>be 31 year old kv >no friends, no social skills and never have anything to say to others >average job, but live with parents to save money >no hobbies, spend all my free time in front of a computer screen (except at the gym) >never do anything for my birthday (today). only people that remember are my parents. coworkers don't remember either, even though they've asked me when it is (and I remember theirs) >reflect on how lonely i am, and how my life feels wasted Veeky Forums, how do I make friends, how do i live a more interesting and happy life ;_;
pic somewhat related. tfw no gf
Justin Thompson
ky, hope for better reroll
Sebastian Rodriguez
Happy birthday user!
31 is NOT too late to turn it around.
Isaiah Cruz
1st step to making friends is to post on Veeky Forums 2nd step
Evan Martinez
Yes it is, don't lie to him.
Mason Stewart
move out, find hobbies, make friends and the rest will come
Jose Stewart
Go travel around for like 6 months or something to start with.
Isaiah Scott
Happy Birthday man. I feel your struggle man.
The key to making friends with strangers, is to laugh at all the normie shit they say. People love it when you instigate a laugh, and will want to be with you for that confidence boost you give.
But you are well aware that nothing funny will ever be said, you just have to practice laughing m8.
Jace Jackson
happy birthday and hey look on the bright side. you're now a level 30 mage. you dont need friends when you can create minions
Charles Davis
I live in London and to be completely honest, it's scary how many women are into this Blacked thing now. I see girls all the time wearing Blacked apparel like booty shorts, sport bras, hats etc, going to shops and bars dressed in barely underwear, talking to and flirting with black guys, groping and getting dryhumped in public. They just can't control their love for black cock. I haven't seen a white/white couple in so long, women just ignore them and say they want a black cock to satisfy them. It seems it be more and more common nowadays....
Jack White
Finally a real answer
Alexander Gray
Get a hobby. Try a martial arts gym like BJJ or something, you get to actually use your muscles for something. You should move out of your parents' house though.
Ian Smith
Not OP but >find hobbies Considering what my hobbies are, I don't even know how to do this
Matthew Stewart
fuck off. this user needs our help and u decided to shitpost
Benjamin Clark
what are your hobbies
David Flores
She is the definition of vanity. Sounds like sin. Count me out.
>way too much cosmetics, btw
Hunter Ross
Happy birthday, you can make it, we believe in you
Henry Miller
it's honestly not though, just gonna take enormous effort.
Easton Hughes
just try different shit, last summer i was going out spearfishing every week having a blast, i had mates already to do it with but i saw on forums people asking others if theyd want a partner to spear with. just gotta be open to ideas and say yyes to opportunities. i also started playing on a bball team 10months ago, never played before and having a blast with that to
Henry Sanders
Happy birthday user
There are tons of people whose lives only really started in their mid 20s and 30s. Don't be discouraged from trying.
As for not having anything to say to people, you don't need to. Just ask them questions, let them speak. People are always keen to talk about themselves. You can get very far in life by being a good listener. Hell, you might even develop a few social skills along the way.
Good luck.
Owen Cox
>no hobbies, spend all my free time in front of a computer screen
Well there you go.
Cameron Nguyen
Videogames, drawing and to a lesser extent manga/anime Don't make fun of me please
Connor Campbell
Does are not hobbies, they are habits you dweeb
Luis Watson
People start to many things at once. 99% fail in dieting because it's not just eating healthy. It's eating healthy, counting calories, doing more dishes, preparing food etc. and it all takes time.
Start something small and move on from there. You can start by doing some new stuff an hour a day. Are you into manga/videogames? Find people with similar interests and hang out with them.
Noah Jenkins
>an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation: Sounds like a hobby to me.
Anthony Morris
Forgot one thing. Happy birthday.
Nathan Lopez
>average job, but live with parents to save money game over already, move out asap if financially stable. THIS IS #1 priority. Every person who you talk with in the future will think of you as a beta except if you help your parents in terms of health. But even then you should move out but stay close enough.
>no hobbies, spend all my free time in front of a computer screen (except at the gym) go bouldering. With your gym backround I hope you did some diddies and pullups. Lots of new people. After a month of going regularly just nod to everyone you saw and evolve into talking in the future.
>reflect on how lonely i am, and how my life feels wasted This is the hard part. You cannot force people in being your friend. But talking to them will do. Give a complement to male (at the start) coworkers if they wear a good suit or w/e. I don't know your backround. You don't need to talk 24/7 with people to be recognized as their friend. I barely talk to my friends yet whenever I see/talk it is genuine and real.
>no social skills and never have anything to say to others if you pick up bouldering you have something to talk to others. Just mention how sore your back is from bouldering that you just started picking up -> conversation with coworkers.
>reflect on how lonely i am, and how my life feels wasted A lot of people have been there. Me included. Just look forward.
>never do anything for my birthday (today) Happy birthday user and genuinely good luck in your path of happiness. Some people will never experience it by depression. You can. GL
Christian Hernandez
Anything you enjoy spending your time doing is a hobby, you faggot.
Kevin Scott
>Don't make fun of me please no
throw out your games and animes. drawing is okay if it's not gay crap like cartoons or star wars
take dance classes to get friends learn how to fight to get mma friends read up on investing to get investing friends
then everyone will want to be your friend and you will get many gfs hopefully. easy
Sebastian Cox
thanks for the advice and birthday wishes Veeky Forums
>move out rent is very high here. i'd be spending 40% of my after-tax income on housing if I got my own place
>is to laugh i don't laugh a lot tbqh, i'm self-conscious about my voice and laugh but i have noticed that the popular guys at my workplace do laugh often and loudly
>As for not having anything to say to people, you don't need to from overhearing the coworkers I have, they all have something to say. a story of something funny that happened to them usually.. or even discussing their plans for the weekend, they have something going on, usually a get together with friends at a bar or cottage
i've been asked before if anything funny has happened to me recently, and i couldn't think of anything
thanks for the advice, i do want to pick up bouldering
Hunter Rivera
That's the thing, if those things were my hobby then I'd have a much easier time meeting people and making friends, but they're not and honestly I don't think I will ever like them (not sure what you mean by "investing" though) I don't want to throw things I enjoy out of the window just to meet people, who would be willing to do that?
Isaiah Diaz
Stop crying and first yourself. Everything you just said can be turned around.
Michael Bennett
>rent is very high here. where do you live? also im sure there are cheaper places around, also you dont need to live near your mum and dad and if you cant afford a place with your current job then you look for another job elsewhere and move
Noah Cox
She is average
Why does she act like she is hot?
I blame beta males
Xavier Williams
test+tren I am 31yo myslef, wasnt virgin but getting swole a year ago helped me with grills even managed to get qt latina 5'11'' volleyball player 22yo gf, mainly thanks to roids
Samuel Cook
Yea, basically you need normie 'hobbies' in order to interact with them. When you are so different than them, they look at you like you would be from another world, and unfortunately not in a good way.
Jaxson King
Quitate ya el nombre negro salame
Liam Long
Take some LSD mah friend and after set yourself some goals and fuck shit up.
Luke Sanchez
Happy birthday OP, I love you!
>that webm Imagine how great life is when you look like that...
Ryder James
she is thin, has a good body and nice lips
Wyatt Myers
>I don't think I will ever like them you aren't even willing to try. beta attitude. already limiting yourself to antisocial crap.
normies play vidya but they aren't "in" to it and aren't on forums arguing over console specs and shit.
anime is for weirdos but you can meet people into that shit so go to a meetup or convention and you'll meet people like this. if you're okay with that then okay that's where you start. but normies avoid people who collect figurines and stacks of mango in their apartment
Parker Carter
All fake.
Jason Gutierrez
start a vidya clan with discord. dont hint at how desperate you are or ever mention it.
Mason Gonzalez
>Happy birthday Friend
And to make friends, if you realy dont do anything on your free time, you can read. I sugest a good and classic book that sure will help you: "How to make friends and influence others" Dale Carnegie
Owen Walker
>you aren't even willing to try. beta attitude. already limiting yourself to antisocial crap. You wouldn't be willing to try anything I like based off a feeling you have about it so it goes both ways really
Levi Lee
Happy birthday breh! We are same age.
First things first - get laid by any means possible, and I mean any. Secondly - social skills are a matter of exercise no different to strength or stamina. If you're not using them they will atrophy - use them, by any means possible, and I mean any. Thirdly - start identifying things/people that give you enjoyment and things/people that make you sad. Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative. Four - if the usual things are no longer making you feel happy, it's time to do something totally new. It will probably be awkward af at first but the more you try new things the more you will laugh off the bad experiences and appreciate the good. Five - there is no endzone, you will never be content with where you're at for very long. The good news is that the more you introduce change the easier it becomes to embrace it.
Fuck something before you kill something, you deserve it.
Aiden Wood
Happy Birthday, user!!
Angel Evans
>My hobbies are watching TV and using my computer
Fuck off you sad enabling kunt.
Nicholas Myers
I think you may have replied to the wrong person because I never said either of those things
Nicholas Jenkins
This is what leftist cucks actually believe. Living in their imaginary world.
Lincoln Nelson
>spend all my free time in front of a computer screen (except at the gym) >live with my parents to save money recognize the action in your inaction. these are choices you make every day, you are so used to them they don't feel like choices. choose something else, see what happens
Carson Green
So? Just because it's fake doesn't mean it's not hotter than regular girls.
Wyatt Thompson
What a vapid whore
Adrian Phillips
>no hobbies
The sticky needs to be replaced with an epilepsy flash animation that says "GET A FUCKING HOBBY, DIPSHIT"
David Nguyen
Force yourself out of your comfort zone dude, you might be surprised that it isn't that bad. Happy birthday from another bdayer bud
Kayden Mitchell
Women now a days are disgusting.
Thomas Reyes
This. Throw yourself out of your comfort zone and into life, you will be awkward at first but you'll adapt quickly and before you know it you'll be a normie.
Joseph Flores
This is good advice, I got into rock climbing and mountain biking with my chaddier friends, opened my social circle. Your social capital will really increase when you can say something like "want to go mountain biking" or "want to go hiking" instead of something that suggests your a boring fuck
Also spear fishing is fun as fuck, I've only spearfished for lobsters but it's a blast
Hunter Perez
>Playboy's first non-nude issue
this is worse than you'd think
Jeremiah Wood
>London >Blacked
lmao you mean BROWNED London bitches are all hoping on Muhammad's and Pajeet's brown cock. And its not just in London. This shit is pretty much happening all over Europe.
White people are fucked lmao
Zachary Perez
go plow an escort user
Aiden Howard
So exact same situation as me but i'm 22. I don't hate it though
Luis Jackson
>be 31 year old kv you're fucked. you are so far behind, i don't think you can even come back
Andrew Bennett
Post in /r9k/
John Ramirez
delet this
Robert Harris
>You start to imagine her naked, constructing a fantasy in detail [...] and then you try to insert yourself into her presence and the fantasy crumbles to dust under the weight of it's own absurdity. I'm done
Colton Reed
Fuck you
Matthew Hill
Masturbation infuses semen into your veins and makes you a stronger person.
Studies shown the strength of someone masturbating 15 minutes later is almost superhuman and could lift up a truck.
Normally they can barely lift a sofa. You will get girls with this mate
Asher Myers
Holy fuck. I thought I knew those feelings at 19, but having escaped by 20 I realize now that it's orders of magnitude different as you get older. That user is a sad sad poet. Fucking hell.
Robert Williams
You sound like a pussy who doesn't take risks. You are going to die one day mate, might as well try to do what makes you feel good.
tldr: you're boring because you're not interesting, and you're not interesting because you don't take risks.
Wyatt Brooks
Jayden Roberts
Also, living with your parents is probably the biggest factor contributing to your betaness. I guarantee if you move out and do something you enjoy you will lose your betaness, regardless of age.
Your problem is you are too much of a pussy to get out of your comfort zone. Be true to you man.
Dylan Russell
Happy Birthday, my man. Late August birthday brosehave to stick together.
As for your situation... Check and see if you have any local intramural sports teams or activities on your city's subreddit. Yes, I know, "lel rebbit" but we're being solutions oriented here.
You're on Veeky Forums so you're likely at least part weeb. Try going to a convention or two in your area and see if you vibe with any people.
Between that and the sports team youre likely to find someone.
Also, bumble has a friend's feature. Try it out.
I know it all sounds lame, but give it a try. If none of that works, take some.tine off and travel a bit, and gain some perspective.
Lucas Morris
Eh, maybe he could if he tidied himself up. I bet he could bag someone.
Oliver Ward
Grow up faggot. Literally all I expect for my birthday is a text message from my immediate family
Eli Rodriguez
Find a hobby and just go all in Join a fight club or something if you really dont have friends than you can present yourself however you want as the new people you meet wont have a reference (its how I turned it around) just get a hobby and get out there
Owen Price
Happy Birthday, user.
Benjamin Stewart
It's your fault. Stop being a retard and go get the things you want.
Kevin Phillips
Right, but I wouldn't be missing out on basic human experiences so the onusnis on you to adapt or accept isolation. Or find another angle like watching sports or tv series.
Chase White
Jonathan Myers
Cooper Barnes
Grayson Evans
go fuck an escort, 2 hours with a girl like op vid will cost like 4-500 bucks
Nathan Stewart
>that webm do people actually watch this shit?
Nolan Baker
Will do!
John Smith
Like you wouldn't believe, chumps actually pay for it too
Andrew Cooper
Hey you're like me, except I don't have a job and I'm 23 :^)
Aiden Hill
yes, notice the playboy logo on the webm? people pay to look at non-nude pictures of girls like her
>tfw no qt3.14 gf with nice lips and eyes
Mason Murphy
I live in Ghana and to be completely honest, it's scary how many women are into this Bleached thing now. I see girls all the time wearing Bleached apparel like clothes, underwear, real haircuts etc, going to shops and bars dressed like normal Humans, talking to and flirting with white guys, having great conversations and getting treated normal in public. They just can't control their love for white intellect. I haven't seen a black/black couple in so long, women just ignore them and say they want a white husband to start a functional family. It seems it be more and more common nowadays....
Robert Ross
Every fucking time, as soon as I see "Bleached"
Ryan Kelly
It's pasta, user just rotates the cities.
>Did a version with Melbourne, Australia >Not ABO'D
Carter Rivera
>I don't want to throw things I enjoy out of the window just to meet people
The user you're replying to is being a retard but there's some truth there if you take a less extreme interpretation of it. You don't need to give up video games and anime. You just need to cut down on those and make room for another hobby which is more social
I mean if you picked up dancing as a hobby, you'd only be doing it a few hours every week (like the gym)