obsessed with their physique
That's your problem, OP, you're obsessed with your physique. You're pretty lean right now and look good, but you can't be telling people that you spend x hours in the gym or stick to a regimented bullshit diet. Develop a personality. Fake it if you have to. Don't for the love of God talk to girls, or guys, about your ketogenic diet or your 5 hours of cardio. Just shrug it off with "oh I dont really like [bread/sugar/carbs] haha" and "Yeah I do a lot of running/cycling haha".
Chad is the one who gives the illusion of eating pizza and playing videogames but still having an amazing body. In reality he eats a slice of pizza or two once in a blue moon, and eats healthy food the rest of the time.
Normies are crabs in a bucket, they'd rather tear you down than face their insecurities.
Yep. I'm gay too, tell everyone.
>Where are the obliques?
Belly breathe.
>Mouth open
This was posted on Veeky Forums -- "try breathing through your eyelids". Tongue should be completely closed, arcing over the palate.
Lats 404
Traps 404
Neck 404
Mass 404
That body is unattractive
He looked better in the left
Do some quick, dirty bulk. Put on a little fat. You'll look better, right now you look like the toughest Jew in Auschwitz.
Also, think about getting a tight crop haircut and maybe contacts, if you can. Don't wear clothes that make you look like you're obsessed with yourself. Be casual and chill.
I don't know why guys would be confrontational with you if you have your shirt on, you're not really bulky enough to get that response while fully clothed.
Have you been "showing off" user?
Its mens sana in corpore sano you barbarian
yep the general bulking advice sounds good
not showing off, but some guys ask if I workout, and they are quick to show off and start the "I'm sure I'd kick your ass in a fight"
The thing is that I don't give fuck about these guys and I think it just makes them angry.
>right now you look like the toughest Jew in Auschwitz
Fucking kek. You're right though. OP needs more fat and more muscle.
If actually you, good job getting lean op.
Now bulk to around 15%, hit back and chest at least twice a week (PPL would treat you well) and you'll look good if you cut back down to 12.
>failling for the low bodyfat meme
Low bodyfat is the best bodyfat, its the most sexually appealing to the opposite gender.
Your friends are just intimidated, they now know you're above them and you should keep lean and go on a nice clean bulk to get some mass on those pecs
thick thighs solid post progress pics etc etc
>Tongue should be completely closed
Lol, fell into the skelly abs meme. Don't get me wrong, you definitely look like you lift, WITHOUT a shirt. Bulk up a bit, so you don't actually look like a fucking cancer patient with a shirt on.
Barely any muscle and barely any fat makes your muscles look weird cause they're underdeveloped
clearly you didnt lift even a bit of balls from within yourself
Ignore them, look at your jaw Gainz
You can work hard for years and then get to 2/3/4/5 and 10% with an aesthetic and impressive body. Sure, achieving goals and knowing you look better than most of other guys will boost up your confidence, however, it won't compensate for your lack of socials skills, your shitty carisma, your self hatred and repressed daddy issues, it won't make you less of a nerd beta autistic virgin alt-right internet weirdo.
And unfortunately, most of those skills and habits are learned during teenage years. If you were a beta virgin insecure autistic nerd lonely kid on highschool, chances are, you will be so for your entire life.
Also face frame and height. kys and hope for better parents next time.
dude you look fucking good you just need to gain some more muscles now to be perfect but keep low bf
>look good
no, he does not look good. he needs to bulk
Time to get fat then.
the old you look like a better person for sure. maybe try to be nice and smile?
looks like you forgot to eat.
you look like those high school ripped kids who only do pushups and crunches.
you should really work on your inside, man. be a better person inside.
You look bretty good user; just need more chest, traps, neck, and a bit of fat. Also lifting won't make you stop being an insufferable homo. Work on your personality gains.
>you have got to be roiding
Kys if you seriously think this dude is on roids
NO homo you were a decent looking guy on the left. You somehow managed to look worse by getting fit
>all the you look good comments
Are you guys just sparing his feelings do you honestly believe anyone can look good with no chest traps sub 16 inch arms no lats trips etc... he only has abs.
Hit upper chest,only lower chest makes you look like a 1000 push ups a day fag
>those hips
>that babby tier shoulder base
This is tragic
This desu.
OP, did you just do curls, crunches, and eat less? Seriously. Whack physique.
When they say the muscles don't suid you, they mean two things:
>bad frame
Your hips are wide and your shoulders are narrow. Try to build delts and lats.
You have the face of a greasy teenager who plays minecraft and the body of a professional swimmer. They don't match. Lose the glasses or get a more stylish pair, get a better hairstyle or shave it off, experiment with facial hair.
All makes sense now. You are a retard.
How do I /fridgemode/?
What routine have you done during these 2 years?